Chapter 4

1367 Words
“Ace please let me touch you?” He searches my face for an answer, I bite my lip and nod. His smile shows his sincere excitement. He captures my mouth and I feel his hand brush past my hip, across my thigh and move between my legs. I moan into his mouth as he touches me out side of my swimsuit. Felix gently pulls it to the side. “Is this ok?” He asks moving back to my neck. “Yes” I breathe out and I feel his warm fingers rub my slit. “Goddess Ace you’re already wet.” His voice now low. I feel him push two fingers into me and I can’t keep myself from calling his name, I rake my nails into his skin as his thumb finds my sensitive nub, bringing me another wave of pleasure. Goddess this feels so much better than when I touch myself! He puts pressure on my inner walls and I feel myself tightening around his fingers when I hear the front door swing open and crash against the wall. “For f***s sake.” Felix growls as he removes his fingers from me and places them into his mouth, I whine at the feeling of emptiness. “Don’t worry little wolf, all in good time.” He leans in and kisses me quickly. We turn to head downstairs to see who just arrived and Jameson is standing in the stairwell staring. His eyes a luminous dark blue and a low growl escapes him. “Don’t f**king touch her.” His eyes are fixed on Felix who puts his hands up in surrender. Being a Beta, it’s literally in his blood to be able to placate the Alpha. “Ok Alpha, I won’t touch her.” He says stepping away from me. “Mine” Jameson growls. “I knew I shouldn’t have come,” I whisper anxiously to myself but Felix picked it up, “it’s ok Ace, I’ll fix this.” He promises. I can feel Jamesons eyes on me, “just stay put ok.” I nod, looking down at the wooden floor. “Leave” Jameson commands Felix, I can feel fear and excitement course through me at the thought of being alone with him. ‘Focus on the fear’ Felix mind links me ‘we don’t want to excite him.’ He finishes. “Alpha I can’t leave yet. I’m sorry.” “Leave now! You touched what is mine!” He roars and lurches forward, grabbing Felix by the neck pinning him against the wall. I move towards them but Felix’s eyes catch mine. ‘No, I’m ok’ is all I hear him say to me through the mind link. “Alpha” he chokes out, “you’re scaring her, you can sense her fear. Let me down.” Jameson looks at me intensely, I take a step backwards and he drops Felix to the floor. Jameson walks in my direction but Felix recovers quickly and steps in between us again, averting Jameson’s attention back to himself. “Just let me call Emily to come take her home, ok?” Jameson is silent and I start to feel his gaze searing my skin. “Mate” he calls to me gently. I squeeze my eyes closed and a sob escapes me. “Alpha please.” I hear Felix say, “Your father will kill her if you touch her. please let Emily come get her.” He ignores Felix. “Ace you’re my mate!” I choke out another sob and move my hands to my heart in a futile attempt to protect it. I hear him start to move towards me again and Felix mind links me, ‘go into one of the bedrooms and lock the door sweetheart. Everything’s ok.’ Felix is still standing in front of Jameson, so I back up to the nearest bedroom. I slip inside and quickly lock the door. I hear growls, wood being broken and things hitting the walls, then a whimper, followed by silence. I quickly push the dresser in front of the door then run to the balcony to see how high up I am. I hear a small knock on the door.“Ace,” I hear Jameson call, “Please open the door, I just want to talk to you.” He says in a mellow voice. “Please Ace just hear me out I can’t live without you, I love you.” I’m unable to stop the tears now and I slip against the far wall and hug my knees to my chest. I faintly hear Felix speak, “Jameson, this, what your doing right now, is dangerous. You need to consider the consequences for her Alpha, you know how ruthless your father is.” I can tell he’s in pain by how hard he’s breathing ‘Felix’ I call through the mind link. ‘I’m still here, you’re doing great sweet heart.’ He reassures me, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I let my emotions settle for a moment as silence fills the room. I get up and move towards the balcony again, I might be able to make it in my wolf form but I’m afraid if I turn, I’ll be more drawn to Jameson. “Mate.” I hear Jameson call out to me again. Felix again trys to talk him down “Alpha please.” He begs. “YOU JUST WANT HER FOR YOURSELF!” Jameson roars, “SHE’S MINE!” I hear the door being ripped apart and look back, my green eyes catch Jamesons dark blue ones, I hesitate only a moment, then jump. I shift mid air hitting the ground hard but I’m able to shake it off, with the exception of one leg that caught the ground harder than the others. I force myself away from the lake house as quickly as I can. Although I’m fast, it wasn’t long before Jamesons large grey wolf catches up to me because of my limp leg and circles me, making me submit. I would’ve been much less visible at night, as my wolf is a silky black with only one white paw. I shift back quickly knowing my wolf will give into him and close my eyes tightly. I hold my bruised and swollen wrist to my chest as I hear him shift and then feel a hand caress my face gently. Tiny tingles prick where our skin touches, and I’m surprised by the pleasant sensation. “Ace, please look at me.” I hear Jameson plead, “please.” He pulls me into his lap now. The light tingles spread and I gasp. They are much weaker than they once were but still there. “You feel it too, don’t you, you're still mine and I’m still yours.” Yet another sob escapes me, hearing him say that is devastating. I want him so badly but the price I would pay for giving in is too high. He gently pushes my head back on his shoulder and strokes my neck creating a line of sweet sensual tingles. It’s soothing, almost making me forget why I was worried at all. ‘I can’t keep fighting.’ I mind link Felix, I can’t feel him there but I continue anyway, ‘I’m sorry Felix, I’m so sorry, I tried, I really tried.’ I call through the link. Jameson growls and I can feel his wolf coming back to the surface, he must’ve felt me linking. He lightly pinches my chin and turns my head to face him. “Come on Ace, please open your eyes.” I feel my wolf pull forward, I know the moment I look at him, I will lose my resolve and I whimper knowing I can no longer resist. I gaze into his deep blue eyes and his smile fills my heart. “I won’t let anyone take you from me again.” He promises. My heart melts and my mind becomes overwhelmed by a flood of emotions. He stands and walks with me in his arms back to the lake house.
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