
1143 Words
///This episode is written from the point of view of the Omega of the Yukon pack./// *** This she-wolf was haunting me. From the moment I saw her at the meeting with the Alpha of the Montana pack, I simply could not get her out of my mind. I was unable to put my finger on it, but she exerted a kind of fascination on me. Fierce and brutal, she was my total opposite and still... Moreover, her strange silver eyes brought up another mystery that went beyond my own curiosity. I had never seen or heard of silver-eyed wolves outside our pack. Who was she? Isaac too was puzzled by the she-wolf. He hadn't expressed it clearly, but I felt it as strongly as if it was my own thoughts. Privilege of the Omega status, I was plugged into the emotions of all those to whom I felt a connection. My pack members, but not only them. Once we were settled in the guest building, we would set up our plan of action. The next day, we were going to explore the surrounding area looking for the famous beargrass, but this herb wasn't the only reason we came for.Interrupting the thread of my thoughts, the Alpha spoke to me. "Duncan, do you hear me? - Sorry Isaac, I'm listening now. - I was saying that I needed you to scout the area tonight. The fact that they won't allow us to go out at night intrigues me and Clyde is not discreet enough for this kind of mission. - Hey! - You know very well what I meant Clyde, I need a shadow, a shadow who in case of trouble will be tactful enough to avoid being executed on the spot. - Pff... - At your command, Alpha, I will prepare myself." With that, I went to the room I shared with Clyde and chose a dark, easy-to-carry, outfit. Reconnaissance missions were often my responsibility, because besides my Omega abilities, I was able to blend in with my environment. I was the most stealthy wolf in my pack, perfect for this type of task. Once I was ready, I nodded to my companions before heading out into the woods. The moon was almost full. In our pack, every full moon, the whole pack would go on a hunt. This helped to strengthen the bonds within the group. I was wondering if it was the same here. Given the gloomy and violent atmosphere that emanated from the place, I doubted it. Focusing again on my goal, I changed. The multiple colors of my coat made me almost invisible in any environment, except in the snow. The pack used to tease me about it, calling me Rainbow from time to time. I disliked that nickname, but it was just tough love, as the saying goes. Isha, my wolf, was delighted to be able to stretch his paws and didn't care much for the names they gave us. His pragmatic spirit made him cherish this appearance very useful for tracking and hunting. That night, he also had his mind set on the black she-wolf. He seemed inexorably attracted to her. "Perhaps it's the goddess who puts her in our way. What if it was... her? - Do you really think we would have been paired with such a fierce wolf? What powerful female would want an Omega like us as a mate? - Aren't opposites said to attract each other? - Nonsense! What she needs is a strong male who can support her in her fights. - That' s not what we are? - You know exactly what I meant. A Gamma like Clyde or a Beta like Eliot, or even an Alpha! I've never seen a she-wolf with so much power. - Getting confirmation wouldn't be difficult though. All we need to do is to touch each other while looking into our eyes and we'd finally have a clear answer. But I feel it in my gut. It's her. - It's not as simple as that. I mean, if I lay even one finger on her, she'll rip my arm off." For any answer Isha had an appreciative grunt. Shaking my head helplessly, I moved on. I had a mission to accomplish. Once on the outskirts of the pack village, I stayed under the cover of the trees when shouts caught my attention. These were not cries of fear, but rather cries of encouragement, a bit like watching a high school fight. All the activity of the pack seemed to be focused there. Discreetly, I sneaked into the building and changed to my human form to peek through a barred window that was too high for my wolf. What I saw left me speechless. Isha, on the other hand, was much more talkative. "Look at her, but look at her! She is perfect. Fierce, fearless, invincible. - You desire what you can't have Isha. - We'll see. And if I'm wrong, we'll call it a tocade. Wow!" She was untamed, magnificent, she fighted one opponent after another without weakening, dodging, biting, scratching. But deep down inside, I could feel that something was wrong. The wolves she faced were far too young to deal with such an experienced and fierce warrior. It was no ordinary fight, I was convinced of that. Already two of the wolves were gone. The third was still fighting bravely. As Fury was preparing to throw a final attack which would be fatal to her opponent, a bell rang and like that the fight ceased. Confused, I tried to understand what had just happened before my eyes. Little by little the light came to me when I saw two couples approaching the dead bodies and taking them away in silence. It was a rite, a revolting tradition and she was its instrument. I was unable to take my eyes off her and noticed, thanks to my gifts, a pain, a wrench in her as she laid eyes on the corpses. She was suffering. I had to force myself not to rush towards her and comfort her. Instead, I turned away and went back to the canopy of the trees. I needed to see her, make sure everything was okay. The wait wasn't long. She came out of that horrible place still in her wolf form. Did she never appear in her human form? She stopped for a moment and stared at the place where I stood. How was it possible? Even in my human form, no one could find me if I wanted to hide, unless I moved. And yet she had seen me. I was certain of it. She headed on her way and instead of going towards the village, she went into the woods and turned towards me one last time. She wanted me to follow her. ***
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