10 years later

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10 years later "Julie? Jules?" I called out as I made my way down the corridor, passing long glass windows as I went, "Sweetie?" I called out again, searching for my daughter, but just before I could turn the corner, I felt a small hand snake around my thigh and I jumped at the sudden action. "Found you mummy!" Her light giggles made me relax, I followed her into the room, watching the brown eyed girl in front of me jump up and down, her long ebony locks and baby blue sun dress following suit. "Mummy, is Lara coming over today? As it's my birthday, I want a sleep over!" The 10 year old exclaimed, spinning around in circles as she went,  "I don't know sweetie." I said, crossing my arms and thinking for a moment.  "Please? Mummy please?" She pleaded, batting her long lashes,  'my little bean is so cute' Inwardly, I giggled. The door bell rang and startled me   "Lucy, Julie? Are you guys home?" A voice called out, my little dark head quickly turned towards the front door, her eyes widening in realisation. "I wonder who that could-"  I was cut off as my daughter brushed past me bounding towards the front door, I followed. Julie threw open the door and squealed jumping "Aunty Mira!" And I watched as she jumped into the arms of her beautiful aunt   "Happy Birthday, my little Julie." Mirajane hugged the little bean, the two separated as Mirajane kneeled down and handed her a small red box, Julie clapped her hands, jumping on the spot with happiness and kissed Mirajane on the cheek. "Uncle Laxus is bringing up more presents for you. This one is my personal favourite." Mirajane smiled, giving her niece a kiss on the forehead, "Thank you, Aunt Mira." She bowed and ran back to me, "Mummy! Look! Look!" She exclaimed, I smiled at my daughter and raised a brow at Mirajane  "More presents? I thought I said only one per person."   "I just had to spoil her." She gushed, "Besides, Uncle Laxus spoils her the most." Mirajane shrugged, "Where are they?" I asked as I saw a box full of presents walking up behind her  "Jeez, Mirajane." I looked over to her but she whistled and avoided my look  "Julie!" Another childlike voice came from behind  "Lara!" We watched as the two tackled each other into a hug  "Again, where are the boys?" I asked, not taking her eyes of the two catching up  "The boys are with their great grandpa." Laxus commented, he passed his wife and stopped beside me  "Hey." He kissed me on the cheek as he walked in "Their grandpa wanted to take the boys up for camping."  Mirajane closed the the door. We made our way to the living room, Julie and Lara sitting on the white fur carpet, I sat with Mirajane on the couch and Laxus placed the amount of presents next to the two, disappearing into the kitchen, "Thanks for coming over. Julie only wanted to have a small party but because of work, she didn't want anyone to plan her birthday party but me." I sighed feeling bad for my daughter, It's hard constantly working and missing half of her birthday's, "So the girls are gonna be having a birthday pajama party?" Mirajane questioned, I nodded  "Here you are, ladies." Laxus passed us glasses and filled it with red wine, "This is one of my all time favourites Klara Valley Barossa." He said as he took a sip, I looked over to Mirajane who took a sip with a smile and I smirked,  "I thank this wine everyday for giving me a niece." I said before taking a sip and the other two spat out their wine. I roared with laughter as the two glared at me,  "Not funny, Lucy." Laxus warned, I couldn't breathe as Mirajane's face turned beet red,  "Mummy, are you ok?" Lara asked her mother, a worried look on her face,  Mirajane cleared her throat, "Yeah, mummy is fine. Just...nearly choked " She said, "That wasn't the only thing she choked on." I raised my glass to her, wiggling my eyebrows,   "Lucy!" The couple screamed, making me laugh even harder. The girls opened the presents, excited about everything they saw, lastly, Julie opened the box Mirajane gave her and a small gold locket sat perfectly inside with her name engraved in front of it. I watched as she opened the locket a wide smile spread across her small lips, I walked behind her and looked over her shoulder, It was a group family photo of them. The two of them, Lara, Mirajane, Laxus and her two baby brothers, Raxus and Rala. "I love this so much!" her eyes gleamed, her finger brushed against the photo inside  "Really?" Mirajane asked as my daughter looked up at her with stars in her eyes "It's beautiful. Thank you so much, Aunty Mira." She bowed and kissed the locket.  The two little ones awed at the locket  "Thank you Mira." I thanked her, she nodded and leaned her head on Laxus,  "I decorated her room with one of the girls today, so it looks like they'll have tons of fun." I said, Just then, the timer for lunch went off and I rushed to the kitchen to serve it. "Oh! Seems like lunch is ready. I'll be back in a bit." 10 minutes later I walked in and clapped my hands together "Alright my little pretties. Lunch is served now get your behinds outside, we have some fun and games waiting for us." I announced, everyone cheered as they made their way outside. The whole afternoon we played lots of birthday games, baked monster cookies and even splashed around in the pool, well Laxus and the girls, Mirajane was too busy drooling over her shirtless husband,  "Will I be getting a nephew or niece soon?" I teased, she looked at me bewildered and hit my arm "Ow!" I laughed seeing her face grow red once again. After their swim, the girls got changed into their pyjamas and watched a movie, "Miss Lucy?" I turned to see our house maid, dressed in her normal clothes,  "Midori, you all packed for next week?" I ask and she nods excitedly, we'll be moving back to Fiore due to the shoot, "Thank you for helping me today, I'll see you next week." I got up and walked her out the door, "This is exciting! It's my first time going to Fiore." She gushed,  "Well, I'm glad to have someone like you accompany my daughter and I." She blushed at my words and bowed "It's an honour to work with you Miss Lucy." She beamed, I opened the door for her and a car was waiting for her outside, "Get home safely ok?" I pat her back and she nods as she walked down the stairs and walking towards her SUV  "Have a goodnight Miss Lucy!" Her boyfriend waved from the car, "You too Kazuki!" I waved at the young couple as they drove off, I closed the door and turn to see Lara saying her goodbyes with Mirajane and Laxus,  "You behave now ok?" Mirajane tapped the nose of her daughter who nodded quickly,  "Love you mummy." She kissed her mother and Laxus leaned beside the two,  "Me too!" He pouted his lips and Lara giggled as he kissed her dad and then wiped it almost too quickly "Hey!" He whined as he tickled her daughter "No!" She giggled. I felt a tug at my chest as I saw Julie hiding behind the stairs, "Oh Julie." I whispered, feeling a bit guilty. Mirajane walked over to me as Laxus said his goodbyes, "Ok, we'll come over tomorrow around 3pm. Laxus won't be back till 2 and I'll finish at around 2:30." She gave me a hug,  "I'll see you tomorrow, bye Sweetie." Mirajane gave air kisses and Laxus joined us,  "Had fun today." He gave me a hug and i rolled my eyes, "Course you did."  "Bye baby." He waved to his daughter but she was already running up the stairs to join Julie, "Bye Julie love you."  They blew air kisses to Julie who smiled,  "Thank you." She returned the air kisses and ran to her room with Lara on her tail.  "Goodnight Lucy." They waved and I smirked, "Now that all the kids are gone. You two can have some.....alone time." I winked and they both flipped me off, "Hahaha, totally deserved it." I laughed as the two's driver pulled up, Laxus opened the car door and Mirajane got in, he then jumped in and I waved at the two, "Bye!" They chorused and left. It was around 11 at night and the girls were fast asleep, I was looking over my script and noticed a familiar name, two actually, "You've got to be kidding me."  On the parts of the two main leads were Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster,  "For fuc-" "Mummy?"  I jumped to see Julie standing beside me, "Jesus, honey don't scare me like that." I held my pounding heart as my daughter apologised,  "What are you doing up honey?" I asked as she joined me on the couch and she snuggled up to me, "Did I do something wrong?" She questioned, "What? Honey what do you mean?" I asked, curious, Julie still not looking at me tightened her grip on my blouse, "I mean, did...did my dad not like me?" She asked, my heart tightened and I felt bad, I felt guilty.   This was all my fault. "Honey, I want you to know that your father would have loved you so much!" I said as I hugged her, "So why did he leave?" She questioned,  Uugh! Damn, now I feel bad, "It's more like, mummy left."  My daughter shifted and looked up at me, "You left?"  Her eyes were brimming with tears and I gasped, "Oh, honey. Don't cry, I'm sorry, mummy was still young, she was mad at daddy. Something happened and mummy didn't want to get hurt." My vision was blurring. I was crying in front of her, I never cried in front of her, I closed my eyes as i felt a thumb wiping my tears away, "You're crying. I don't like seeing you cry. I'm sorry." She said and I smiled as I kissed her little hands, "Mummy is sorry." I whispered softly. Julie fell asleep and I carried her up to her room, Lara was sleeping peacefully as I laid Julie next to her. I gave them kisses on their foreheads before leaving and made my own way to my bedroom.                                             ———————————————————————————————- "Alright girls, we need to hurry if you want to come with me to work."  I placed their orange juice in front of them as they finished up their pancakes. I finished up my coffee and placed my phone, tablet and chargers in my bag,  "We're gonna watch mummy at work." Julie exclaimed and Lara clapped her hands. "Alright girls, come on." I picked up their plates and washed it "Go and get your shoes on." I told them as they nodded. We got in the car and drove to the set, we were 20 minutes early and everyone was still setting up, "Julie, Lara, be on your best behaviour today, okay?" The two nodded  "Okay, Leona is in my dresser, since none of the actors and actresses are here yet you guys can go get your makeup done." I smiled and the two squealed as they ran to my dressing room. I giggled at the two as I went to look for the director.  "Lucy?" I turned to see the director making his way over with a cup of coffee in his hand, "Good Morning director." I bowed, he did too, "Early as usual." He said and I chuckled, "Got the girls today." I nodded my head towards my dresser, "Julie's here? Perfect, we were actually looking for an assistant director." He said and I shook my head, "Oh no, let's not go there again." I said, remembering what happed the last time she helped. I suspect the director found it funny that my daughter was bossing me around, "Oh you'll have to forgive me, two of the main guys had dropped the main lead due to some problems so I asked one of my friends to fill in." He said and I dropped my smile, "I noticed."  "It was last minute. But I'm glad-"  "Director!" We both looked over to the assistant director running towards us, she tripped and fell on her face,  "Oh!" We both said in unison,  "Ow." She cried, we both went to help her up, "Lucy I got this. You can go get ready." The director patted my back and I nodded, I excused myself as I made my way to the dressing room. "Lucy?"  I stopped in my tracks as I heard a familiar voice, oh no. Not now, I'm not mentally prepared to see him, once my closest friend. I clenched my fist, sighing and slowly turned around,  "Hello, Natsu.” Thanks for waiting!  -clobo15000 Show quoted text Hey! Okay, I’m finally done! I’m really, really sorry about how long it took, something came up and I had to put it on hold for a couple of days. Here,  "Hello, Natsu." My pink haired best friend stood there, he was wearing his costume for the scene. Looks like I wasn't as early as I thought. "I see you also took the acting industry." I smiled, holding in my cries, controlling myself from running to him and giving him a hug, "Where have you been? You..didn't call, you didn't visit." He went on,  I sighed but it wavered when I did, "I..I've been busy." I turned to walk away, trying to flee the situation, but I felt him hold my wrist and spin me around, "Bullshit!" He snapped, tears streaming down his cheeks and I broke,  "Natsu." I said, and turned to hug him, he held me in his arms as I sobbed for a solid minute, "When I heard that you entered the entertainment business, Lisanna helped me she was close friends with the director.” He was warm, I sobbed into his chest as he tightened his hug, "Why didn't you call?" He asked, I cleared my throat as I waited until I could find my voice,  "I...was.. scared." I softly whispered, "Why?" He asked, Natsu pulled back to look at me, "You can't just disappear like that. Everyone was worried, everyone looked for you." He said and I closed my eyes looking away, "I...I just wanted sometime alone." I wiped my tears away, "10 years is a pretty long time, Luce." He chuckled, I looked up at him and laughed, "Yeah, I noticed." We laughed and I heard a familiar giggle behind me, "Mummy!" I spun around to see Julie and Lara wearing the victorian dresses, the two curtsied at each other took a few steps and curtsied again, "Lara?" Natsu called out, I turned to Lara who looked at Natsu who stood there wondering why Lara was here "Uncle Natsu!" She ran and jumped in his arms. "Wow! You’re getting big. What are you doing here?Where are your parents?"  He looked around and I mentally slapped myself,   'How the hell did I forget that Lisanna and Mirajane are sisters.  Ugh! Dumbass! Wait.  "Uncle?" I questioned to Natsu who carried Lara like a princess, Natsu smiled as he lowered Lara back to the ground, "Uh, I got married." He said sheepishly, I gasped as I smiled, "To Aunty Lisanna!" Lara smiled, "No way!" I smiled, "Hm? You didn't bring Nana chan?" Lara looked around,  "And a kid?!" I yelled excitedly, "Yeah, she's 2 years old." He said and I teared up as I went to hug him, "I'm so happy for you." I whispered and he patted my back,  "I just wished. That you were there." He replied and that hit me, "I'm sorry."  "Mummy? Are you crying again?" Julie tugged at my shirt and I let go of Natsu as I squatted down to level with my daughter,  "Natsu." I looked up at him and then back to Julie,  "This is my daughter. Juliet, Ur, Layla, Heartfillia." Julie smiled at me and that smile, reminded me of him, "Wow, the resemblance is uncanny." Natsu squatted next to me,  "Yeah, how is he by the way?" I asked as I tucked a strand of Julie's hair behind her ear,  Natsu sighed, shoulders tensing up beside me, "Lucy, I don’t know how to tell you this. You see, gray got into an accident the day you left." Natsu said and I turned to face him almost too quickly, my heart dropped, "W-what?" I asked covering my mouth,  "He's fine now of course. But, he suffered from amnesia... I’m sorry, um, h-he doesn’t remember you..." Natsu said, I looked down and covered my face, "Oh, Gray." I felt someone softly stroking my head  "Mummy? Are you okay?" She asked and I sighed in relief, I feel like every time she talks to me I have this weight lift off me,  "Will you be ok?" Natsu asked and I nodded as I got up, "I'll be fine. It's better that he forgets." I smiled and made my way to the dressing rooms leaving with the girls. "Alright everyone! Lights, Camera and Action!" I took a deep breath and flipped my fan open as Natsu walked in, "You!" He walked over to me and gripped my shoulder, I glared at him, "You should have told me Elizabeth! She would have lived!" He whispered low enough only for me to hear.  Okay Natsu, didn't know you could act. I pushed the thought away and closed my fan shut tapping him on the nose, "What is done cannot be undone brother. Fare thee well." I snickered, angering him, I walked away tapping the closed fan on my palm, "Elizabeth you will not get away with this!" He pointed, I stopped and looked over my shoulder,  "Oh Charles, I already have." I winked as I walked out of the room with a slight laugh, "AND CUT!!" I stopped and walked back through the door, grabbing a handful of the dress,  "Mummy! You look beautiful!" Julie cheered, she was sitting next to the director and Lara beside her, I mouthed thank you as I walked back to Natsu,  "You didn't tell me you could act." I elbowed him and he smirked  "Years of faking sickness comes in handy." He replied and I giggled, "That was perfect! Thanks Lucy, Natsu we'll see you in 10 minutes." The director called out to everyone I sighed pulling at the dress abit "What's wrong?" Natsu asked, "The dress, it's uncomfortable." I sat down on my chair,  "Tell me about it this tie is choking me." he laughed, I joined in, "Hey guys! Director, I'm sorry I'm late. My car broke down." I froze, hearing him again, he's here. Finally here, but he won't remember me. That's right. "Juvia called, go and get changed Gray!" The director smiled as he looked over the scene Natsu and I played, "Thanks." He waved, I looked over to Natsu who shook his head at me  "He won't remember you." He smiled sadly, I looked to where he ran off,  "I know, I don't want to scare him. I don't think it's a good idea to tell him." I walked away, Leona was fixing up my makeup when I heard Julie  "Hey, Damn it! Watch where you're going!" I grabbed Leona's hand and moved her to side, "Down here genius," I watched my daughter with her hands to her hips, Gray looked down at our daughter and he tilted his head, I got up from my chair and walked over to them, "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." He smiled I turned away as I busied myself with my hands  "I should apologise as well." She smiled, I smiled at my angel and turned around to see her kick him in the leg, "Bye!" she waved and I covered my eyes in embarrassment. "Alright, next scene! The meet. Everyone, positions please." I walked over to the set and the man playing Gus did so too,  "Miss Lucy. Big fan." He shook my hand and I smiled politely, "It is always and honour to act with you Mr Cruize." I said as I bowed, he seemed sweet as he did so. "Alright. Camera's ready! And action!"  I walked past the other people in the room and walked up to Mr Gus, "It is an honour to attend one of your events." I curtsied and he let out a joyous laugh,  "Miss Elizabeth! always a pleasure to see you here. I would love it if you meet my son William, he will be taking over for me in the future." Mr Gus pointed to his ‘son’, I felt my breath hitch as I saw him walk up to me, he was handsome as ever,  ‘he's grown taller.’  The man whom I loved before, the man that crushed my heart stood before me, I dropped my fan and I realised my mistake, before I could bend down and pick it up, he was already squatting down. I looked over to the director who motioned his hands to keep going, clearing my throat I looked back at my co star, he held the fan in his hands, looking me up and down I just snatched it from his hands and turned away. I heard Natsu behind me, chuckling nervously, "Please don't mind my rude sister." He jabbed me on the side of my ribs and I grunt eyeing him, "You are dead." I mouthed and he smirked, "I'm sorry Mr Gus, you'll have to excuse me. I came to socialise, you wouldn't mind me leaving you gentleman to talk amongst yourselves while I go and have some fun now would you?" I questioned, he laughed a joyous laugh,  "You are still young. Go and have some fun." He waved me off, I curtsied in front of him and looked his son up and down before leaving. I closed my eyes hearing the music began and I stood face to face with my partner, he bowed as he laid his hand out, I curtsied and took his hand. We danced, I felt so light on my feet I continued onto my next partner as we picked up from there. I laughed as I saw my partner tripping over his feet, "I'm sorry milady." He apologised, I shook my head  "It's fine. I am having quite fun." I smiled and seemed to have blushed, he spun me as I twirled to my next partner.  I felt a strong hand on my waist, I shivered at the sudden touch even with the thick material of my dress I knew who it was. "My, you look breathtaking ." He whispered, his hand on my waist tightened I felt his body behind me and I can't breathe with him so close I felt my heart slowly pounding against my chest and I slightly start to panic that he might hear it.  "You say that to all the woman in here?" I shot at him and he scoffs spinning me out. "Only to the beautiful ones." He said and I grimaced, "You are horrible." He pulled me in as we continued our dance, he chuckled deeply, his hands had nearly touched every inch of my waist, he leaned down next to my shoulders, his warm breath hitting the nape of my neck and I felt goosebumps run down my back. I gasped when his lips slightly grazed my neck, "Have we met before?" He spun me out again, our eyes still glued to each other, I felt someone else slide his hand into mine I looked at my new dance partner and then back at him,  "Never." I replied before turning back to my new partner, still feeling his eyes on my back. "ANNDD CUT!!"  "Wow. Um, that was-"  "That was hot!" The assistant director shouts, I looked at her with a raised brow, "I mean like, you two aren't even suppose to be a couple, the s****l tension was intense.  "What s****l tension?" I asked, the same timr I heard another voice from behind me, turning my head I came face to face with the blue head from the restaurant 10 years ago. I scoffed and looked over to Natsu who was already speed walking towards me, "Ok! Are we taking 5 director?" He asked holding my arm, I looked over to the director who seemed to have enjoyed the show, he nods as he confirmed it. "That was good, didn't think that Mr Fullbuster had an effect on you Lucy. " He smirked and my jaw dropped,  "Mr Fullbuster had no effect on me thank you very much. I was just playing my part." I said as I threw a look at Gray who seemed to have find it very funny. Before I could throw any insults towards my former lover Natsu spun me away and pushed me away from the set , "Hey Luce you know what? Let's grab some food!"  I was savagely tearing the croissant wishing it was his head, how dare he? Put those...those chappy lips on my neck, I just want to grab his head and shove it down his- "Mummy?"  I stopped and looked down at my daughter who seemed abit distressed, I chewed my food quickly, "What's wrong baby?" I asked, she looked up nervously at me and pointed to her stomach. "I ...dont feel good." She said as she groaned, "What did you eat sweetie?" I asked and she pointed to the food buffet, "Don't tell me you ate everything?" I asked and she nodded. I sighed and turned to Lara who seemed to be holding her stomach. "Damn it." I whispered. I had to ask the director if I could go home, luckily for me, the scenes he wanted me to do today was finished "Alright come on babes." I picked up their bags and got them changed back to their normal clothes, they held their stomach as they groaned, "Oh honey, I told you not to eat too much!" I scolded my daughter who hung her head. I felt a little guilty but I was just mad, we walked passed a dressing room and heard lots of giggles. My daughter pushed past me curious as to why I stopped in front of a dresser, "Is this-" We both stopped to see Gray and Juvia sprawled over each other.  I felt sick,  "What are they doing?" Lara asked "They're eating their faces off." Julie whispered, the two noticed our presence as they all flew apart, I stared at Juvia who was fixing her skirt and her hair Gray who stood up and fixed his pants,  "Wow. That was, entertaining." I sneered, ushering the girls to my car. Edited by: clobo15000

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