Chapter 1

755 Words
“Please no.” I pleaded softly, my best friend Emily holding me tightly with tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry Ace,” Jameson pauses and looks at me heartbroken. “Get on with it Jameson.” Alpha Tylon orders. Both our fathers are present making certain the bond we share is severed. “I, Jameson of the Red Forest pack…" “Stop wasting time and say it right or I’ll kill the girl!” Alpha Tylon roared. I could see fear flash through my fathers eyes, pulling his wolf forward momentarily but he recovered quickly. “I Jameson Lake, future Alpha of Red Forest Pack reject you, Ace Harbor as my mate and future Luna.” Pain hits me and spreads through my body like a fire, it drops me to my knees and I bite my lip until it bleeds to keep myself from screaming. My father steps towards me and Emily steps away. He pulls me from the ground,“Accept it Ace. Let’s be done with this.” He says sternly. “I, Ace Harbor, accept your rejection.” I breathe out through the pain, never looking up. I just watch the blood from my lip trickle into the snow turning its color. I hear Jameson struggling against the pain as I’m quickly pulled from the scene by my father. “Don’t look back Ace. It will only hurt more.” He whispers with a bit of empathy bleeding into his voice. “It’s going to be ok.” I nod as he leads me back to the pack house. As soon as I step into our family’s suite my mother rushes over and clings me tight to her chest. “Oh sweet girl, you are so strong, you will get through this.” She repeats over and over running her hand over my light blonde hair. I just stand there empty, wondering why the Goddess would do this. Only days ago, my life was full, my only worries were getting to training on time and making good grades. I had amazing friends, my family was happy and I had even been on a few dates with the Beta’s son Felix, and now everything was different, everything was changing and if it hadn’t yet, it was going too. All because of the stupid mate bond. I don’t know when but I eventually fell asleep in my mothers arms. “Get up Ace” I hear my father calling from outside my bedroom door “I’ve given you 5 days. It’s time to pull yourself together and move on. I expect to see you at breakfast, dressed for training at 0600 hours.” “Yes, Sir” I reply still feeling broken and exhausted, but I know it’s for my own good. I get a quick shower, tie my hair back in a loose french braid, then throw on a black sports bra, matching tights and tennis shoes. Before I leave our Gamma suite my father stops me,“Ace keep your distance from Jameson.” He orders. “Yes sir.” I reply my heart winces at the mention of Jameson. “Need I remind you,” he begins “our Alpha is cruel but our pack is strong. Stay out of his sight and blend into the background. Stay close to your brother.” I nod in acknowledgment and let myself out. “Hey Ace” I hear Emily’s voice call out to me laced with concern. I nod letting her know I heard her, while grabbing a serving tray in the breakfast line. “Please don’t hate me Ace, I never wanted this.” She says in a low quivering voice. “I don’t.” I reply, I stop for a moment and grab her hand but refrain from looking at her. It’s all the reassurance I can give her for right now “I don’t hate you, I really don’t but I can’t talk about it either, please understand.” “I do, please come to me when you can.” She said in an almost pleading voice. I nodded again and left to sit with my older brother Aaron. “Ace!” My brother calls as I take a seat with him and his friends. I shoot him a quick plastered on smile. Thankfully everyone left me alone to push my food around my tray. I’m sure they were all well aware of what took place and I’m grateful to them for giving me privacy.
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