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Mercury. The irises of the wolf that had just entered the room were of the finest silver color. Eyes that were an exact replica of mine. Given the powerful aura he radiated, he was without a doubt the famous Alpha that bother Ivana so much. It had been so many years since I had felt such power that I almost felt like bowing down even though he hadn't opened his mouth yet. Almost. But his gaze captivated me. I had never met a wolf before, apart from my father, who had such eyes. I wanted to ask him a thousand questions, but I had a job to do. Tensing my muscles and puffing up my fur, I was being as intimidating as possible without being disrespectful, enhancing my already impressive build for a female. This wolf and his entourage were not my enemies, not yet, so there was no reason to be rude. The silence that followed this entry was palpable. Intrigued, I cast an oblique glance at my Luna, which stared at our visitor motionless. I saw her lips move, but no sound came out. Observing a little more attentively, I realized that she was pronouncing a name: Samuel, my father. Quickly turning my head, I detailed the face that was in front of us and to which I hadn't paid more attention before, captivated by the familiarity of his eyes. Now that I was focusing more broadly on his face, I did indeed notice a disturbing similarity without being exactly right. He was way too old to be my father, we age very slowly compared to humans, but there was also some differences in the line of his mouth and in his darker complexion. I saw him raise an questioning eyebrow as time seemed to stretch oddly. Alpha Gareth ended up clearing his throat, uncomfortable, before getting up to greet his counterpart by squeezing the stanger forearm. Before I could question my she-wolf, Ivana seemed to come back to her sense, but she was faintly pale, as if she had seen a ghost. "Welcome Alpha Isaac, I am Alpha Gareth. I lead the pack in Montana. This is my Luna, Ivana. - It's an honor Alpha Gareth... Luna. Thank you for receiving me on your territory." After formally greeting Gareth, he turned to Ivana, bowing very briefly, one hand over his heart, to pay his respects. As he stood up, his eyes crossed mine and he frowned. His change of expression had been almost imperceptible, but did not escape me. He seemed... puzzled. It was as if he didn't expect to find me here. Weird. His hesitation lasted only a split second before he turned his attention back to my Alpha who had returned to his seat and invited him to take a seat in in front of us. I took the occasion to shift my attention towards the two males who accompanied him while staying back. No Beta in sight, which only half surprised me. If their territory is as vast as we imagined, then someone had to hold the reins in the absence of their chief. However, one of them had a certain power and a defensive attitude. A Gamma, no doubt about it. The third one, on the other hand, particularly caught my attention because of its uniqueness. This kind of wolfs had even disappeared in our pack because of their lack of ferocity. An Omega. A jewel for most of the packs which did not live in permanent conflict as we did. Brought him here was both completely reckless and very clever. There is nothing like the presence of an Omega in the room to ease tensions. He looked physically apt for fighting, but such sweetness emanated from him that it felt as if nothing could ever turn out badly. On the other hand, losing an Omega made a pack particularly unstable. I knew something about it, having often targeted and executed Omegas to destabilize a clan before battle. Feeling my gaze weighing on him, he began to sway from one foot to the other while avoiding my gaze. "Tell us Alpha Isaac, what can we do for you? You've come a long way. - Yes, it has been a long and exhausting road, but we had no choice. One of our wolves was attacked by rogues on a mission outside our territory. They injected him with a wolfsbane and silver poison which, as you know, has the most noxious effects on our abilities and our health. But another ingredient has been added to it. We don't know exactly what it is, but the doctors of the pack have identified a plant that, added to our usual treatment, would counter the effects of this mysterious substance. It is apparently called beargrass. This plant is endemic to your area. We would like to benefit from your hospitality to find this plant. - I see... Of course it is not a problem. You will stay at the edge of our territory and my wolves will be made aware of your presence on our land, until you find what you need. Nevertheless, I advise you to avoid the heart of the pack village once night falls. Let's avoid my wolves confusing you with rogues. - I understand. - Good! Now that all this is settled, I suggest you go to the guest house that will be your home for the next few days." As everyone got up, the Luna spoke, an unreadable expression on her face. "Wait! We would be failing in our duties as hosts if we did not provide you with an escort to find your way back tonight. Fury over here, will be happy to accompany you. Please excuse her manners, she remains on all fours most of the time. She is not easy to... tame." When my name was pronounced, Isaac's two escorts exchanged a worried look. It is true, as Ivana said, that my reputation preceded me and that clearly these two were not reassured at the idea of having me as a guide. As for the Alpha, he showed a phlegm typical of his rank. No one frightened him. Good thing, neither was I. Always on alert, I stepped forward. I passed them impregnating myself with their smell before patiently waiting for them on the doorstep. 
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