Chapter 2

465 Words
Jacob’s P.O.V I waited in another room until she woke up. I overheard Edward speaking with Carlisle. “Will she be okay? I’ve exhausted all the options.” “Will see. Alice and Rosalie are getting her fixed,” Carlisle said. Edward’s voice cracked as he said, “She’s all I got.” “I know,” Carlisle said. “Why don’t you wait until she awakes?” “Okay.” Carlisle saw me and walked over to me. “Is she going to be okay?” I asked. “I hope so. We will let you know,” Carlisle responded and walked away. Bella’s P.O.V I was changing inside. The venom caused internal pain but not external pain as it spread through my body. I was still from the outside. The pain stopped as the venom subsided. When my heart ceased to beat, all my functions had ceased. While I was sleeping, Rosalie and Alice dressed me in a dark blue dress. Next, they applied a liquid to aid my healing process and mend my bones and ribs. Next, they manipulated the brush and ran it through my wavy hair. After they did that, they left. I was alone, eyes shut. My bones and ribs were healing, and my hair became brighter and cleaner. I shifted my body and then could open my eyes, which opened wide. I got out of bed, and as I did, I noticed that my vampire’s eyes made everything different. My eyes met Edward’s as he stood by the window, staring at me. I approached him, and he reached for me to touch him. My hand contacted his, feeling his skin beneath. I grinned. Edward touched my face. “You’re beautiful,” he said, smiling. “We are at the same temperature now.” I smiled back before turning around and walking to the mirror. Upon reaching the mirror, I observed my paler complexion and red eyes. I faced Edward and embraced him. It caused difficulty with his breathing. Edward groaned. “Bella, you’re stronger than me now,” he explained. I pulled away with a smile. "It's your turn not to break me," Edward said with a smile. I hugged him. Edward groaned. Looking at him with love, I whispered, “I love you.” Edward reciprocated, saying, "I love you, too." Edward then kissed me. After a minute, I pulled back, gasping. It hit me—I forgot someone. "Renesmee!" I shouted. Edward smiled and said, “She’s amazing.” “I have to see her.” “No, Bella, you need to get your thirst under control.” I felt the thirst for blood in my throat. Edward took my hand, and we headed outside to the forest. “We have to hunt,” he said.
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