Chapter 7

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Leah and I walked into our apartment, both still in shock, until I locked the door behind me. “What the f**k was that?” “I don’t know, but I don’t have a good feeling about tomorrow any more. Do you think that’s why Matteo has organised a secret wedding tonight?” I slumped onto the couch. “Abso-f*****g-lutely. Do you think it’s because she’s human? Or there was already some big political tension thing?” “So far, everyone has shown no aggression towards us and we’re human…” she shrugged. “Yeah, but we aren’t going to be Queen.” “Yeah, good point, but Carson did say we would be protected. So maybe not everyone is upset about it?” She rubbed her hands down her face. “Let’s see what we can get out of Olivia or some of the others… on the sly.” “I like what you’re thinking.” Shortly after, there was a knock at the door. I looked at my phone. Yep, 4.30 right on the dot. Two stunning women, like all the others around here, walked in with a dress bag over their arms and big suitcases being dragged behind them. An hour and a half later, we had been beautified and dressed and ready for dinner. We tried our hardest to get anything out of them but they gave us nothing. Leah and I knew they were holding back from the glazing over of their eyes to discuss what we asked, then their very vague or dismissive answers. Now I was starting to worry about Emily, not envious, and I am pretty sure Leah was the same. At 6pm, once again on the dot, as we are in a royal palace, there was a knock at the door. We were first ushered into Helena and Ron’s apartment, where we were all given the run down of what to expect for tonight. Then we all headed off to Emily and Matteo’s apartment. Everyone else seemed excited and not the least bit worried, so I’m guessing they hadn’t had the same sort of discussion as we had with Carson. I was kind of glad, as I would be horrified if I knew my daughter was in some sort of danger… well we guess. Emily looked amazing in her dress. She joked that this would have been her choice of wedding dress if it wasn’t for all the protocols tomorrow. We all couldn’t stop smiling and just said at least she got the dress she wanted for the dinner. The night ended up going flawlessly to Leah and my relief. They got married in a big atrium filled with lush plants. The place was lit up by candles and fire stick things. What are they called? It was absolutely amazing. It was interesting how it was a normal wedding to start with, well, a short and to the point one. What we weren’t expecting was the whole blood ritual thing for her coronation. I had to do everything I could not to gag. Drinking someone’s blood mixed with mine… no thank you! Oh god, I wonder if that was what I would have to do if the weirdo accepted me? Very happy AGAIN to have missed that bullet! Leah and I did notice that our guards weren’t here. Very happy we didn’t let the cat out of the bag. Emily and Matteo looked so deliriously happy. It was so heart-warming to see and I was genuinely so happy for her. We crawled into bed nicely drunk, but not that bad. Unfortunately, the alcohol didn’t keep the nerves about tomorrow away though, Leah and I both agreed on that. We woke up to our alarms and made sure we were both showered, shaved, moisturised and ready for the onslaught. We had the same women as last night who did our hair, make-up and dressed us. They were just as chipper and careful with their responses as yesterday, which certainly didn’t make Leah and I feel any better. The wedding started off perfectly. Emily looked amazing and Matteo looked like a man who had just won the lottery… and so he should! Emily got to the front of the throne room perfectly, no tripping, score, and her parents did a great job of saying their part before some wako stood up and started yelling. I heard a female voice scream out “STOP! THE LYCAN WORLD NEEDS A REAL QUEEN. I AM THAT QUEEN! I CHALLENGE YOU FOR THE TITLE OF QUEEN!” Oh here we go! I and the rest of Emily’s family didn’t see anything though, as everyone behind and in front of us instantly stood up and surrounded us on all sides. We had guests and guards all making sure we were safe, as Carson promised. Speaking of, I looked up to see Mike and Carson in front of us with all the guards. “Stay seated. Keep your heads down.” Mike whispered just loud enough for us to hear. “WATCH!” I think it was Matteo growled out before there were gasps and a small scream. My ears were pricked as I tried to hear and guess what was happening but had no clue. Brett was trying to shelter Chloe and Charlie and had a woman leaning over from behind us whispering to them. I am guessing she was trying to reassure them because, after some more movement and some doors closing, I heard her say “See. Nothing to worry about.” The guards suddenly went back to their positions and the people behind us sat down again. Then the wedding just started back up again or should I say continued like nothing just happened… what the f**k! Oh, oh, but don’t worry, that wasn’t the only thing that happened. Then one of the elders was going to drug them, but Matteo realised what was going on and stopped him, before another one lunged at Emily with a syringe. Then Matteo’s father brought lots of friends and tried to commit a coo or something. And my favourite was ANOTHER woman claiming she was a better choice of being Queen. DODGED A f*****g BULLET THESE PEOPLE BE f****d UP! Seriously, I am no longer envious. I am more than happy to leave in less than a month and live in my boring human life. And I am more than happy to be celibate until a normal HUMAN man comes along or become a nun. They still do that these days don't they? Lots of non-supernatural options! Each time something happened, the people and guards would quickly surround us in a protective ring. They would try and keep us calm by saying everything would be fine... yeah right! Oh, and they have dungeons here. Not jail cells, DUNGEON’s! Which is where Matteo’s father and all his merry men went to. Oh and as well as the second woman who wanted to be Queen. Not sure what happened to the first woman. She is probably down there as well. Finally, Emily was crowned Queen but only just before we were then escorted back to our apartments for our safety. NOW they were worried about our safety. What else was going to happen? I didn’t argue. I just stayed close to Emily’s parents to make sure they were alright. They were, of course, just as shocked as we were. Emily’s mum was shaking a bit, so while Ron, Emily’s dad, was holding onto her from one side, I took the other side and held onto her. “Would you like some help?” Mike was quickly beside me with concern in his eyes while trying to keep his stoic guard façade on. “It’s OK. I’ve got her. Emily is safe, isn’t she?” “Our Queen is more than OK. She is currently interrogating some of the traitors.” He smirked. I nearly tripped over my own feet. “What? Emily?” “Yep. And from what I’m told, doing an amazing job. She was born to be Queen and she is proving it as we speak.” He looked proud as he spoke. Well, there you go. I couldn’t say anything after that. I was literally speechless. Emily hates confrontation. Sure, she can hold her own most of the time if the occasion arises, but she will do everything she can not to have to get into an argument. I never thought of that. As Queen she is going to have to deal with a LOT of confrontation. Go get ‘em Emily! We all went back to Emily’s parents' apartment to start with. I was worried about letting Helena go. Olivia was with us, which was great, since as soon as we all sat down, Ron was straight into it. “What the hell just happened?”
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