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INSIDE the lavish meeting room. The King of Werewolves was sitting in the center of the long table. The heir to the throne, Maverick, was also sitting in his designated chair opposite his father. They were at opposite ends of a long table. And on each side of the long table, the members of the council sat. Maverick was quiet and didn’t want to speak. He wouldn’t have participated in this kind of meeting if he was not the heir to the throne. It was boring for him. The Council meeting happens twice a month. And he also needed to endure twice participating in the council meeting. He doesn't hear any other problems that the council discussed during the meeting but about rogues, hunters, and the rebel packs. Then what annoying they were repeating was about him. “Your Majesty, Prince Maverick has now turned one hundred years old. I think it’s time for him to get married.” Maverick couldn’t help but roll his eyes. It's so annoying. He thought. The king looked at his son and gave him a subtle look. Maverick nodded and looked at the council. “I am not getting married. I haven’t found my mate yet—” But his words were cut off by the council. “I apologize, Your Highness, but it seems you already forgot who you are. You are the heir to the throne.” The members of the council looked at each other. Council Colton was daring to offend Prince Maverick. They all know the personality of the heir to the throne. They all knew what he was capable of. Prince Maverick was more dangerous than his father. “I know who I am,” Maverick said in his cold voice. “And you have no right to speak with me in that tone.” The tone of his voice changed. His voice sounded deep and dangerous. Marcus, Maverick’s father, could only sigh and wait for what happened next. He could see that Maverick’s eyes were getting darker. It means Maverick’s wolf was taking over his body. “But you know how royalty works, Your Highness. You can’t choose your mate over your responsibility.” Maverick fisted, and he was trying to calm his wolf. “You should know that the King marries the Queen even though he doesn’t know the Queen was his mate. Your Highness, royalty chooses their responsibility over their happiness. Please, understand that,” said Colton. And then he added, “The council has already decided that you will marry the daughter of Alpha Alonzo.” Colton faces the King. “Your Majesty, please approve—" Maverick growled and his wolf, Night, suddenly took over his body. Before Maverick could attack Colton, a set of strong arms stopped him. Father? “Maverick, calm down.” Maverick growled. He was trying to get out of his father’s grip. He wants blood. He wanted Colton’s head. How dare he to order him? He was the heir to the throne. His rank is higher than Colton's. Only he could dare to offend him like this. Marcus was a strong Alpha, but even though he was strong, he couldn’t contain his son. His son was now surpassing him in terms of strength. ‘My Queen, I need your help. I couldn’t calm our son.’ He called his mate through their mindlink. The Queen didn’t respond, but she arrived in the meeting room. Queen Emilia, Maverick’s mother, immediately approached her son and calmed him down. She embraced him and caressed his son’s hair. “It’s okay, son. Calm down.” Maverick calmed down after he smelled his mother’s scent. Slowly, he took over his own body from his wolf, who was in a rage. If a wolf was still unmated, only his parents could calm him down, just like what happened to Maverick. “My Queen, bring Maverick to his room,” Marcus said with his gentle voice and smiled at his mate. Emilia nodded and guided Maverick towards the door, but before she left, she looked at the Council. “If you want your head still attached to your body until the next council meeting, don’t ever mention the marriage of my son anymore.” And she showed them her sweetest smile. “And yes, I’m threatening you all.” The council could only look at each other. Queen Emilia came from a family of warriors and was skilled at fighting. She was also not afraid of offending anyone else. She stood like a Queen should be. And the council never dared to offend the Queen of werewolves if you still wanted to be on the Queen’s good side. Marcus couldn’t help but feel proud of his mate. She was really a queen. She was not afraid of anyone else. Yes, his mate had a scary attitude, but when it came to her family, she was the gentle and sweetest person. But the sweetness she showed to other people was scary, just like what she showed to the council earlier before she left the meeting room. Marcus dismissed the council meeting and went to his son’s room to speak with him. “Is he okay now?” Marcus asked his wife. Emilia nodded. “Just don’t anger him.” “I won’t. I came here to talk to him,” said Marcus, and looked at his wife. “Since when did I anger our eldest son?” Emilia shrugged her shoulders and kissed her husband. “Go.” Marcus nodded and entered Maverick’s room. He saw his son sitting at the edge of his bed and he looked like he was in deep thought. Marcus knocked on the door. “Father?” Maverick quickly stood up. Marcus smiled and walked towards his son. “Sit.” They both sat on the edge of the bed. “Maverick, you heard the council, they want you to marry the daughter of Alpha Alonzo,” said Marcus. “I have never met her. And I don’t want to marry her. My wolf didn’t want to. I doubt she was not my mate,” Maverick said, as his serious face didn’t change. Marcus nodded. “I know. And as a King, you are my subject and, as my subject, you need to obey my decree. But I am also your father. I want you to be happy. I want you to be with your mate. The same with your siblings.” “So, father, what’s your plan?” The king straightened his son’s coat. “I already talked about this with your mother a long time ago. Though you’ve been traveling since you came of age, now I have to send you away again. Find your mate, and you won’t marry the daughter of Alpha Alonzo.” “Thank you, Father.” “But, son, learn to control your emotions.” Marcus tapped his son’s shoulder. “I’m sorry about earlier, father.” “It’s okay. But next time, control your emotions. It was to control your emotions, especially since you still hadn’t met your mate.” Maverick sighed. “I am the heir to the throne. Everyone knows about my personality so they wanted to control me.” “Then don’t let them control you, son. You are my son and heir to the throne. You will become the Alpha of all Alphas. So, you must be careful, vigilant, and I don't even want you to be…be cunning because this world is full of cunning people.” Maverick nodded. “Thank you, Father.” Marcus smiled and stood. “I have already readied everything for you. You’re leaving tomorrow. And be careful while you are away from us.” His expression softened as he looked at his son. Maverick embraced his father. Even his father was strict, but he never forced him to do anything he didn’t want to do. Marcus always supports his decision. His father also does the same to his siblings. The next day, Maverick leaves after he bids goodbye to his parents. Emilia hugged her son. Her son will be separated from her again for a long time. Emerson and Ember, Maverick’s twin siblings, embrace their big brother. “Take care of mother and father,” Maverick told his siblings. “Duh. They could take care of each other, brother. They didn’t need us,” said Ember. Emerson agreed with his twin sister. “Yeah, that’s right.” The siblings know how their parents were so deeply in love with each other. Their parents don’t even want to be separated from each other. They were glued and attached all the time. Marcus shook his head and looked at Maverick, “when you come back, I’ll abdicate the throne and pass it to you even without your mate,” he said. Maverick nodded. “Go.” Maverick left. He left before to travel the world, and to visit different packs around the globe. Now, he will find his mate. He was lucky to have a good parents. But what Maverick didn’t know was it would be a rough journey for him to find his mate.
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