Chapter 8

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Olivia sighed. “Unfortunately the King Father wanted His Majesty to only marry a Lycan bride. It was hoped he wouldn’t interfere with the wedding, however he did. His Majesty was more than ready though, as you saw, and Her Majesty was never in any real danger. His Majesty would never allow it. Please know it is all under control. Food and drinks are on their way. Please try to relax and then we will prepare for the reception, which starts in an hour and fifteen.” She paused for only a moment. “We also have triple the number of guards outside as well, so know you are also all safe to move between your apartments as well. I will be just outside in the hallway if you need anything.” She bowed and left. We were all stunned into silence except for Charlie, who cut through with “can I watch da ipad?” “Of course sweetie.” Chloe smiled at her son and Brett quickly went and got it. “I don’t know about you, but I need to go and lie down for a bit. Will you be alright?” I asked Helena and Ron. “Yes. Of course. Just wrapping my head around it all. Go, relax, I think I might go and lie down myself.” She nodded and got up. Ron went with her, making sure he wasn’t far at all. Leah got up as well to head back to our apartment. Olivia wasn’t wrong, we opened the apartment door to notice the hallway that normally has one or two guards was currently almost full and completely blocked off at the end except for the maids walking through in single file with food and drinks for us. Mike and Carson were just outside the door and walked us to our apartment door, all of us in silence. We walked in with a maid behind us, quickly putting food and drinks on the coffee table before walking out and locking the door behind her. “What the f**k!” I collapsed on the couch. “I’m certainly not jealous anymore,” Leah replied. “I need something stronger. Want a wine?” “We have wine?” “Yeah, I brought a bottle home with us yesterday just in case.” “You’re my hero! Yes please!” She went and grabbed us both a glass and sat back down. We didn’t say anything for a bit, just sitting there in our own heads for a bit. “Now I understand why Mike told you not to worry yesterday. You think Emily is in danger though?” Leah stared at the wall as she asked. I almost wondered if she was talking to me. “Yes, but I can tell Matteo has it all worked out. Like the wedding last night.” “Good point. I’m both intrigued and worried about what’s next at the reception. You?” I let out a long breath. “Same, but then again a room with that many hot men in suits…” We both let out a laugh. “f**k yeah!” She replies. We finished our wine, double checked our makeup, although we didn’t need to as the women from earlier came back twenty minutes before we had to head back to give us touch ups. I certainly can’t complain about that. We were all escorted to the reception, even little Charlie who was doing amazingly well, probably better than me actually. The reception, surprisingly, was more like a gala ball or something with only a few tables and chairs around. Everyone seemed to prefer to stand up and chat or dance. Now when I mean dance, I mean waltz, proper, perfectly poised like in the movies, no wrong steps, waltz. I was damn thankful I made my debutante and remembered some of the steps. Although I still felt screwed knowing I would stick out like an uncoordinated sore thumb. I thought we would walk in together, hang out and talk to only Matteo’s family for a bit, then go, but nope. It seemed being Emily’s family and friends, we were the other unofficial guests of honour. We were always surrounded by new people coming and introducing themselves. It was exactly like those romance books say, the Alpha is the head of the pack with his wife or mate, the Luna. The Beta is the second and his wife of mate is called the Beta female or with the gay couple we met, the Beta male. And lastly, the Gamma was the third and the protector of the Luna and his wife or mate was the Gamma female or Gamma male. I was pleasantly surprised to see a few gay couples of both male and female. I couldn’t help myself and ask if they have prejudice like with humans and unfortunately, they still do, but not as much as in the human world. Leah was the first to be pulled onto the dance floor by an unmated Beta. They were always very quick to point out if the person was unmated, I think that was due to the possessiveness of mates. “May I have this dance?” It didn’t take long until a massive gorgeous statue worthy man asked me to dance as well. Here we go. I hope the steps Mrs Hickenbothom taught me don’t fail me now. I haven’t spoken to this man yet, however who am I to say no to a gorgeous bit of man meat? He was f*****g gorgeous! And not just because I was now 3 wines in. Have I mentioned how it seems like a model agencies books threw up here? This place is every single person’s dream! Now, some have broad shoulders, but this man has broad, broad shoulders that make me drool, or was it the suit that just accentuated it? His short light brown hair perfectly styled and deep brown eyes that seemed almost endless. Did I say drool worthy and f*****g hot? “How are you holding up after today’s ceremony?” he asked casually. “It certainly wasn’t what I was expecting, that's for sure.” He let out a low chuckle. “No, I’m sure it wasn’t. The wolf way can still be seen as a bit barbaric compared to the human one of modern day.” “Very eloquently put. You certainly are correct, but then again, we do have the Middle East wars constantly going. I’m just happy Emily wasn’t hurt.” He chuckled again. “There is no way anyone could get through Ares, Matteo’s Lycan. He is the strongest there has been for a long time. Now we know why.” “Why?” I had a vague idea but wanted to ask anyway. “He brings change and you always have to fight for change. Some wolves are set in their ways.” “And how do you feel about the changes?” In other words, is he friend of foe? He may be hot but that’s not an excuse if he is against Emily and I am more than happy to run back and be a tattletale. “Many in our pack have mates that are human, vampire and fae even. I believe in the old teachings and have seen it myself, fated mates make you stronger.” OK, saying all the right words. Seems to be on the friends list. Not that it means I am going to jump straight into bed with him. Or maybe? No, I learnt my lesson the first time, even if he is delectably smoken! “Have you met your mate yet?” I asked before I could stop my mouth. He looked sad for a fraction of a second. “I did. She was human like you and beyond amazing in every way. When we met, she was already very sick with cancer. We had only a wonderful few months together before she passed.” Shit wasn’t expecting that. “I am so, so very sorry.” “Thank you. I was actually one of the idiots that believed humans weren’t a good match for a Lycan or a werewolf before then. The short time we had together she taught my Lycan and me a lot and to seriously eat my words. She taught me how it’s never what is on the outside that counts, corny huh?” Not what I expected out of his mouth. “Definitely not! She certainly sounds like an amazing woman.” “She certainly was. You don’t have a mate?” He watches me for my reaction for some reason. I just laughed it off. “No.” “A boyfriend?” I laughed again. “No. So is your pack far from here?” Have I mentioned he is incredibly hot? Maybe if he lived nearby? Nah, who am I kidding? I’m worried I would end up like Emily, everyone trying to kill me. “Yes. I’m actually the General of the Royal Guard.” “Oh wow. No wonder your…. Umm… I’m going to say have a powerful aura…” s**t nearly said, built like the hulk. I turned away trying to hide the blush taking over my face. We were dancing past Emily and I couldn’t help myself as I mouthed how hot he was to her. The man let out a bellowing laugh as Emily giggled at my antics. “You just made my Lycan very happy. So you’re Australian and a friend of Her Majesties? Are you going back to Australia after this is all over?” I just nodded along. “Yes and no. We used to work together. Somehow, they were able to organise for me to have a month off, so I will be staying for a bit before I head back.” “Would you consider staying in Canada?” I almost had to force myself to say no. Why? Probably because he was so hot and paying me attention.
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