Bargaining (1)

1056 Words
Since the attack had taken place four days earlier, I tried to carry on as normally as possible without deviating from my well-established routine: new recruit training, my own training, patrols and fights in the arena. All this was punctuated by visits to the infirmary to see Chelsea. That was where I was going that afternoon. Strangely enough, I had established a bond with the young she-wolf. Even though I had always promised myself that I would never do that. To be attached to someone was not only to put myself in danger, but also to hang a huge target on the back of the person who gave me a little too much attention. Ivana was the possessive type, she did not like to lend her toys. So I made sure that my visits were always discreet and I never stayed very long. Chelsea had been through hell and back, and she had fought to survive, I couldn't leave her alone. I was growing soft. Maybe if my heart of stone got softer... Maybe if I became like this... Then maybe I could be forgiven and be a good companion to Duncan? Maybe if I'd been sweeter, he'd be with me today? Ever since my anger subsided, I've spent my time thinking about these possibilities. What I should have done or what I could do to get him back, knowing that it was simply impossible. My she-wolf, too, was pushing me to give in to these instincts. She missed her mate tremendously and she was making it clear to me. "Maybe we could find an excuse to go see him? Even for a few moments? Or maybe ask him to come here with us? Or.." Her feverish logorrhea was interrupted by a figure that collided violently with us. Chelsea's dazzling smile as she lifted her head to look at me while hugging me warmed my heart. I quickly checked around to make sure no one had seen us before pushing her back to her room and clearing my throat, embarrassed by such a display of affection. "I already told you to be careful that no one sees us together. - But you didn't come to see me yesterday, I thought you wouldn't come anymore. - Look, you have to understand if someone sees you with me it could get you in trouble. Serious trouble! - You're being dramatic, who cares if I talk to you and if you' re nice to me. - I'm NOT a nice person and it has to stay that way for your safety. You don't want to get hurt again, do you?" The young woman froze, her eyes haunted. My she-wolf made a small sound of disapproval. "That was a low blow... - She doesn't want to understand, but she has to. - So why are you being nice to her? You could leave and not talk to her again. - I. Am. NOT. NICE! Okay? - Whoa, calm down. You know you have a soft spot for her, so don't bother lying to me. I'm in your head, remember? She reminds me of you when we first met. Innocent, but already fierce. Of course, you were much smaller and less strong than her then, but there's a little something... - Arrrrgh!" Exasperated, I ran my hand through my long tangled hair, then turned my attention back to Chelsea. When I saw her wet, sad eyes, I felt a weight on my stomach. I awkwardly placed my hand on her head to comfort her. "You must not let them win, ever. Don't give them your tears. - You're right." Exasperated, I ran my hand through my long tangled hair, then turned my attention back to Chelsea. When I saw her wet, sad eyes, I felt a weight on my stomach. I awkwardly placed my hand on her head to comfort her. "You must not let them win, ever. Don't give them your tears. - You're right." She resolutely wiped her wet cheeks and turned her determined gaze on me. I watched her with curiosity. How had she recovered from such an ordeal? I could still see here and there the marks that testified to the torment she had been through. However, her most serious wounds were not visible, she would need time to rebuild herself. A broken soul cannot be fixed like a leg or an arm. Our wolf powers could do nothing for that. But she was young, she would get over it... One way or another she would. I was sure of it. "I like that better. So when are you getting out? - Today if the doc gives the okay. - Are your parents coming to get you? - I'm one of the orphans of the pack. I have no parents." I was speechless for a second, then quickly pulled myself together ready to say something, though I didn't really know what. I wasn't really used to comforting people, usually I would rip them apart. But before I could speak again, Chelsea's voice came out firm and resolute. "As soon as I'm cleared, I'd like to resume combat training and train even more than before. - You will resume standard training. - But... - And we'll see about me training you privately from time to time. That's all I can do. And you must promise to keep it a secret. Is that clear? - Yes, very clear! - Good. - Fureur? Can I ask you a question? - Isn't that what you are already doing ? - What is your real name? - ... - Please? - I forgot, maybe I've always called myself Fury?" She gave me a pleading, young puppy look. I gritted my teeth, trying to push back the memories her question brought up in my mind. " Practice and become a powerful she-wolf. If one day you manage to take me down, I will reconsider my answer to your question." With that, I urged her back to bed before heading out the door. Her suddenly moved voice stopped me in the doorway. "Fury, wait! Thank you... Thank you for saving me, without you I would have died. I swear on my life that I will return the favor one day." Without even turning around, I gave her an awkward wave before stealthily slipping away.
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