Nice to meet you

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I woke up without any pain. All my injuries were gone. I remember last night I saw Jace and Arisha. Then I don't know what happened next. I stood up from my bed. The windows were open already. I knew Arisha was there. I then suddenly became angry and pissed after imagining what Kira did. She almost killed me. What kind of stepsister is she? I decided to go see my father, so I went to dress up and packed my hair and ponytail, bringing out my baby face. As I was about to leave my room, I saw my father and also Jace, all bright and happy. "Dad, what's happening?" I said, looking confused, "Well it seems my dear Laura has forgotten her own birthday." Smiling, he answered me. I gasped. Everything was just happening so fast that I forgot it was my birthday. On December 23rd I will be 18, which is in just two days. " How is it that you remember or even know my date of birth?" I asked my father. "So for your birthday ceremony..." he continued. "What? a ceremony I never celebrate my birthday," I said, interrupting him.. congratulations to you, darling, because this year will be different, so relax, watch and listen to everything I have prepared for you...... but before then, there is someone you would love to meet. After a long walk outside my room, we walked right to another room. The door was open. Luca gestured for me to go in. I nodded, agreeing. As I walked right in, I saw Zack. A large smile formed on my lips, almost jumping "Zack!!!" I shouted as I ran towards him. "I really miss you, Jenny." I thought I had lost you after seeing your dead mom." As he talked about my mom, I breathed deeply. I didn't want to be sad, so I said "I miss you too." I couldn't reach you, I misplaced my phone." We stayed like this for a long time. I liked Zack more than a friend but couldn't tell him because I was afraid he wouldn't feel it. I don't know the reason why he did that, but for sure it made me come back to my senses, so I untangled myself from Zack and was now facing my dad and my bodyguard, who I don't like a single bit. I woke up very early to meet my master and tell him about what had happened last night, so I took a quick bath and dressed, heading straight for my master's room. So I asked the guard who was standing next to the door, "Where is the master?" He replied, "He is going to spend the night with Mistress Selena." I nodded. I got to Selena's room and knocked "coming," the voice said. I knew it was Selena's. The door opened. "Oh! Jace," she said, smiling. Just as I was about to ask after my master, he joined us at the door. He was already dressed and ready to head out; "I need to speak to you urgently." "Okay, let's go to the library," he replied. The walk to the library was a silent one. We got there, standing facing each other, and he gave me the look "spill it". I began to narrate how last night's incident took place, detail for detail. He was angry, I could tell because I felt that last night too. "Please Jace, you have to protect her with everything you have," he said, putting both hands on my shoulders and continuing, "I know she will be in more danger in the future. I am afraid they will harm or kill her, just like what happened yesterday. I trust you with this job. I know you will do it accordingly".. patting my shoulders "keep her safe and don't mention this to anyone". "Alright, master, I promise I will protect her with my life." "I know you will. Now let's head to her room. We have a birthday to celebrate in two days' time." I heard him say that my mate would be 18 and I smiled. After some time, we got to her room as she was about to head out. His look left me dumbfounded. She wore a high-split long red dress, exposing her left thigh. I wanted to touch them, but I had to wait for the right time. I looked further at her full breast; it showed in the V line of her dress. I smiled. Just then, I noticed her hair was smooth as silk, well bonded to make the world's most perfect ponytail. She looked breathtaking with her cute baby face. Just then, her father told her about her upcoming birthday. Her expressions made me wonder if I could stop loving her. I saw my master holding her around her neck. I wanted to remove his hands badly but I couldn't. I saw her walk inside a room, calling a guy named Zack, I heard. I thought she looked very happy like she was attached to him. I thought that was all, but then they both wrapped themselves in each other's arms. I was confused. It seemed like forever. I did not even know when I coughed, drawing their attention. She looked at me. I almost blushed, but I controlled myself. I think it is time to introduce my friend here, "she said, pointing at the Zack Guy. I was feeling restless already. "Dad, Jace, this is Zack, my childhood friend, and Zack, this is my father, and Jace, here is my bodyguard." " How is he your dad? ... the Vampire King is your father! " Zack said, looking straight at my father. " Don't worry, I am fine here. He is my biological father," Laura said, assuring him. Finally, I decided to say something like, " nice to meet you, Zack." I stretched forth my hands. He accepted it but looked furious. After taking my hands, he also shook my master. "Nice meeting you, young man, and thank you for protecting her all this time," my master said, his mood on cloud nine today, and it appears Selena gave him the best last night.
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