Chapter 2

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I partnered with my brother for morning training, then attended my classes as usual. The difference was the whispers that surrounded me at every turn and my inability to do anything about them right now. Even with my head held high, and a mask of indifference plastered on my face, I was a house of cards on the brink of collapse on the inside. I took my lunch to the school roof that way I could avoid seeing Jameson. I sat against the door when all the sudden, it pushes into me. I move away and see Felix come out. “Hey, I thought you might be up here,” He lets out a little laugh moving over to where I’m now sitting “I came here to check on you and hit you with the door. How ironic.” “I’ve been through worse.” I let out a half-hearted laugh. “About that, you haven’t called or texted me back.” He says sitting beside me stretching his legs out. The sun catches the deep red in his auburn hair. “Honestly, I haven’t even turned my phone back on since my disaster of a birthday party.” I look down and fiddle with an orange peel while he studies my face. “Well, how’s that social media detox going? I hear it does wonders for the complexion” He laughs. “On a scale of 1 to my birthday party I’d say it’s a solid 2.” I let out a real laugh and push my shoulder into him. “I’m really sorry Felix.” He leans his head against the wall “It’s not your fault Ace,” he says matter of factly “it’s a part of who we are, well what we are really.” He pats my leg with his large hand. “Let’s get going, I know you don’t want to be late for gym.” He gets up and extends his hand out to me with a warm smile. “Thanks Felix.” I say. “Any time Ace, I’ve always got your back and sometimes your front.” He winks playfully at me and I smack him on the arm. After talking to Felix the rest of the day was ok, I at least didn’t feel like I was on the brink of breaking down at any moment and that was enough. I still couldn’t bring myself to turn on my phone. I’m actually just going to ask my mother to replace it and get a new number. I know it’s extreme but I just don’t know what I would do if Jameson had tried to reach out, it’s better not knowing. This isn’t any of our faults. Emily and Jameson were promised to be mated to each other practically at birth. Our pack had strength and Emily’s pack had wealth. Even as a child Emily attended our packs schools, she always played our Luna at recess. I was her Gamma as my brother was two years older and had a different schedule. Felix of course was Beta to Alpha Jameson and little Max our future Delta is a year younger but he played with us when he could. We all became best friends, now Jameson and I can never go back to being the way we were before. I knew what it was to love him and be loved by him all because of the mate bond. Not physically but wholly, unconditionally, for two days I was his and he was mine. My heart longs for him even with the bond destroyed, but acting on that impulse would cost me my life and possibly the lives of my family. I don’t hate Emily, how could I, her life had been bartered for before she could speak. As much as it now makes me physically ill to think of them together, I know she will be a great Luna. I’m just, conflicted. Every day is the same for now, I am not to have any time unaccounted for. Although it’s strenuous, I know my father is keeping me close for my own safety. I avoid contact with Jameson at all costs, I can sometimes feel his eyes on me at school or in the dining hall. Even though everything inside me calls me to him, I feign ignorance and walk away. Em, Felix and Max have brought some semblance of normalcy back into my life and I am grateful for that. My father is not keen on me still speaking with the ‘future Luna’ however, because I have done everything that’s been asked of me, he lets it slide. I’ve found that my brother is an amazing confidant, and opening up to him about how I feel, and having a shoulder to cry on during difficult days helps a lot. Felix makes flirty passes at me, teasing me like he always has. I flirt back, but it takes real effort now where it used to come naturally. A piece of me still wants Jameson and wanting anyone besides him is the farthest thing from my mind. My brother’s advice was ‘fake it till I make it.’ At the time I laughed at him, but from a psychological standpoint it may actually help. I do love how fun and playful Felix is, he’s also really patient, understanding and handsome. I have always loved his dark auburn hair and emerald green eyes. I’m grateful to have him in my life, I’m glad he has remained by my side even after I hurt him unintentionally. I could not help but run to my mate as soon as I smelled him at birthday party, leaving Felix, who escorted me, standing alone. He’s more than forgiven me and has played a major roll in me getting through the last few months of school, Actually he’s always been a good friend to me. I really don’t know what I did to deserve him, but I have no doubt he is a blessing from the Goddess.
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