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"THANK you, Doc Amara." A fur mom's thanks after she finished checking on her pet dog. Amara smiled and then nodded her head. She patted the dog’s head before the fur mom pulled the leash off her pet dog. When her client left, Amara sat on her chair and removed the gloves she was wearing. She let out a gasp and leaned back in her seat. She looked at Grace and she was still treating her patients. Amara rested her elbow on her desk and rested her chin on her hand. Only one person was in her mind. Maverick. Amara didn't know what was happening to her, but these past few days, Maverick couldn't get out of his mind. She didn't even know why she kept on thinking about him. She felt she was attached to Maverick even though they only saw each other a few times. “What the hell was happening to me?” asked Amara to herself. “What are you saying?” Grace asked when she heard Amara. Amara shook her head and sighed. She leaned over the table and kept tapping the table, but not loudly. She was in that position when the glass door made a sound. She quickly settled down in her seat and then greeted the new client. “Welcome— huh, Maverick?” Maverick smiled. “Hi,” he greeted. Amara stood up. "What are you doing here?" Maverick shrugged while smiling. “I came to see you.” Amara felt her cheeks burning up. She looked down and couldn’t look directly at Maverick. “Are you busy?” Maverick asked. “Ahmm… Not really.” “Then do you want to go for a walk?” Maverick asked. “Sure,” Amara replied and looked at Grace. “I’m going out for a while.” Grace made an ‘OK’ sign. Her gaze followed Amara and the man with her. She just smiled and talked to the fur mom who was complaining about her pet. As the two of them walked on the street while enjoying the surrounding scenery, Amara simply observed Maverick. She kept on asking herself what was all about Maverick Ashford, and she gets excited when she sees him. If her mother learns about this, she will get scolded. Do I like him? Amara asked herself. “What’s the matter? Why are you looking at me?” Amara came back to her reverie when she heard Maverick. She shook her head and said, “Nothing. You’re handsome.” Maverick laughed softly. “Should I thank you for praising me?” Amara smiled. Then she saw a Milktea shop. “Let’s buy some drinks.” Maverick nodded. He followed Amara to the Milktea Shop. While Amara was ordering, Maverick caught a hint of the hunter’s scent. His eyes immediately scanned the place, and he saw a man talking with an elderly woman. He focused his attention on the man and inhaled his scent. He smelt the hunter’s scent on him. What is a hunter doing here? Maverick asked. They had a peace treaty with the hunters. Some groups of hunters had a peace treaty with them and even had a pact. However, some groups of hunters choose to rebel and continue to hunt werewolves. Those hunters who had a peace treaty with them are cooperating to eliminate rogues and rebel hunters. “Who are you looking at?” Amara asked when she noticed Maverick looking around. “Nothing. I just thought I saw someone I know,” said Maverick. Amara smiled and gave the milktea to Maverick. “Thank you.” They continued walking while looking at their surroundings. They saw many people on the street, crossing the pedestrian lane and some of them were running to chase the last-minute bus. “Are you residing here? I have never seen you before,” said Amara, and sipped her milktea. Maverick smiled. “I just came to this place.” Amara nodded. Maverick glanced at the location of the hunter he saw, but it was gone. He can no longer smell that hunter, which means that the hunter is no longer around them. It doesn’t matter if hunters are lurking around as long as they won’t hurt innocent people, and they won’t hunt werewolves. Maverick looked at Amara. Amara is his mate and fate let them meet each other. But the moment he saw Amara, he felt that he had already known her a long time ago, but he knew to himself that they had only met and got to know each other now. He was smiling while looking at his mate. She looks adorable while sipping the straw of her drink. “What?” “You looked adorable, Amara,” Maverick said, laughing. Amara just looked away because she felt her cheeks burning up. Maverick smiled. “Do you want to save my number? In case you want someone to talk to.” Amara took out her cell phone. “Give me your phone.” Maverick took Amara's cell phone. He typed his number and called it. His cell phone rang, so he took it out and showed it to Amara. Amara nodded and took back her phone from Maverick. Amara thought about going back to the clinic, so Maverick walked her back to the clinic. After Amara returned to the clinic, her friend immediately asked her. “Who’s that? He’s handsome and he looks elegant.” Amara smiled. “Someone.” Grace raised her eyebrows. “What someone? I saw how you two looked at each other. You two looked at each other with affection. I’m not blind. I saw it. Don’t try to deny it.” Amara smiled. “If you talked like that, I have nothing to say.” Grace sighed. “Is he your boyfriend?” “No, he was just a friend.” I like him though. Grace's eyebrows raised again. She doesn’t believe Amara’s words. But Amara just smiled at her and continued her work happily. After dinner and tidying the kitchen, Amara went to her room. Not long after she was in her room, she came out of her room and then slowly went down the stairs. She looked like a thief in her own house, making sure that she wouldn’t awaken the people in the house. Amara successfully got out of the house and went to the forest. Using her phone’s light, she followed the cleared path. She halted on her steps when she heard a howl from a forest wolf. “Night.” She said the name of the wolf she met. Amara walked faster until she reached a cliff. A smile formed on her lips when she saw the black wolf sitting. Its fur sparkled as the moonlight hit it. “Night!” Amara said happily, then ran towards the black wolf. Maverick sees Amara happily running towards him. How good it would be if Amara knew that Night and he were the same person. Amara was happily seated beside Night. Maverick lay down on his stomach and placed his head on Amara’s thigh. Amara caressed Night’s head. Maverick savored the moment. He liked the feeling of Amara’s touch. “Night, I have a secret to tell you.” Night's two ears straightened as if he was really interested in Amara’s little secret, which made Amara laugh. “I like someone.” Maverick looked at Amara’s face. Her face was glowing because the moon's rays were hitting her face. “He… well, I only saw him a few times, but I don’t know. I could feel to myself that I was attached to him like we were bound to each other.” Amara looked at Night. “What do you think? Am I being charmed by that man?” Maverick wanted to laugh but since he was in his wolf form, his wolf just let a low growl. ‘He didn’t charm you. Maybe you really like him.’ Amara raised her eyebrows. ‘You like him. You said it yourself a while ago.’ Night said. He got up and sat beside Amara. Amara hugged her knees and looked up at the sky. Maverick was happy to know that Amara liked him. Maybe because of their bond as a mate. It was easy for them to be attracted to each other. The bond was pulling Amara to be attached to him.
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