Chapter 14

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Jacob’s P.O.V I woke up to the pack howling outside. I rolled out of bed, got dressed, and went outside. As I left my bedroom, Dad called me over. “Jacob, can we chat for a sec?” “Sure,” I walked into the kitchen with Dad and stood by the counter. "I heard you hung out with Bella yesterday," Dad mentioned. “Yeah, so,” I said. “I thought you couldn’t hang out with her because she’s a married vampire.” “I know, but we can still hang out as friends.” “How can you do that? She can’t even leave the house because she could break the Volturi treaty by revealing she is a vampire?” “I know that’s why we hung out yesterday to test her to be around humans and see if she can control her thirst.” “Did it work?” “Yeah, she passed.” “Did she pass enough to where she can see her father?” “Yeah, but we don’t know if it’s time yet. Sam thinks it’s better after a week if she doesn’t kill a human and doesn’t hunt on our land. Then she can come to our land.” Dad nodded. “That’s good. I hope she passes. Her father is sick with worry. He thinks she is dead,” he said. “That’s terrible. Well, I have to go. I will get Bella to talk to him soon. Don’t inform Charlie for now.” I said. “Okay.” I spotted Sam, Paul, and Embry shirtless outside my house. “Hey, what’s up?” I greeted them. “We got the news,” Sam responded. “What kind of news?” “It’s news about Bella?” Paul responded. I asked, “What did she do?” "This morning, while you were asleep, we spotted her hunting. It's quite common for vampires to cross the river into our territory," Paul shared. “Yeah.” “Bella almost crossed, but she changed her mind.” My eyes widen. “Wow, that’s impressive. I knew Bella wouldn’t do that,” I exclaimed. “Yeah, a newborn vampire has never crossed the river before,” Embry noted. I nodded with a smile. “Well, we just wanted to tell you what’s going on with her,” Sam said. “Okay.” I said. Embry and Paul then ran back into the forest while Sam stayed. "One more thing. You, Seth, and Leah are doing patrol tonight,” Sam commanded. “Alright,” I said. “Well, see you later!” “You too.” Sam ran into the forest. Bella’s P.O.V After finishing hunting, I went to the main house. As I got closer, I spotted Jacob’s bike. Curious about why he was there, I went inside. Jacob and Edward were having a chat. I went up to them. “Hey,” I greeted them. “Hey, Bella.” They both said. “What’s going on?” Edward responded. “I told Jacob that the Volturi is coming soon, and he wants to help.” Turning to Jacob, shocked, I asked, “You want to help?” “Yeah, and I’m your best friend, so I want to help protect your child, too,” Jacob responded. “Thanks, Jake. That means a lot to me.” I went up to Jacob and hugged him. I retreated and returned to Edward. Edward then put his arm around me. “Bella, I need to tell you something,” Jacob added. “What is it, Jake?” “It’s about your dad. Your dad expressed his worry about you, thinking you’re dead and wanting to see you even if you are.” “So, what did you do?” “I did nothing. I came to tell you.” I nodded. "We should start packing now," Edward suggested. Jacob, curious, asked, “Packing? Why do you need to pack now?” “We have to leave. Everybody thinks Bella is dead, and we must keep it that way,” Edward responded. Jacob’s eyes widened, and he glanced at me. I gazed down. “You’re going to leave?” he inquired. “I Guess so,” I responded. Jacob started shaking with anger and shook his head. “Bella, you can’t leave!” he yelled. “Why not?” “What about your family and me?” “I don’t know, Jake. I have to do what’s best for us.” “What about the deal?” “I guess you’ll have to end it with Sam.” Jacob then turned away and walked off. “Jake, wait!” I yelled. Jacob paused, gazing at me. “Bella, if you go, fine. But I won’t be there if you come back for help!” He shouted. “Does that mean you will not help us against the Volturi?” I asked. “I guess so.” Jacob walked away and hurried out. “Jacob!” I yelled again. I was ready to chase Jacob, but Edward stopped me. “Bella, he’s already left,” he told me. I turned to Edward, feeling lost. “What should I do? Jacob’s furious with me.” I asked. “I don’t know, Bella, but we need to pack,” Edward responded. “Wait, where’s Renesmee?” “She’s with Rosalie.” “Oh.” “We got to go.” Before heading to the door with Edward, I glanced at my wrist and saw the charm bracelet Jacob gave me. I almost forgot that I needed to pick up the charm today. “Edward, wait!” I yelled. “What?” “I have to do something. I’ll meet you at the cottage tonight.” “Okay.” I ran out the door, grabbed my purse, got in the car, and drove to Seattle. To make him happy, I must complete my bracelet.
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