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Amara's head tossed back and forth on her bed. She was also sweating. She was having a bad dream and couldn't move her body even if she wanted to wake up. She stood there, frozen and looking at the piled bodies in front of her. Some of the bodies are dismembered. Blood was dripping on the ground. She couldn’t look at it for too long so she looked away. It was a horrifying scene that no one could look at it for too long. Suddenly, there was a rumble of thunder and lightning in the sky. Then a heavy poured down. Amara didn’t run to take shelter. She just stood there, letting herself be poured by the heavy rain. She gasped when someone held onto her feet. When she looked down, she saw the woman again with a blurred face. The woman’s clothes were also covered with dirt and blood. “Help me…” But even though Amara wanted to move, she couldn’t move. As if someone was controlling her not to move. “Help me… Amara…” Amara was surprised that the woman knew her name. She opened her mouth to speak, but no voice came out of her mouth. “Amara…” Amara suddenly woke up with wide eyes open. Grasping the blanket, she blew a loud breath and looked at the wall clock. It’s just three in the morning. “What was that?” She asked herself, remembering her dream. She dreamed of the woman who had a blurred face again. But what stuck in her mind was what she saw in his dream. The dead bodies were piled in front of her. They looked so real, as if she had seen that horrifying scene before. Amara sighed and got up. She reached for the tumbler at the bedside table and drank some water. Slowly, her body started to calm down. She took a deep breath and lay down on her bed again. She tried to sleep again, but she was no longer sleepy. The dream she had come over and over again into her mind. Amara couldn't sleep until morning because of her dream. She didn't understand why she was dreaming something like that. And those dreams are only appearing now. “Morning, Amara,” Alena greeted her daughter. Amara smiled and greeted her mother back, “Good morning, Mom.” Alena glanced at her daughter while she was busy cooking their breakfast. She put the fried bacon on a plate and placed it on the table. “You looked like you didn’t have a good sleep last night?” she noticed the eye bags on Amara. Amara sighed heavily. “I had a bad dream last night, Mom. And I woke up, then I couldn’t sleep anymore,” said Amara, and went in front of the cupboard. Then she made milk for herself. “Hmm…are you stressed?” Alena asked in a concerned voice. Amara shook her head. “No, Mom. I’m doing pretty good except that I started having bad dreams.” She pouted and put down her coffee on the table. She hugged her mother. “Mom, how about we go out of town for vacation?” Alena smiled. “I would love that too. But I still have classes. The school year hasn’t ended yet,” she said. Alena was a high school teacher. And she was busy because of the culminating activities at school. “Oh. Then I’ll wait, Mom, and we’ll go together.” “Okay. Whatever you wish,” said Alena, and flipped the egg into the pan. Amara loosened her embrace of her mother and sat on the chair. She continued drinking the milk but the dream she had was still in her mind. Ever since the full moon last month, she’s been dreaming about the woman who has a blurred face. It was confusing for her because before, she couldn’t remember her dream after waking up, but now, she remembered it clearly. Every detail, she could remember it and could picture it in her mind. “Amara?” “Mom?” “You’re spacing out. I’ve been talking to you,” said Alena. She placed her hand on Amara's forehead to check her temperature to see if she was sick or not. "You are not sick." Amara smiled. “I’m not sick, Mom. I was just thinking of my dream.” Alena sighed. “You should rest at home. Don’t go to work.” Amara nodded. She finished drinking the milk and then helped her mother prepare the table. While they were eating, Amara felt a strange cold breeze enter their house. She looked at her mother, she didn't seem to feel anything because she was just eating. Am I being paranoid? Amara asked herself. After eating, Alena went to work and Amara was left in the house. Even though Amara wanted to rest, she felt uneasy. She couldn't understand what she wanted to do. She was pacing back and forth in the living room, thinking about what she would do to relieve her boredom. I should have gone to work. Amara thought. Amara sat on the sofa and looked at her phone. She fiddled on her phone until she saw a picture of a cake. Her mouth watered and she craved to eat cake. She quickly went to the kitchen to see if there was any cake left, but there was no cake in the fridge. Then Amara thought about going out. She ran to her room and got dressed. After she got dressed, she left the house and went to her favorite café near the vet clinic. When she got there, she saw that there were only a few people inside. She immediately ordered a cake and sat down on the empty seat. Amara was enjoying her coffee when she smelt a familiar scent of sandalwood. Then a man placed his coffee on the table and sat in front of her. The man removed his cap, and she was surprised to see her savior.” “Maverick.” She was glad to see him. Maverick smiled. “Why are you alone?” Amara smiled. “Because I don't have anyone with me. What a coincidence.” Maverick nodded. “Coincidence.” Then he stared at her. “You looked like you didn’t have a good sleep.” “You noticed it too?” Amara looked at the cake. “Yeah, I didn’t have a good sleep.” Then she covered her mouth with her hand and she yawned. “Now, I’m sleepy.” “You should go home and sleep,” Maverick said while staring at Amara. Amara nodded. “I think so too.” But then she shook her head. “I don’t want to go home. Are you busy?” “No, I’m probably not here if I’m busy,” said Maverick. He sipped his coffee. He couldn’t help himself to stare at his mate. She was beautiful, and her face looked innocent. It’s just disappointing that his mate was a human. But his mate was given by the Moon Goddess. Though Amara is a human, she’s extraordinary. The Moon Goddess has her reason why Amara became his mate. “Why are you staring at me?” Maverick smiled and shook his head. “You’re beautiful.” A shy smile appeared on Amara’s lips. “Thanks…” Maverick wanted to tease his mate because she was already like a red tomato, but he was worried that he might feel uncomfortable. So, he kept silent. While the two of them were in the café, Amara started a conversation about some random topic, and they talked about things around them. Amara admits that she felt comfortable with Maverick’s presence and wanted to see him again.
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