
1722 Words
Lucy's P.O.V I started living in Mirajane's house. Not bothering to stay with my siblings, so I woke her up in the middle of the night, the red puffy eyes, tear stained cheeks enough for her to take me in. "M-Mira." I sobbed as I flung myself at her "Lucy? what happened?" she asks as she pats my back "G-Gray, I...I marry a girl... blue hair and I just hate him so much and I.." I was just rambling on at this point. "Ok, ok shh." She soothed me as she stroked my hair and walked me in, I cried to the point I had no more tears left. Before I knew it I fell into a deep sleep, sleeping my worries away.The next morning I was making myself coffee in Mirajane's kitchen, with a slight migrane. "God, I feel like crap." I groaned rubbing my temple in circles as I turned seeing Mira holding up a picnic basket. "Lucy, we're going for a picnic today." she smiled as she waved the basket in her hands, I couldn't say 'no' to that smile of hers "Alright, shower first." I said as I took a sip of my coffee and made my way to the bathroom. Finishing up, we drove to one of her local parks, children....lots of children everywhere. I mean this is a park, this is where they come to duh. Mirajane chose a spot under a big Sakura tree and I set the cloth down whilst she grabbed more things from the car. Mirajane returns with a basket full of food. And I finished prepping up the cups and plates. Mirajane took out their lunch boxes. Opening it up my eyes widened at the sandwhiches and snacks she got out. "Mira!" I looked at her with sparkling eyes as I quickly grab for sandwiches. "Oh, I forgot the napkins." Mirajane stood up as she walked back towards the car and I happily chewed on my stunt sandwhich. "Well hello." A shadow stepped in front of me, blocking the sun and might I add that was just rude! I looked up seeing a muscular young man with orange eyes, his hair is slicked back, its numerous spiky strands pointing backwards, though some of it falls down on his forehead, a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his right eye he wore black ripped jeans and a white cotton t-shirt. "Isn't it a bit hot to be wearing jeans?" I asked eyeing him up and down, and I am unimpressed. "Hmm?" he tilts his head to the side. "You- ugh nevermind." I said as I continued to chomp on my sandwhich. "Hello, can I help you with something?" The man smirked as he looked up only to stare in awe, his cheeks tinted red as she came closer. I raised a brow, oh are you dazzeled by her beauty? I mean how could you not? "I was just passing by- I'm Laxus." He smiled with his hand out to her, I looked over to Mira who seemed to reach for the shake she too seemed to be entranced, "Umm, I..um...I'm-" she stuttered "Mirajane" I finished for her, "Yeah, what she said." The two seemed to have a moment and I felt like a third wheel, "Aha, um." I looked down at the sandwhich in my hands "I really be thirdwheeling tho." I whispered. "So Laxus? Would you like to join us for a picnic?" I asked looking at Mirajane who seemed to have forgotten what we came here for. "Uh sure, if it's alright with you both?" He questioned not even sparing me a glance, "We don't mind do we Mira?" I asked her and she was smiling at Laxus "Yup. We don't mind at all please, seat." I took out a plate for him Mirajane placed a sandwhich on his plate and I brought mine up instead she gave me the whole box. Welp, I've never seen her like this before. But this kinda hurts. We had lunch and talked, well I talked. These two sitting across from each other kept stealing glances, sending smiles, ignoring my existence...the usual. I felt a vibrate in my pocket, fishing out my phone Ilooked at the caller I.D "Natsu?" I questioned. "Sorry I have to take this call" I said getting up and walking away from the two who seemed to not even notice me. "Alright then." I said. Walkimg a safe distance away from the two I answered the phone "Hello?" "Lucy! Where the hell are you?" He yelled, I distanced myself away from the phone "Well hello to you too." I joked "Lucy! This isn't funny, do you know how worried I am? How worried everyone is!" He said. I clamped a hand to my mouth, not wanting to hear me cry, I cleared my throat "I'm fine, really I'm just with a friend." I let out a shaky breath. "Lucy, What happened between the two of you? Gray's been worried sick about you. He's been calling me non stop and.he was in a-" "Natsu!" I interrupted, my heart beating against my chest, tears streaming down my face "T-Tell everyone... that I'm alright. There's nothing to worry about. Between Gray and I....even though we knew that the relationship was going well, it was always us before anyone else.....and he- he broke that. He had the chance to explain but I was just.....to." I held the phone away from me, sobbing into my my sleeve. "I knew it was too good to be true." I choked. "Lucy." He called my name softly but I had to end to this "Goodbye Natsu." I said "Lucy wait-" I shut my phone and took out the sim card. Looking down at the sim card I clenched it and placed a kiss on my hand before throwing it at the lake. I dropped to my knees as I sobbed into my hand, my heart felt like it was being stomped on over and over again, I pushed my hands against my chest. I cried a good 5 minutes before finally wiping my tears away and fixing up my clothes. I was glad that I didn't mascara. Collecting myself I kept telling myself that everything was going to be ok. Alright time to head back, dont want to keep those two waiting. "I'm bac-" I stopped short seeing Mirajane ontop of Laxus "Danm Mira, I left you two alone for 5 minutes and you're all over each other." I teased. Mirajanes face flushed red and Laxus ears turned red, my goodness they're too adorable. "Nothing happened I fell." Mirajane quickly scrambled off him, standing up and fixing herself, her face still red "Yeah, I just sort of caught her." he stood up rubbing a hand behind his neck I stiffled a laugh "Right. Ok whatever you say." I smirked. "It's true!" They said in unision and I burst into a fit of giggles Mirajane couldnt help but cover her face. We finished up and packed up, I packed everything in the car and jumped in the drivers seat tyrning the engine on and waiting for the two lovers. Mirajane and Laxus stood in front of the car, the two laughed as they gave each other their phones, "Ooh, get it Mira." Lucy smiled for her friend. Mirajane walked towards the car, she seemed to be walking really slowly, she came to a halt as she turned back and gave him kiss on the cheek. I laughed seeing Laxus's face "Well, well, well......what was that?" I asked holding my giggles in "Just drive." she said covering her face in her hands. "Cute." I giggled and drove back to Mirajane's house. We both got ready for bed, I thanked Mirajane again for letting me stay at her place, her home was located at the border of Fiore it was a pretty long drive too. I slept peacefully that night and I was glad that I decided to take a brrak for my family. I woke up the morning and grumbled as light seeped through the curtains, "Lucy get up! I told you we have some shopping to do today." Mirajen shook my body awake "No! Go away!" I fanned her away as I rolled from one side to the other, I heard her groan in frustration as I felt my body being shaken again. A sickenly feeling rose up from my stomach and my eyes snapped open, I clamped a hand over my mouth and quickly ran for the bathroom. "Lucy?" I leaned over the toilet bowl and everything I had from yesterday came spewing out "Oh my god!" Mirajane came behind me as she gathered my hair away from my face and then started to rub my back "Lucy? Sweetie? Are you ok?" She asks "Mmnm." I shook my head as I threw up again. Mirajane helped me clean up and we went downstairs she served me some black tea as held my stomach, it churned and I really don't wanna be throwing up anything at the moment. "Did you eat something bad yesterday?" She asked I felt dizzy and tired but I shook my head slowly. What's wrong with me? I'm normally a morning person....sorta. Mirajne placed the hot cuppa in front of me and my hands wrapped around the warm cup "Drink up." She said as she sat down rubbing my back "You feeling abit ok?" She asked and I nodded as I brought the cup to my lips. "I think I'm just feeling very emotional and sick." I tucked a strand of my hair back Mirajane looked at me with her head tilted. "Oh, you must be getting your period soon." Mirajane pointed and I nodded "You're right, but I normally don't vomit...on my..." I stopped halfway, my eyes widened as I stood up quickly scrapping the chair back "What? What's wrong?" She asks. "No, no, no, no." I chanted running to her fridge that has a magnetic calender skimming my finger through the months, "No, I'm pretty sure-" I'm late. I'm 3 weeks late! How did I miss? How could I? "I'm late." I whispered, my finger shook and I felt like I was about to faint if it wasn't for Mirajane holding me up I would have. "You're late?" She asked as she looked down at my stomach "Oh Lucy." She whispered as she hugged me, I just nestled my head on her shoulders and felt a tear slid down my cheek. "I'm pregnant." I laughed sadly.
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