Chapter 6

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I chose a beautiful fun blush pink dress that went to just below my knees for tonight and a long turquoise dress that made my eyes pop for the wedding tomorrow. It still took me over 16 dresses. Yes 16 to find both of them, so I was not going for a third! I was a bit worried after the first 4th dresses they wouldn’t have anything that fit me properly or that would make me look half decent, but I ended up having a few to choose from. There were only a few minor alterations that needed to be made to both. They would have them done quickly and deliver them to our room. How is that for service? After, we went out to have lunch in the immaculate gardens. All the while, Leah and I still nudged each other as we took in all the gorgeous guards. There was no way Leah was leaving without trying out a few she whispered to me a few times, making me giggle. I thought about it as well, but then thought of the weirdo. Do I want to go down that road? Or is it a been there done that type of thing… oh what a decision. Yes, I rolled my eyes at myself. The lunch was amazingly mouth-watering. Seriously, more in the yes box to staying, or going home, quitting and coming back should I say. After lunch, Olivia, our new head maid, organised for Leah and I to go shopping. We were both more than happy with that idea as I wanted some shoes to match the dresses. They did have shoes but I wanted to go shopping anyway. Leah was currently in a full-blown flirting match with our driver, Carson. We were in an SUV with three guards, including Carson, the driver. I was happy to sit back and watch Leah go for it and, so it would seem, were the other guards, Nathan and Mike. They would add there two cents worth every now and then to razz up Carson. Only one of them, Nathan, had found his mate, so was quick to talk up his friends. I had to give him points for his wingman efforts. I have to admit Mike was gorgeous and if it wasn’t for my run in with the weirdo a few weeks ago, I would have been all in. Now I was just happy to ogle and flirt back a little. I don’t have to worry about Leah calling me out for not being myself as she hasn’t met me before. When I’m around Emily though, I make sure she doesn’t suspect anything. This is her time to shine. Actually you know what? There is really no reason for me to be someone other than myself. What the f**k am I doing actually letting that f**k wit get in my head even though I keep saying I will not ever think of him again. Yes, I have actually been upset, especially when I found out about mates. The dickhead was someone that was supposed to have the other half of my soul, yet he decided to just f**k and run. So f**k him! I deserve so much better and I am currently in the land of the f*****g hottest guys I have ever seen in my life. It’s like a magazine threw up all the hot models off its pages. Why am I in my head and not enjoying this? We went to the shops and I was back, baby! “So Mike, after the shopping, is there a good bar around here?” “Oh now you’re talking!” Of course, Leah was all in. Mike’s smile took over his face, showing his dimples, hot! His short, light brown hair was shaved very short on the sides and only a little longer on the top suited him. He was lean but still deliciously muscular. Did I say he was hot? “Yeah, there’s a bar we always go to. We finish at 6. Do you have plans with the King and Queen for dinner?” s**t, how could I forget, Emily is going to be Queen! “We do have plans. Do we have time after shopping before dinner?” Oops how could I forget Emily had a secret wedding tonight, not that I can tell them either. Mike smiled and nodded. “We are on duty but we do have to take you wherever you want to go…” “Done then. We will just have to be quick so we can get our shoes and go to the bar for a bit before we get ready for the dinner.” Leah smiled and gave me a cheeky glance. Oh, she had some plans alright. The shoe shop ended up having exactly what I wanted. They had some nude heels I could wear to both events and would be great for any occasion after this… yes, I always like to think ahead. The guys then took us to the bar. It was not at all as I expected! They told us it was the bar that all the royal staff went to, so I was expecting it to be quite flashy and over the top. No, it actually transported me back to Texas, with bull's horns on the walls and everything! “Not what you were expecting?” Mike gave me one of his gorgeous smiles. “Absolutely not!” I laughed. “Yeah the story goes, Rex the owner wanted something as far removed from royal as you could get. In reality, we think he just has a fetish for westerns.” He shrugged as we walked over to a table. “They have nearly every type of wine, beer and spirit you could think of. What’s your drink of choice?” “Tonight's dinner is pretty important, so nothing crazy. Do you have a cab sav?” “No idea what that is, but no problems. You?” he asked Leah, who was looking around as shocked as me. “Yeah I’ll go the same. Just one won’t hurt.” Carson nodded and went to the bar as we all relaxed. “So what’s so important about tonight?” Nathan asked, looking at Leah and myself. “In Australia, it's customary to have a formal dinner with all the family the night before. It’s important for the family to mingle, that kind of stuff.” I shrugged as Leah just nodded and looked relieved that I had jumped in. It wasn’t really a lie, it is a tradition, we just weren’t doing it tonight. I’m not sure if they do that over here. We just chatted for a while and enjoyed our drinks. Within half an hour, Carson’s arm was over the back of Leah’s chair and the smile on her face said she was more than happy with that. Love it! Girls got game! “So now you know about us, do you think you have ever met a werewolf or Lycan before?” Mike asked casually. “Absolutely.” I wasn’t going to lie. “It’s all so mind-blowing, the whole concept. I can totally understand why you have to keep it secret. There are a lot of people that would freak out.” “Yep!” He laughed. “You know you’re safe with us though?” He looked me in the eye as he said that. “Yeah. Why are you worried we are going to suddenly have a delayed freak out?” He laughed and shook his head. “Nah. Just making sure. So you think you could move here?” “Not you too! Emily has already started and I know she wasn’t joking. I’m over 30, so I can’t get a visa. It would have to be a sponsorship or something if I wanted to.” “You’re over 30? No way!” “Smooth! Real smooth Romeo.” His smile turned into a wicked grin as he drank the last of his coke. Because they were still technically working, they all didn’t get anything alcoholic. “Anyway, what’s the time?” I asked before pulling out my phone, we had to be back by 4:30 to get ready. It was just after 4 so I looked up at Leah. She just nodded and finished her drink. “Time to go handsome.” She winked at Carson. Man, she puts me to shame. The men took us back to our apartment. I could see all of them had something on their minds until we were at our door. “Look, about tomorrow. Remember you’re safe. If anything happens, just keep your heads down and know that we won’t let anything happen to you.” It was Carson. He looked at us both with concern but also determination. I looked at Leah, who also looked at me in confusion. Before we could say anything though, they all bowed and walked away.
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