Chapter 5

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“You’re here!” I looked up to see Emily’s brother and his girlfriend walking in the door. I had seen pictures of them on Emily’s social media account. Leah and I were introduced as they then caught up. Leah didn’t even realise who he was, since she hadn’t seen him since they were young. She couldn’t believe he was the same person. Finally, the woman of the hour walked out. She looked a little different, stronger somehow, happier, of course, and just overall glowing like a bride-to-be should. We all took turns giving her a hug and saying hi. It was good to see her! “I can’t believe you’re all here.” Emily gushes as we sit down. “Well, thank your soon-to-be-husband. He has a lot of connections and was able to get us all a month off.” Her Mum answered. “What! Wow. So you can all stay a full month?” She almost squealed as we all nodded. “Hell yeah! Have you seen my bed and bathroom? I am never leaving!” I added, as I really don’t ever want to leave. I have never stayed anywhere as amazing as this. “Well, you are more than welcome.” She gave me a massive smile with a knowing look. Maybe it could be an idea. Maybe… “We’ll talk.” I gave her the spy wink, as we call it, and she cracked up. “Speaking of talking….” Aunt Di was straight in, knew she would be. “You have a lot of explaining to do young lady.” Emily’s eyes quickly glazed over. That’s odd. “Hey no zoning out. We are not in a Head of Accounting meeting about a meeting that is needed because they didn’t get the answers they never asked for in the last meeting.” I added, laughing at her. I am sure she certainly doesn’t miss them! Whereas I still have to endure them. Why we have to have so many meetings about things that would take a couple of simple emails I don’t know! “Sorry, I was just wondering where to start. Does everyone have a drink? Want something to eat as Matteo is on his way?” She smiles. Why are we waiting for her Fiancé? Oh, this will be good. I can’t wait to meet the man that has convinced her to marry so quickly. We chat generally for the next few minutes as we wait for this mysterious man. Finally, he walked in and now I got it! Holy f**k go Emily! There are a lot of very, very hot men around here but she hit the jackpot. Although the weirdo was a little more my type, but I am not thinking about him, again, ever! Emily jumps up to give him a kiss before introducing him to us all. I almost turned into a school girl as he kissed me on the cheek. I looked at Emily with wide eyes and she tried to hide her giggle. You go girl! “It’s great you could all make it. Please have a seat. We have much to discuss.” Matteo got straight to business. Well, after gorgeous little Charlie, Emily’s nephew compared Matteo to the Rock. I can see that. They quickly organise for Charlie to go and watch some wrestling matches in the other room before Matteo started again. And that is when I learnt the world has more secrets than my little brain could calculate for the moment. Werewolves, Lycan’s which are a bigger, more ferocious version of a werewolf, Vampires, fairies, and other shape-shifters are real… yes REAL! Holy f*****g s**t! Oh, oh, and the best bit, Emily is marrying the Lycan King. All the supernatural beings, that are normally just from books, movies and people’s imaginations are real and they have things called mates. Proper soul mates, like the other half of their soul, the real other half not just two souls that match together. Is it too early for a real drink? I need a real strong drink, especially with where my brain is currently going… the weirdo that rejected me…. Nope, not going there! I couldn’t stop the laugh that came out when Emily’s brother chimed in to say that his girlfriend is also a Lycan and his mate. Emily’s poor parents were the ones that seemed to struggle the most. Her Aunty Di was probably now going through an inventory of everyone she has ever met and if they are supernatural. You could seriously see it on her face. Turns out when you meet and accept your mate you bite each other and get a marking tattoo. This tattoo signifies the coming together of their souls, that they belong together and will be together for the rest of their lives. Quite romantic actually, just like all those romance novels... not like my night with the weirdo. NOT THINKING OF HIM! Chris and Naomi showed their marking tattoos and then Emily did the same. Once again, I couldn’t help the small laugh that came out. I remember many conversations with Emily where she said she would never get a tattoo. They just weren’t for her. They are now! Everyone was silent for a moment until Leah spoke up. “So let me get this straight. Chris and you are now Team Jacob?” Then I really lost it. Leah is a fire cracker, we are going to have some fun. “And what was that?” Aunty Di suddenly asked Emily and Matteo, who’s eyes glazed over. Of course, mind-linking is also a thing, as well as superior strength, speed, healing and, of course, shifting. I really, really need a strong drink! Nope, turns out Chris needed a drink more when his mum turned to him and asked, “wait, does this mean you are married and we didn’t know?” If you ever want to watch a man go completely pale and lost for words, ta-dah, the perfect example was now in front of me. Chris struggled big time to finally say yes, but they would have a big real human wedding later just for her. The best part was when his mother scolded him and then told him he had better as Naomi deserved it. Classic! After talking for a bit more, we had to go for Emily’s dress fitting. We left the men and headed off along all the magnificent hallways again. Now that I know this is a royal palace, it all fits! There was no way this was just a large castle where they lived, it’s a f*****g royal palace! After walking forever again, we make it to their royal dress markers or tailors' rooms. It was seriously a dress shop with racks of dresses and materials as soon as you walked in. I looked at Sophie and Leah, who looked at each other with massive smiles on their faces. Yeah, I couldn’t help rolling my eyes. We were all introduced to Matteo’s mother, or the King Mother as she is known now. She just screamed royal! “Now ladies, before we go in for Emily’s fitting, I would like you all to have a look around at all the dresses and pick whatever you want for your outfit tomorrow. Even pick 2 dresses if you want. Emily will have a different dress for the after party, which is customary, so you should probably look for 2 as well. The lovely assistants here will help you and any adjustments needed can be made over night.” What the f**k! Ha! Here I was feeling bad about the old dress I had brought with me. Well, it wasn’t old, but I still didn’t think it was good enough for a royal wedding. Now I don’t need to worry! They are organising us all new dresses and outfits. Holy s**t! Does Matteo have a brother? OK, so you know how I said Sophie and Leah had massive smiles on their faces. Nope, their faces were now about to split into two. I just stood there shocked for a moment until a beautiful young woman in her early twenties appeared in front of me. “My name is Addie. Is there a certain style or colour that you prefer?” “Anything that makes me look skinny, gorgeous and not a mutton dressed up as lamb.” She tried to stop her giggle as she started to go through the racks and pulled out quite a few dresses for me to try on. Another woman was there and quickly took the dresses from her and put them in my dressing room until it was time for us to see Emily in her dress. Hmm… really starting to wonder if I could handle staying here, especially if this is the normal? Emily’s dress was stunning, or it would be once it was done as it was mostly pinned together pieces. Still looked better than anything in my wardrobe even in this state! Once she went back into the changing room, we went back to looking for dresses. I noticed Addie and all the other women nodding to each other as they shuffled us into the dressing rooms. I was going to ask her what was going on when she quickly closed the curtain behind her and a massive smile took over her face. “His Majesty has organised a small intimate surprise wedding tonight but you must not say anything to Her Majesty. So we need to organise at least two dresses unless you want a different dress for the ceremony and reception tomorrow, then three.” Holy f*****g hell. I want a man like Matteo! I heard a small squeal of excitement from another dressing room close by and guessed it was either Chloe or Leah who had just been told as well.
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