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AMARA woke up again in the middle of the night. She thought someone was calling her. Her eyes immediately focused on the forest. She felt that someone who was calling her was from the forest. But he wasn’t sure if someone had called her. She took a deep breath and put her feet on the floor. She stood up and stepped out of her room. She made sure that she didn’t create a sound while walking. Her mother's hearing was sharp and when she was a kid, she couldn’t escape. She slowly went down the stairs holding her slippers and left the house. After she left the house, she put her slippers on. Amara sneaked out and ran towards the forest. She could hear the birds chirping one by one as if they were telling stories to each other. She smiled and continued walking. She looked at the sky and saw the stars and the moon. Amara reached the clearing inside the forest. And then, one by one, the animals inside the forest started to gather around her. “Miss me?” Amara asked. The animals made sounds as if they were happy to see her. “I’m happy to see all of you again,” she said and patted the deer’s body. The surrounding animals were in the deep forest during the daytime. She was afraid that the hunters would see and kill them. So, she asked them to stay in the deepest part of the forest during the daytime, and they could come out during nighttime. She was afraid that the animals would be hunted by hunters and would be sold on the black market. She was heartbroken because she couldn’t do anything. She’s just an ordinary woman. If she only had power, she would make those hunters disappear. In a minute of silence, Amara was startled when she heard a painful cry from afar. It’s not from humans, but it’s from animals. She quickly stood up and went in the direction where she heard the painful cry. She was taken aback when she saw three wolves circling a black wolf, but the black wolf was much bigger than the three wolves. Forest wolves. She thought. Then Amara saw a wounded deer. The black wolf growled fiercely at his opponents. He showed his sharp canines and made his way to the wounded deer. Amara thought the black wolf was going to kill the wounded deer, but he stood in front of the deer as if it was protecting the deer. Amara gasped when the black wolf looked in her direction. He looked at her for a moment before running away. The three wolves chased the black wolf. The four wolves had disappeared from Amara’s sight, but she could hear them howling and growling from a distance. Amara quickly approached the wounded deer and inspected its wound. She looked at her hand before she placed it above the wound of the deer. The deer's wounds were deep, and it was wounded by sharp canines. She could only sigh. Those wolves she saw earlier, were the ones who wounded the poor deer. Amara felt a warm feeling that ran through her veins. Then, slowly, the deer's wound was healed. Amara smiled. “There. You’re healed.” ‘Thank you.’ The deer happily stood up and jumped around her before the deer ran away and disappeared into the dark forest. Amara looked at the sky. The moon was still big, and its rays were bright, so it served as her light inside the dark forest. Amara decided to go back. As she walked away, the big black wolf appeared behind the tree and stared at Amara. The black wolf was bleeding because of the fierce fight he had gone through with the Rogues. ‘This girl was interesting. Right, Maverick?’ ‘Yeah, her scent is unique too.’ ‘Let’s follow her.’ ‘Night, we don’t have the strength anymore. We are wounded. Let’s rest first.” And the black wolf collapsed. Amara quickly turned her back and was surprised to see the black wolf. The wolf looked weak. She quickly approached the wolf and didn’t think of her safety. The black wolf let out a low growl. “Growl at me until you want. I won’t harm you. I just wanted to help you,” Amara said gently, without showing any fear. The black wolf whimpers. Amara sighed. “Let me check your wound.” The black wolf looked down and let Amara touch him. Amara examined the wolf's wounds. His wounds were deep teeth marks and long cuts. Amara took a deep breath before she placed her two hands on the wolf's body. The black wolf looked at Amara and observed her. He was confused about what she was doing, but later, he felt the warmth feeling enter his body. Then the pain was gone. “There. You’re healed.” Amara said happily. “Thank you,” said the Wolf. Amara's smile widened. “You’re welcome.” Maverick was surprised. “You can hear me?” Amara shrugged. “Yes, I heard you. I can hear animals' thoughts.” “Then what did you do to me?” Maverick asked again. This girl is really interesting. Is she a werewolf too? But I couldn’t smell her scent of werewolves and I couldn’t smell her scent like a human. She had a unique scent. Amara showed her hand. “Let’s just say I healed you with my bare hand,” she said, smiling, and sat beside the wolf. Maverick stared at the woman. “What’s your name?” Amara asked as she looked at the wolf. “Night,” Maverick said the name of his wolf, and Night jumped in happiness. Amara smiled and lay down on the grass. “My name is Amara,” she introduced herself. She stared at the moon. “The moon was beautiful, Night.” ‘Do you think she is our mate?’ Night asked. ‘I don’t know. She doesn’t make eye contact with us, so I do not know.’ ‘I like her. Her scent is so sweet and alluring.’ Maverick showed a wolfy grin and looked at Amara. He lay down next to her and also looked at the moon. Amara turned to her side. She wanted to caress the wolf’s fur. It looks soft. She slowly lifted her hand and placed her hand on the wolf’s fur. She thought he might growl at her, but it didn’t happen. “Your fur felt soft,” said Amara. The wolf just closed his eyes and let Amara touch him. He likes the feeling of being touched by Amara. Amara didn't realize she had fallen asleep. When she woke up the next morning, the black wolf was gone. But a long coat was put on her. Amara smelled the coat, and she was confused about where the coat came from. She smelt a scent of sandalwood, fresh rain, and a hint of cologne attached to the coat. It was a masculine scent and the scent was alluring. Amara got up and left the forest. Maverick stared at Amara. He was now in his human form. A small smile appeared on his lips. Amara… nice name. But he was confused about his connection to Amara, he had this feeling of attachment to her. Was she my mate? If she had only looked into my eyes, I would have known.
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