Chapter 3

944 Words
“Are you ready?” Em squealed excitedly.“Yes and no!” I said and chuckled. Felix walked up beside me and slipped his hand around my waist, “who’s ready to never have to read again!” He raised his hand “oh come on, don’t pretend like your going to purposely read after today Em!” He jokes with her, “hey!” She slaps him playfully while I cut in “unlike you two, I will still be required to read among other things.” I laugh, “I can’t believe you’d choose to keep going to school, have fun with that.” Felix teases. I notice Alpha Jameson and Max have joined us and my heart jumps into my throat. I immediately notice Jameson staring at Felix’s hand on my waist so I move closer to Emily, out of Felix’s grasp. “Hey guys it’s almost over!” Em squeals again before I can make an excuse to leave. “Anyone has any plans after this?” Max asks while Jameson’s eyes still linger on me. “Actually,” Felix answers, “Ace and I were going to go to the lake house if you guys want to join us? My dad got permission for us a few weeks ago.” I panic a little at the realization that he just offered for everyone to join, Jameson surely has better things to do though, right?! Anxiety is now creeping inside me and I need to leave before my parents see me or worse Alpha Tylon. “Well congratulations everyone,” I cut in nervously. Felix gives me a concerned look “if you guys don’t mind, I’m going to head to the ladies room then find my chair.” I say walking away before anything else can be said, getting me at least out of this conversation and away from Jameson. I go into a stall and breathe deeply pushing the need to cry to the back of my mind and start to wonder if all these intense feelings will ever really go away. After having to take pictures in my cap and gown for what seemed like hours to satisfy my mother, Felix drives me home to get dressed and grab the bag I made up for the lake. I put on a dark green string bikini and throw a white, see through cover over it. I hear Felix let out a low whistle as I walk into the living area. “Ace, you my dear, look delicious.” He says pushing off the wall with a devilish grin. He moves over, placing his hands on my waist and pulling me to him. He leans forward kissing me softly, he presses his fingers into my hips making me gasp in surprise and that’s all the invitation he needed to slip his tongue inside my mouth. Our tongues glided across each other in a sensual dance and all at once it turned into something more. A need, I could feel myself responding to him and wanting to be touched. He releases me from our kiss, as I try to catch my breath he starts to suck the sensitive spot on my neck causing me to moan. I feel my wolf pull forward at the pleasure and a pang of guilt courses through me reminding me he’s not my mate. “My parents with be home soon.” I remind him. He groans into my neck. “Fine, fine I do get you to myself for almost an entire week.” His green eyes full of lust. He scoops me up in his arms and heads towards the door. “Wait Felix my bag!” I squeal. He just laughs “I’ll come back for it. I’m getting you into the car before you change your mind.” He teases. He places me in the passenger seat and kisses me as he reaches across to buckle my seat belt and I smile. He runs back in to get my bag, I take a deep breath and try to convince myself that I deserve a shot at happiness. When we pull up to the lake house, I go quiet with nostalgia, remembering all the fun we had coming here together as kids. Felix opens my door for me, I take a moment to take in my surroundings and I smile up at him, “you ready to have some fun beautiful?” “Yes” I sigh, the honestly in that is momentous. I take a deep breath then I shove Felix backwards “race you inside!” I call running. I can see his eyes illuminate and his wolf peak through as he grins at me. “Cheater!” He growls playfully. I rush into the lake house with Felix following close behind me, after a few minutes of chase he finally catches me up stairs and I squeal as he pins me against the wall. I can feel his warm breath against my neck and he breathes deeply “you’ve always smelled so good Ace, like jasmine and spring.” I laugh, “is that really what I smell like?” “Mmmhmmm” his words tickle my neck. I feel his tongue lick downward, then he gently bites my clavicle and I inhale sharply. He begins sucking slowly and I can feel my body responding to his touch. He reaches my marking spot and sucks hard, making my body arch into him. Grabbing my hips he presses me against him and I can feel the length of his erection. He pulls back and his green eyes meet mine.
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