
1195 Words
///This episode is written from the point of view of the Omega of the Yukon Pack, Duncan./// *** I stared in disbelief at my reflection in the shattered mirror in my bathroom. What was happening to me? Since this morning, I'd felt as if a furious wolf was struggling in my heart. It wasn't me, I wasn't dominant or aggressive by nature, as my position as Omega showed. Everyday life had returned to normal since we came back from Montana and nothing had happened here that would have made me lose my mind like that. Of course I was suffering, but that suffering was causing me to shut down, not blow up mirrors on a whim. I looked down at my bloody hand. The cuts were numerous, but fortunately not too deep. I ran my hand under the water and sat on the toilet lid while wrapping a towel around my fist. I couldn't believe what I had just done. My wolf, on the other hand, remained silent, but his silence spoke volumes. "If you have something to say Isha, say it. You're not even in front of me and I can feel your disapproving look. - I'm not trying to argue with you, you know that. But the separation with our female is hurting us. - I know... What did you want me to do? I wasn't going to drag her by the scruff of the neck here. She made it clear how she felt about... our relationship. - Like you're strong enough to drag her anywhere ! Remember how she pinned you to the wall even though she was in such bad shape? You don't stand a chance!" His tone was appreciative. For a moment, I could have believed that he was purring with pleasure at the memory of our tough exchanges with her. Exasperated, I raised my eyes to the sky. A bravado to put on a show, but I remembered too well this moment when I had almost lost her. That moment when she had seemed so fragile behind her mask of bloodthirsty warrior. Yet, things had started well. Our first face-to-face discussion, the night I had seen her fight in the arena, had left me full of doubts, apprehension and excitement. As someone who always refused to show her human form, how could I have imagined that she was so beautiful? She was perfect. That first evening, she was hidden from my eyes, but I could see the curve of her alabaster shoulder. The moon played with her skin, creating a glow that was quite surreal. The idea of her naked body under the moonlight made my stomach knot up and awakened unspeakable sensations in me. At that moment, I didn't understand this irrepressible urge which told me to approach her, to touch her. As always, Isha was more lucid than I was and had put me on the right track very quickly. I didn't want to believe it. What a ridiculous companion I would make for such a woman. When I returned to my Alpha, I felt as if I had come out of a dream. I made my report and told him that I was going to bed with an absent minded look. I saw the questioning eyebrow that Isaac raised, but before he could say anything I had already gone to the bedroom. Our last face-to-face meeting had left me in shambles. I had never experienced such an emotional roller coaster. First, fear and worry. I may have never seen her in her female body, but when I spotted her, I knew it was her. She was everything I had wanted and more. But my joy was short-lived when I saw the marks of the abuse she was suffering. The blood in my veins began to boil as my heart tightened. I wanted to hold her close to me and set that house on fire right away. I had never felt such violent feelings. Then, happiness. Our eyes locked and our souls met. We were finally together, finally complete. I was amazed and I felt in a heartbeat that she was too. And suddenly, the fall. Before I knew what was happening I was on the floor suffocating, the door of her room slamming behind her. If Isaac hadn't arrived when he did, it would have been all over. I would have lost her forever. A hope had been born in me, but the return to my daily life had turned it into distress. What would become of me if we were not reunited? While I was lost in my thoughts, the door to my room opened suddenly. Isaac followed by Clyde entered and hurried to the bathroom. It must have been a pathetic scene, even Clyde was speechless when he saw the state of the room. An Omega didn't lose his temper, an Omega didn't punch mirrors, an Omega didn't end up prostrate on the toilet clutching his bloody hand in a towel. The Alpha's eyes were focused on me, but it was my friend who spoke up, true to himself. "Damn it, Duncan! What's the matter with you, buddy? Did you see a spider and get scared?" An inexplicable rage rose in me again and I yelled. "What the f**k, Clyde! Don't you ever shut your big mouth? Maybe you need me to remind you how it's done?" As I was already rushing towards him, Isaac stepped in and, using his Alpha power, forced me to stop without even having to touch me. Clyde, on the other hand, looked at me as if I had grown a second head. I had never raised my voice at him or anyone else. The raging wolf had fallen silent, but I could still feel him stirring in my mind as if he planned to break free at any moment. "Duncan, that's enough! Tell us what's going on. This isn't like you. - Nothing... - Sorry, but it's not nothing." With a gesture, he embraced the room. Indeed, it was not nothing. The rage I felt suddenly calmed down once I realized this. And suddenly, I collapsed, tears streaming down my face. "It's her... I can feel her anger, her pain, her despair. This has to end, Isaac. I need her. I don't want her to stay in this crazy pack anymore. I want her here with me. She is so much more than the monster she tries to be. You too... I know you want her here too. Why don't we do something to get her home? Let me go back, please... - Shh, calm down. We will find a solution. I've already put a pawn on my chessboard, but if necessary we'll be more direct. - A pawn? You mean the thing you tied to her paw. What was that? - You'll find out soon enough. Try to be patient and trust me. I'll get her back here one way or another." With a reassuring gesture, my Alpha helped me stand up before giving me a small smile of encouragement. "How about we go clean your wounds and make sure there's no glass still in there?" ***
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