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AMARA stared outside the window of the veterinary clinic. Her mind was filled by the image of the black wolf she had seen the other night. The wolf, Night, was beautiful and he looked almighty. She didn’t know why the black wolf couldn’t get out of her mind. “Are you okay, Amara?” Grace asked. The only friend she had. They studied at the same university, took the same course, and are similar in some things. And they also worked in the same clinic. “I’m fine. I was just thinking of something,” she replied. “Something? Or someone?” Grace grinned and teased Amara. “Come on. Don’t be shy. Tell me.” Amara withdrew her gaze from the window and looked at Grace flatly. “Don’t tease me. I was just really thinking of something and not someone. Who would I think of any way?” However, Grace was right. She was thinking of the black wolf she met the other night. Grace shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe someone you didn’t expect to meet.” She opened the pack of chips and offered them to Amara. Amara shook her head and leaned on her chair. “Or was I just tired?” she asked herself. “We’ve been busy since morning. Who wouldn’t be tired of that?” Grace sighed and ate some chips. “Let’s just eat.” Amara looked at the chips and took some, then ate. Then she felt as if someone was watching her, so she looked outside the window but saw no one. She could only sigh. She stood up from her seat and walked towards the water dispenser. She was about to get water, but she noticed the shadow at the side of the tree. Amara gasped in surprise when she saw a black wolf peeking behind the tree. Automatically, a smile appeared on her lips and she quickly stepped out of the clinic. She walked towards the tree but when she got there, no one was there. But she saw a black wolf. She couldn’t forget Night’s eyes. It was a golden yellow similar to the eyes of the black wolf she had seen earlier. “Night?” she tried to call him, hoping that she would show himself. “Night?” But a few minutes passed and Night didn’t show up. Amara was about to go back to the clinic when something dropped in front of her. When she looked down she saw an injured bird. The bird had a broken wing. She looked up and saw a nest. Amara picked up the injured bird and healed it. ‘Thank you.’ Amara smiled. “There you go.” She stretched out her hand, but the bird didn’t fly away and stood in her hand. She doesn’t have a choice but to climb on the tree to bring the bird back to its nest. Amara put the bird on her shoulder and started to climb on the tree. The nest was on a high branch, but she had no choice but to climb until she placed the bird in its nest. She was going down when her foot slipped on a branch. She also let go of her grip on the branch, so she fell. She closed her eyes and just waited for her to fall to the ground. But then a set of strong arms caught Amara before she fell on the ground. Amara quickly opened her eyes and saw a handsome stranger carrying her. The stranger and Amara looked at each other. Amara smelt sandalwood and fresh rain, with a hint of cologne from the stranger. The stranger who caught Amara was no other than Maverick. Maverick’s eyes widened when he looked directly into Amara’s eyes. Amara’s green eyes were mesmerizing. It was beautiful. But Amara was startled when the golden-brown eyes of the stranger grew to a darker color. One word from the stranger’s lips snapped Amara out of her trance. “Mate,” he spoke with a deep voice. Amara suddenly felt uncomfortable. “Put me down.” Maverick put down his mate when he noticed that she was not comfortable. He stared at her beautiful face. “Thank you,” said Amara. “What the hell are you doing up there?” Maverick asked. He was pissed that his mate didn’t think of her life. “I put the bird back in its nest—” she stopped talking when she noticed her uniform was torn. Maverick undressed his jacket and put it on his mate. “Thank you, sir. May I ask what your name is?” Amara asked. She wanted to know the name of her savior. “Maverick.” Amara stretched out her hand. “Amara.” They shake hands. Maverick didn’t want to let go of his mate’s hand, but he still let go of her hand. Amara is a human, and she’s not aware of werewolves. He might scare her. He took a step back when he smelt Amara’s scent. It was a mix of sweet lavender and strawberry. If he doesn’t step back, he might lose control of himself and mark her right on the spot. ‘Maverick, let’s get out of here. I couldn’t control myself.’ Without uttering any word, Maverick left and ran away. Amara was confused. But the scent of the coat caught her attention. The coat Maverick gave her had the same scent as the long coat she brought back home the other day. She became more confused. Was it a coincidence that the coat she had at home and the coat that her savior gave her had the same scent? Amara sighed and went back inside the clinic. “What happened to you?” Grace asked when she noticed Amara’s torn clothes. “Nothing. My clothes were caught by a sharp branch,” Amara replied, and folded the jacket given by Maverick. Amara took the spare clothes from her bag and changed into her uniform. As she changed her uniform, she thought of what had happened earlier. Maverick's eyes returned to her mind. While they were staring at each other, she felt something strange. It was like she felt a connection with him, a kind of longing feeling, and a lost connection that was reconnected, which was weird because she didn’t know Maverick. She had never met him before. Amara took a deep breath. She looked at the jacket that Maverick gave her. When will I see you again? Amara shook her head. Why is she thinking of that man? She doesn’t know him at all. Why was she thinking of seeing him again? Weird. Yes, very weird. Amara placed her hand above her chest. She felt her heartbeat. It was beating so fast. What the hell is happening to me? I had just met a stranger and I started to feel this way.
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