Chapter 13

570 Words
Bella’s P.O.V Once I reached the bathroom, I glanced at the mirror. My skin was paler, and I looked different with brown eyes. I removed my eye contacts and disposed of them. I took another glance at myself in the mirror. It feels strange to accept that I will never have brown eyes anymore. Edward gazed at me. “Your eyes will match mine soon,” he said. I nodded. My gaze shifted from the mirror. Edward approached me as I undressed and began unbuttoning my clothes. “Edward. I can undress.” I said. Edward nodded and stopped. I undid the buttons on my shirt and pants and took them off. After taking them off, I put the rest of my clothes on the floor. "Want me to join you?" Edward offered, eager to help. “No, it’s okay. I want some alone time,” I responded. “Alright. “ Edward exited the bathroom and shut the door. I immersed myself in the bath and rested. I can’t sleep, so I only close my eyes. I entered Renesmee’s bedroom and carried her the following day. She has grown so much. Edward entered and glanced at Renesmee. “She’s grown so much,” he remarked. I nodded. Edward stood beside me and commented, “Given her growth, she might appear eight by year-end.” I gazed at Edward, placed Renesmee on the table, and inquired, “What do you mean?” “Since Renesmee is half human and half vampire. She will grow like a human, but faster than normal every day.” “So you mean she could look older by the end of the year?” “Yes,” I nodded, went to the drawer where we keep the baby clothes, and grabbed an outfit. Next, I dressed Renesmee and put her shoes on. "Ready to go to the main house?" Edward inquired. “No, not quite. Can you take Renesmee for me?” I asked. “Sure.” I handed Renesmee to Edward, left my bedroom, and headed to our bedroom. Upon reaching our bedroom, I retrieved my bag. Next, I went to the bathroom to grab my contacts since I would need them today. I went to the closet and selected a shirt and pants. Finding something casual takes time and effort. Alice covered my closet with nice clothes. When I saw an outfit, I grabbed some flat black shoes. I exited the bedroom and returned to Renesmee’s bedroom to find Edward. He wasn’t there, so I walked toward the living room. Edward was on the couch, holding Renesmee. I stood there, watching them, until Edward’s gaze met mine as he looked up. Edward stood up, walked to me, and asked, “Ready to go?” “Yeah,” I responded. I removed Renesmee from his embrace, and we returned to the main house. While walking, I felt a thirst for blood. I turned to Edward. “Hey, I’m thirsty. I have to hunt. Take Renesmee to the main house. I’ll join you soon,” I told him. Edward nodded and carried Renesmee with him as they walked towards the main house. I raced through the forest, looking for something to please my hunger. As I reached the treaty line, I sprinted up the mountain. Then, I realized I needed to remember the hunting ban on the pack’s land. I returned and ventured into the forest.
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