
1334 Words
"These Yukon wolves are a real problem. - I like this one... - This is not the time, ok? - Okay, Mrs. Grumpy." While I was cursing, the Omega was on my heels. If he didn't respect the rules, at least he was smart enough to understand my intention when I found him lurking near the arena. Strangely, I hadn't really seen him, but I had sniffed him out. His unique scent could not escape me. We walked for a few minutes and he didn't try to catch me by speeding up. Good for him. I took him to a safe place to make sure no one could hear us. Once I arrived at my destination, I went to a hidden corner to take human form. The male naturally stopped in the most open area expecting me to join him because he felt my presence nearby. He waited quietly and cleared his throat, uncomfortable. I smiled inwardly at his attitude and leaned against a tree, completely naked, to hide myself from his sight. Taking my most threatening voice, I began the interrogation. "So Omega, this is how you thank us for our hospitality? By sticking your nose in what doesn't concern you? - I... How do you know I'm an Omega? - Ha! It's visible as the nose in the middle of the face. And I'm the one asking the questions! Then answer, what were you doing there? What did you see? - Nothing special, I felt restless and I needed to get out for a walk. It' s almost full moon and I miss going out with my pack. Anyway, I didn't see... - I'll be really sad to have to rip your arm off, you know... I don't think it's gonna be necessary if you decide to tell me the truth." I heard him swallowing, intimidated by my threats. Brutalizing an Omega was always something I hated to do. They're so soft, it's like bullying little puppies. Before I could rub it in, he made up his mind. "Okay, okay, no lying. I really wanted to go out tonight and then I was intrigued as to why we were grounded so I decided to go for a walk. Usually no one can see me if I decide to stay invisible. How did you decide to... ? Sorry, sorry, you're the one asking questions, it's true. So, during my little excursion, I heard shouting. I was afraid that there might be a problem and I decided to go and see what was going on. And that's when I came across this... I mean, whatever it was I ran into. - So you saw everything?" As I said those words, I felt shame and disgust. Him knowing that I was a monster and seeing it with his own eyes were two different things. I tried to keep my thoughts under control so that I could carry on with my interrogation. With a worried voice, my interlocutor preceded me. "Why are you doing this if it makes you so uncomfortable? - How do you...? - Omega stuff. - Yeah, well, it's none of your business. It's just the way it is and that's all." My tone had become sharp and harsh. He was rubbing it in and I didn't like it. "The arena is the only place where you dragged your nosy nose. - Yes, I swear. - Well, now... It's not like what goes on there is a secret. It's part of our rites, whether you like it or not." Changing position slightly, I breathed a tired sigh. "You must be exhausted after all those fights, why don't you rest? - Maybe because I found a nosy weasel on my way to bed? - Ouch, I deserved that one. Sorry to keep you awake then. Mind if I ask you a question? - Always ask, but I can't guarantee that you'll leave with all your limbs. - Um... I'll take the risk. Why don't you show up? - Because I'm completely naked?" I heard him take a sharp breath. Apparently, he hadn't thought of that answer. With a smirk on my face, I imagined him trying to regain his composure while getting agitated. Being naked among members of the same pack was not particularly disturbing when we changed into wolves, although everyone had their own level of modesty. But in front of wolves from other packs, only a serious situation could push one to show up in the simplest of ways. Personally, even without being naked, I did everything to show myself as rarely as possible. "Yes, of course. I was thinking more in general terms. Your Luna seemed to say that you didn't often present yourself in human form. That's pretty rare among werewolves. - That's none of your business. Anyway, you don't need to know what I look like, you just need to know that I'm strong enough to be able to behead you if I feel like it. - I don't doubt it for a single moment. I saw you fighting out there, you're incredible. - I can't take any credit, they are inexperienced cubs. Anyway, let's stop talking about it. - As you wish. I have another question. - Again. And to think that it was me who was supposed to question you! - Fury, is that really your name? - Maybe it is, maybe not. Why do you care? - It's just... I'd rather call you by your real name. - What did you say? Stop mumbling! - Nothing, it's nothing. You know, I was surprised when I first saw you. I had never met or heard of a silver-eyed wolves outside of my pack, let alone a she-wolf. What a surprise! Are your parents from here?" I remained silent to his question. A strange feeling came over me like a memory trying to come to the surface without being able to pinpoint it. But I felt deep down inside that it wasn't the kind of thing I wanted to share, and certainly not with a complete stranger with an amazing smell and a more than pleasant figure. "No idea, they died when I was little. - I'm sorr... - They didn't die because of you, no need to apologize." Another silence, then I heard a branch break. I felt him coming closer, still turning my back. My voice slammed into the air, unflinching. "Don't come any closer. - I'm sorry when I feel someone's distress, it attracts me like a magnet. - I don't need your pity. - I just... - Enough of this. Now you're gonna go to bed, and if I see you outside again at nightfall, I swear I'll be much less patient. And try not to be noticed by a patrol, because I won't give much of your skin. Starting tomorrow, wolves will be posted around your home in case you feel like wandering again. Am I understood? - Clear. I will not do it again." Without a word I changed again and walked towards him. The moon lit up his brown hair and his hazel eyes lay everywhere except on me. I either intimidated him or made him feel uncomfortable. In both cases it was a good thing, it would take away his urge to pal around with me. As I passed him, he spoke again. "By the way, I'm Duncan." I paused before running at full speed to my room, putting as much distance as possible between me and those one hundred and eighty centimeters of cuteness and muscles. That's when my she-wolf manifested herself in a mocking tone. "Duncan... It suits him. I wonder what his wolf's name is. - What does it matter? He won't be here soon. - Hey, I'm not the one who said he was cute. - Shut up!" I heard her giggling in my mind and decided to ignore her. I don't need anybody and a little Omega out of nowhere wasn't going to change that.
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