Bargaining (2)

1099 Words
I was lying on the ground, wounded, with Duncan's figure towering over me. Gasping, I tried to get up, but silver chains held me down. Everything around me was darkness. Where was I? What time was it? I had no idea. The hateful grin on the Omega's face broke my heart. Why was he doing this to me? I thought we were made for each other. He couldn't treat me like this, he was so gentle. It was completely impossible! As I tried to understand the situation, he spat out in disgust. "You are pathetic. How could you even think that I would want you? - Duncan, I... - Quiet! You're a thing, a toy. Who would want to look at you? You're not a she-wolf or a human. You're nothing. You exist only to serve. - No..." My voice was weak, pleading. Gradually, my companion's figure blurred to reveal Ivana's voluptuous forms. "You're not even worth the air you breathe. No one would ever want to be tied to an abomination like you. Without you, your parents would still be alive! - You're lying, you're the one who killed them!" Panic began to overcome me. What if she was telling the truth? What if it was all my fault? Another change, it was now my father who was facing me. "Daddy... - You disgust me! If it wasn't for you, I could still be with my love. I hate you! We died for what? For a MONSTER!" He then changed into a beautiful black wolf with silver eyes and charged towards me, determined to kill me. I squeezed my eyelids shut to avoid witnessing my own execution and woke up with a jolt, lying on a large flat rock by the river. Trembling, I lay prostrate for a moment and tried to convince myself that none of this was true. Then I addressed a prayer to the goddess felling sick. "I will do anything you want, but please don't let him hate me. I know you gave me a gift by bringing Duncan into my pack. I know I didn't value him, and I'm sorry. Bring him back to me and I'll be your slave for eternity. Just let me enjoy the time I have left with him." My whisper was lost in the sound of the stream of the river and no one answered me. If I had been more clear-sighted, if I were a better person, everything might have gone better. Everything would not have been so complicated. I would do anything to make up for it. Anything. My rambling thoughts were interrupted by a noise in the bushes. Turning my head toward the noise, I saw Chelsea step out of the sea of green. Like a sylph, she was slender and graceful, which contrasted with her determined and bubbly temperament. Her wavy blonde hair, which usually caressed her shoulders, was pulled up into a high ponytail. When you looked at her, she could almost seem unable to fight, but she was not one to be taken lightly. Smart, vicious, and tough, she was all about winning her fights. Her fellow sparring partners had been caught out more than once by her apparent fragility, and so they regularly bit the dust. For the past month we had been training almost daily, always in secret. I couldn't get rid of the fear that her proximity instilled in me. All those for whom I had feelings had been snatched from me in one way or another. Chelsea had suffered enough without me throwing her into the claws of the Luna. She approached with a big smile and called out to me. "Hi Fureur! - Cub. - Raaah! When are you going to stop calling me that? I'm not a kid! For your information, you're almost my age..." She crossed her arms over her chest, a sulky pout on her face. I suppressed a small smile. "I may be physically your age, but never forget that I have more experience than you will ever have in a lifetime... Cub. - Pff, one day you'll see I'll be as strong as you! - I hope so, I don't waste my time every day with you for nothing. But hey, we're still a long way to go." My joke made her smile and she ran towards me ready to fight. I skillfully dodged and tripped her. She stumbled, but soon regained her balance. Her progress was amazing. She had such strength within her. The aggression had turned a gifted young woman into a raging wolf. Unlike me, who had taken years to gain such control over my emotions, she did not let her demons get the better of her. Her explosive nature often got her into trouble on a daily basis, but she knew how to keep a cool head in a fight. She would make a formidable warrior who could be counted on. With a simple nod, I urged her to continue her assaults and the fun began. The sun was about to set when we both ended up in the river to refresh ourselves and get rid of the dust that our training had raised. I, who almost never appeared in my human form, had no problem with it when I was with Chelsea. She didn't ask intrusive questions and didn't have that glint of lust in her eye that repelled me so much. For a moment, I forgot about the monster in me. Tenderly, I looked at her while she told me about her morning with enthusiasm. Suddenly, a movement between the trees caught my attention. No one was supposed to know we were here. A snapping sound from a little further away reached me. Whoever it was, our spy had realized that I had spotted him. Asking Chelsea to stay where she was, I shifted and went after the unwanted spectator. If this person had come to get an eyeful of us, I was going to make sure it was the last thing he or she saw. Not surprisingly, a few moments after leaving the river, I heard the pounding of my sparring partner's paws as she followed me. Darkness had settled over the forest and I was about to give up when I caught a faint scent. No matter how weak it was, I couldn't forget who it belonged to. A flash appeared in my mind: a whip with silver tips, a man's erection trying to push itself between my thighs, the wild cries of lovers reaching the climax of their pleasure together... Ivana's favorite.
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