Chapter 16

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"My feet are killing me" Elise complained, "Can we go back already?" She asked, eyeing Arthur who was paying for all the clothes that she had picked out for him. Of course, she was lying. She wasn't even near too tired but she didn't want to spend any more time here. She was desperate to get back to Ezra. She couldn't handle the King's eyes leaving hot trails on her body as she was picking out his clothes. It was maddening, really. She had literally picked out anything that caught her attention for more than a second. The only time she looked at him again when she asked him what size he is. Once he answered her question, she filled up the entire cart in less than five minutes. Arthur wasn't done with her yet, "What we have just begun!" He said, grabbing the bags. It felt like someone placed heavyweights on Elise's shoulders, "What?" She gasped, mortified. She can't imagine spending any more time with this man in this mall. Arthur glanced at her and gestured his head to follow her, "Come on" He said excitedly, just to mess her again before starting to walk away from there. Elise stared at him wide-eyed for a few fleeting seconds before catching up with him easily, "Your highness, give those bags to me. I don't mind carrying them" She said, reaching out to grab those bags but Arthur coiled away from her. "You think I am going to let you carry these bags?" He asked her incredulously. "Yeah" Elise nodded her head."What's wrong with me carrying it?" She asked, trying to grab the bags again but Arthur moved away from her again. "Chivalry isn't dead yet, Elise," He said, shaking his head at her. "Come on, I am going to Elise sighed, "Sure, your highness" She followed behind him, looking around their surroundings as they walked. "Eliza" Arthur stiffened and stopped walking immediately causing Elise to bump right onto his back as she was looking somewhere else while they walked. A groan left her lips and she started to rub her nose, "Um, I am sorry, your highness" She squeaked, her whole face went red in embarrassment, "I didn't watch where I was going" She said, scolding herself internally. Arthur didn't mind her bumping onto him. It was that name that stopped him dead on his tracks. He slowly turned around, his facial expressions were hard that Elise unintentionally took a step away from him. Was he that furious with for bumping onto him? She looked down at her shoes, not wanting to meet his eyes, "I really didn't mean to do that. It was an accident your-" "Who are you?" Arthur asked, interrupting her abruptly. Elise's eyebrows furrowed at that and she lifted her eyes to look up at him in confusion, wondering why he was asking her that. Aren't they past the introductions now? Arthur wasn't looking at her when her eyes fell on him. He was looking past her, at someone or something behind her. She slowly turned around to follow the line of his sight to find a middle-aged man looking at her in bewilderment. He was watching her as if he was witnessing a miracle or something. His lips were parted, "Eliza..." He asked in disbelief, pointing at Elise. The man's eyes flickered towards the King, "She is Eliza, right?" The man asked Arthur, his expressions suggested that he wanted the King to say yes to him, "Why does she-" Elise cleared her throat and shook her head at the man politely, "I think you have mistaken me for someone else. I am not Eliza. I am-" Before Elise could finish the sentence, Arthur grabbed her wrist and pulled her to stand behind him,"Do not talk to strangers" He commanded at her, hiding her from the stranger's curious eyes, "You're going to wait right here, alright?" Arthur said to Elise without looking back at her. From the corners of his eyes, he thought Elise nodding her head at him so he stormed towards that stranger in a blink. It was a good thing that no human was around them right now because it would cause them unnecessary ruckus. Who would have thought that he will run into a vampire during broad daylight? This was certainly wasn't on his to-do list today. "I don't know who are you or how do you know Eliza but you have to stay the f**k away from her" Arthur warned the vampire balling his fists in rage. Arthur only found her a few days ago but now someone, a vampire at that, recognize her. Arthur felt something sink in the pit of his stomach and he always trusted his intuition whenever something like this happens. Something ominous is waiting for them. Arthur was sure of that. The vampire's eyes strayed from Arthur's icy blue ones to look at Elise again, "Then I assume that you're only going to let the history repeat again, your highness" The vampire said, "I have to say this, I am looking forward it again" The vampire smirked at the King. A low growl emitted from Arthur's throat but the vampire wasn't fazed. At the same time, a group of humans and a few werewolves started to walk towards where they were standing, separating the King and the vampire unintentionally. Arthur watched as the vampire took one last look at Elise before he turned around to walk away from there, leaving Arthur and Elise with the crowd. Elise blinked and slowly crossed the distance between her and the King, "Is that someone important, your highness?" She asked the King curiously. She wondered why the King suddenly went rigid. He was joking with her just a while ago and now he stood there with his back facing her. She unconsciously put her hand on his arm when he didn't answer her question, "Is everything alright, your highness?" She asked him worriedly. As if her touch snapped him back to reality, he turned to look at her, "No" Arthur shook his head, "I am sorry, I know I promised you a lot of things for today but do you mind if we go home now? Something unavoidable came up and I have to be at the castle now" He said, tightening his grasp around the bags that he was holding. Elise frowned. Of course, she was the one who was dying to go home but now she felt disappointed for some reason, "Sure, I don't mind that" She nodded her head at him. The ride back home was quiet unlike earlier. Elise kept throwing worried glances at Arthur's way but he was so preoccupied with his thoughts to notice that. He couldn't stop thinking about the vampire he met at the mall just now and it bothered him greatly that the vampire recognized Elise right away. "Is everything okay, your highness?" Elise asked him again when he pulled the car into parking at the castle. Arthur killed the engine before looking at her. She was watching him with worry in her eyes and under any circumstances, he would be thrilled to know that she was worried for him but he wasn't in the mood now, "Yeah, everything is good" He answered her after staring at her for a good minute. Arthur glanced down at his watch and noticed that it was only three in the evening, "You can rest up until five" Arthur said, glancing up to look at her again, "Murray would start the training today. You will be trained at five in the evening every day" He continued with a smile on his lips but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Elise nodded her head, "I'll get going then, please excuse me, your highness" She said respectfully before exiting the car. Arthur watched her until she disappeared entirely from the line of his sight before getting off the car as well. In a blink, he was in his room, leaving no traces of evidence that he ran all the way to his room. No one saw him, no one could have noticed him. He put the bags on the bed, a frown was etched on his face. He knew he couldn't be at peace in his room without meeting Amos especially at times like this. He stormed out from his room, walking in confident strides towards the library where Amos likes to spend his time. "I wasn't expecting to see you today, Your highness" Amos greeted the King when Arthur stepped into the library, looking around for Amos."I wonder what's the reason behind your sudden visit" Amos added, coming out from one of the bookshelves. "Cut the chase, Amos" Arthur said as soon as his blue eyes fell on the ancient one, "You know exactly why I am here" Arthur balled his hands into tight fists as he watched Amos. But Amos didn't look worried even though the King was fuming at him, "My powers don't work like the way you think, your highness" Amos shook his head at the King as he took a few steps towards the King, "I told you many times that my clairvoyance isn't something that works like a CCTV or something like that" He continued, coming to stand in front of the king. Amos has the ability to gain information about an object or someone, even locations and physical events with his extrasensory perception. That's one of his gifts. The other one being the ability to tell about someone's past and maybe a few things about their future by touching that particular person. That's why they call him the ancient one. He knows everything. "Amos" Arthur said, almost in a warning. Amos sighed. He knew that the King won't listen to whatever he says except he was talking about something the King interested in."Yes, I could feel that you met a vampire just now at the mall but I can't really seem to recognize him by not looking at his face" He initially nodded his head at the King but towards the end of his speech he shook his head. He could only feel that moment. He couldn't see it or hear whatever words they might have exchanged. Arthur exhaled sharply,"He recognized her" He grunted out, "He called her Eliza" He added, looking at Amos, his blue eyes held despair in them. He wanted to know everything about that vampire and what he meant when he said that the history will repeat again. Does that mean- could it be? No! He can't even imagine how his life would be like if he loses Elise again. "What?" Amos's eyes widened at what the King has said, "That's impossible. How did he-" Amos stopped talking as if a sudden thought silenced him. Arthur noticed that made him grew worried, "What is it?" He asked, could Amos sense something? Perhaps it has something to do with that vampire? "You're sure that you slayed every vampire that was present that day right?" Amos asked, looking up at the King unsurely. Arthur's eyes hardened. He hasn't explicitly thought about that day until now. "Of course I did" Arthur spoke through his teeth, not appreciating the way Amos looking at him unsurely, "I was too enraged with the loss I felt that I slayed each and everyone one of them without mercy" He spat, fur sprouting from the surface of his skin. He tried not to shift into his wolf. Mainly because he didn't want to hurt Amos. "What if one escaped?" Amos asked the King, walking past him to the little pantry in the library to pour himself a drink, "What if that vampire you met today at the mall is that one?" He asked, fetching a glass from the shelf. The King turned around to watch Amos pouring the drink into a glass, "That's not possible, Amos..." Arthur said, pondering over everything that happened that day. "Well, it looks possible to me," Amos said, walking towards the king again with the glass in his hands, "Here, your highness. Please calm down, I am just stating out the possibilities" He said, handing the glass to the King. Arthur eyed the drink for a few seconds before taking it, "If that happened, why would that vampire stay hidden all of this time?" He asked, looking at the ancient one again, "A hundred years have passed, why he has to come out now?" He pressed. Why didn't that vampire come and avenge him for what he did to the vampire's companions? Amos looked at the king, a small smile curving at the corners of his lips, "I believe it has something to do with her" Amos said to the King."She is reborn for a reason. And maybe that is to end all of this once and for all" He mused. That's what he can assume for now. He needs to meet her to know more about whatever is waiting for them. Arthur thought about what Amos had said, "I can't let her risk her life again" He shook his head. He can't ever lose her again. "I am afraid you're not the one who makes decisions for her, your highness" Arthur looked at Amos to find him smiling cryptically at him, "Speaking of her, when are you planning to take her to meet me? Or you're not planning on doing that at all?" The ancient one asked, tilting his head to the side while clasping his hand behind his back. Arthur scoffed, "Of course, I will bring her to you," He said to Amos, "Not now, though" He muttered under his breath. Amos knew why the King is stalling his meeting with the fox. He was afraid of what Amos would tell her. He was afraid to know what the future holds for them, "Okay" Amos nodded his head at the king, "Is there anything else I can help you with?" He asked and Arthur shook his head. "No?" Amos asked to which Arthur nodded his head. Amos grinned at the King, "Then have a nice day, your highness" He said, hinting the king to leave the library. Arthur's face hardened. Only Amos would get away by doing that, "Yeah, you have a nice day as well" Arthur grunted to Amos before storming out of the library with his mind swimming with a lot of questions that have arisen from the brief meeting he had with Amos. About one thing he was absolutely positive. There will be a war soon. He doesn't know how it will happen or who will lead the army of god knows what towards him but Arthur was sure that he needs to prepare himself, his mate, and the entire kingdom to go through it. Once they are done with that, they would be able to live a long life without any interruptions. He would be with her and in the end, that's what matters the most to him. To live the life he has missed in her past life. The life he had longed for a hundred- no a thousand years.
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