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The path leading to the visitors' residence was on the western edge of the territory, the closest to the pack village. Nevertheless, 20 minutes of walk awaited us especially since the small group did not seem to be determined to change into wolf form so that we could run. The small path was surrounded by the forest with no lights, which in itself was not really a problem for werewolves. My inky black fur made me difficult to see in this environment, so I tried to walk at a pace comfortable for bipeds. As we were silently walking for a few minutes, a gruff voice called out to me. "So you are the Great Fury, the she-wolf who brings terror wherever she goes. Well, I thought you were much more imposing. I always thought you were actually a dude!" I suddenly froze, turning my back on them to keep me from slaughtering the i***t who had just spoken to me. Nevertheless, I could not hold back a threatening growl. Before I could do anything about it, a warm and gentle voice rose up. Despite its softness, it was firm and without appeal. "You really can't help but provoke everyone, Clyde. We're here as guests and you're going to get us into a fight... And clearly no one wants to see you humiliated. - Oh, come on, I'm kidding! You're such a killjoy ! I'm sure Fury also knows that... right ?" Mentally rolling my eyes to the sky, I headed back on my way and everyone relaxed before following me. "You see! I told you so! - Clyde!" I heard the Alpha chuckle softly at the reply of his Omega. They are really strange in this pack. Such behavior from one of our own would have been severely reprimanded. Perhaps he to refrain from airing their dirty laundry in public? Yet, the mood between them seemed to be relaxed. I couldn't say the same about my she-wolf, who was not standing still in my mind. Exasperated, I scolded her mentally. "Will you please calm down, you'll end up making me dizzy. - I'm sorry, I can't help it, I have a strange feeling that I can' t get rid of. - What's going on? Do you feel any danger? - Danger? No, I don't think so. Maybe... - Maybe what? - No nothing. Never mind, I must be wrong. Don't worry." On these words, she fell silent and tried to relax. I knew that when she closed up like that there was no point in insisting. She would speak up later if it was really important. In the meantime, slightly alarmed by her behavior, I turned all my senses towards the trio. Isaac, the troubling and serene Alpha with his impressive build and strangely familiar features, Clyde, the silly Gamma who was rather provocative for a wolf with a defender status, and finally the Omega of whom I still didn't know the name, his gentle aura that made me feel like I was taking a warm relaxing bath. Absolutely irritating. How could a male assume such a role? Stand back, be all sweetness and light and tolerate everyone's temper? You really had to be a masochist to live like that. "It's true that living the way we do is not masochism at all!" I slightly curled up my chops in reaction to my she-wolf's cutting remark. She had a point, but it was a question of survival and not a choice. Ruminating her words, I barely realized that we had arrived. Sitting in front of the entrance, I gestured to them to come in with my snout. The Omega walked past me with his eyes fixed on the ground, his smell as fresh as a pine forest came to tickle my nostrils with delight. Then followed Clyde who winked at me. In response, I slapped my jaw half annoyed, half amused. Finally, came the turn of the Alpha. He stopped in front of me and stared me straight in the eyes. I gave him back his gaze without flinching. His intrigued look had returned and I had felt the weight of his gaze all the way here. "Thank you for guiding us here, I hope we will have the pleasure of meeting again during our stay. We will start our research tomorrow to avoid bothering you for too long." For a moment, I thought he was going to add something, but finally he remained silent. I bowed my head politely and after answering with a nod, entered the building without delay. I stayed around for a moment to make sure they didn't come out as soon as I turned my back. Of course there were patrols all over the pack's territory, but perhaps I should assign one of them to watch over our guests as a safety measure. I didn't want to see them nosing around the village in the evening. Suddenly I remembered that I was expected at the arena in ten minutes. I rushed towards the village like a shadow, pushing my questions into a corner of my mind. Death does not wait... The evening would be bathed in blood and tears. I had to face three young wolves tonight. Two females and a male. While the male and one of the females had been quickly defeated, the second she-wolf was a little tougher. The two minutes were soon over. Her gray fur was smeared with blood in some places and her legs were shaking under her weight, but she was holding on. I appreciated her spirit and determination. She was going to make it, just a few more seconds. Our bodies collided violently and a powerful blow broke her leg. She howled and in return she bit my shoulder to the blood before retreating. Good girl. She was preparing for another assault when the bell rang. It was over, she had passed the test. Thanks to our pack bond I congratulated her. "What's your name, kid? - Chelsea. - Well, Chelsea, welcome to the big league. Don't let them eat you alive. - Let them try!" I gave her an amused nod, here's an interesting new recruit. With my approval, she collapsed panting to the ground, waiting for the pack doctors to come and examine her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the two bodies of the wolves I killed tonight, just hidden under sheets, and felt another piece of my soul tearing apart. Seven for this week. My amusement quickly faded away, I left this macabre theater and went straight into the forest. That's when I saw him looking at me with a sad expression on his face. Shit... I knew I should have posted guards...
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