Chapter 3

1110 Words
Jacob’s P.O.V I waited ten minutes for the news, but there was no update. I walked into the nursery room, and to my surprise, it wasn’t Bella but Carlisle. He cleaned up Bella and the baby’s mess, implying she caused it. “Where’s Bella?” I asked. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. Bella made it. She’s out with Edward hunting,” Carlisle responded. “You mean she’s not dead and now a vampire?” “Yeah, I didn’t see it. I walked in when they left.” “Oh. When are they going to be back?” “Soon.” “Thanks.” “My pleasure.” I left and waited for them on the couch. Bella’s P.O.V “You ran away from human blood and made your first hunt. You’re better than some vampires who can’t do it.” Edward said. I smiled. “Yeah,” I said. I heard Jacob come down the stairs from the house and walk toward us, and my eyes widened. “Jake, you’re still here?” I asked. “So are you?” Jacob walked closer to me. “You look so... you. Except for the creepy eyes,” he said. A smile appeared on my face. Jacob moved even closer to me, causing me to become tense. Despite being with Edward, I still cared about him and wanted to protect him. I reached out to halt Jacob and advised, “I would keep your distance for now.” Jacob gazed at me, curious. “Why?” he inquired. “I don’t want you to get hurt.” “True, but it’s safer for the baby if you see how you deal with me.” “When do you care about Renesmee?” “I don’t, but test yourself on me for the baby’s safety.” “Oh, okay, I’ll try.” “Okay, take a whiff.” I felt shocked. Jacob smelled terrible, so I told him, “Jake, they’re right. You smell.” They both laughed. “Do you want to meet your child now?” Edward asked. “Yes,” I responded. We all stepped inside the house. We found Alice and Jasper beside each other. Esme and Carlisle stood beside each other while Emmett sat on the couch. In the room’s rear, Rosalie held Renesmee in her embrace. I walked toward them, and they all turned around except Rosalie. “Welcome to the family,” Esme greeted the newcomer. “You look amazing, Bella,” Alice said. As Carlisle spoke, I approached Rosalie. “She’s been waiting for you.” With Edward beside me, I walked towards Rosalie while Jacob sat on the couch next to Emmett. Rosalie handed Renesmee to me, and I placed her in my embrace. Vampires do not shed tears, so that I couldn’t cry. Renesmee gazed into my eyes, her big brown eyes mirroring my own. When Renesmee’s hand contacted my face, I saw a vivid memory of my human life before my death. When she removed her hand, the memory vanished. "What was that?" I asked, puzzled. “She also has talent. Alice tells us about the future, and I read people’s thoughts. She inherited it from Alice and me. So her talent is when she touches your face with her hand and tells you her thoughts,” Edward responded. “That’s amazing.” I held her on the couch. Jacob came over and observed Renesmee. “She resembles you, Bella, but not the facial features,” he remarked. “I know,” “Well, I better go,” Jacob said. “Billy might worry about me.” Jacob walked away. I shouted, “Wait!” It was too late. Jacob was already gone. “Rosalie!” I yelled. Rosalie dashed into the living room at vampire speed. “Yes, Bella?” She inquired. “Will you take Renesmee, please?” I asked. “Sure.” “Thanks.” I dashed to the door like a vampire. Edward caught up and inquired, “Where are you going?” “To stop Jacob from leaving,” I responded. “Why?” “I don’t have time for questions; I must stop him.” I dashed out and spotted Jacob hopping on his motorcycle. He had his helmet on. “Jake!” I called out. “What!” Jacob snapped. “Don’t go.” “Why can’t I go? I have no reason to be here. We’re not together.” “Don’t say that you’re my best friend. Your presence is welcome, regardless of our relationship status.” “Bella, they don’t even like me and don’t want me here.” “So, who cares? I live here now, and if I want you here, you can.” Jacob stepped off his motorcycle and made his way towards me. I caught a whiff of his terrible odor, which I must acclimate to. Jacob embraced me with his muscular arms. I didn’t feel any pain because I had become a vampire. “It’s sweet, but I can’t always be here, Bella. I have things to do,” Jacob said. “Let me guess. You must run back to Sam’s pack, which you hate.” “No, I bailed on his pack and didn’t follow Sam’s orders anymore.” “What... what happened?” “Sam discovered Renesmee’s harm towards you and wanted to kill her. I didn’t want them to hurt you or the baby, so I left his pack. I’m on my own now.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” “There is also more.” “What’s going on?” “We all believed you were dead. Sam and Paul went to the house, expressing their desire to harm Renesmee because of your demise.” “You didn’t let them near her, right?” “No. I wouldn’t do that to you. You would hate me.” “Yes, I would.” “Well, Bella, I have to go. I could allow your presence, but it would violate the treaty.” “How?” “Well, now you’re a vampire, and I don’t know if Sam would allow you on our territory.” “Jake, because I’m a vampire, doesn’t mean I would hunt in your territory.” “I know, but you have to talk to Sam.” “Okay.” “Bye, Bella.” Jacob hugged me again and then walked back to his motorcycle. “Bye,” I said. Jacob put on his helmet, started his motorcycle, and rode off. I returned to the house feeling upset. I wish I could hang out with Jacob without being a vampire.
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