The vampire King

1232 Words
Trisha POV I woke up to a blinding light above me and a warm yet soft blanket around my body. When I fluttered my eyes open, the first I saw was a chandelier above me, and the last time I remembered, I don’t have a chandelier in my room which means that I was in someone else’s. I screamed and jumped out of bed landing on the cold marble floor. The door opened that minute and someone walked in. I slowly raised my head and gasped when I saw who had walked in. it was my supposed new boss and behind him was someone else who had a cocky look just like him. ‘’I see you have a great ability in always falling,’’ he said and I quickly jumped to my feet and laughed. ‘’oh really?’’ I scoffed and scratched the back of my head. ‘’what is today’s date?’’ I asked. He folded his arms and stared into my eyes like how was waiting for me to reply to my question. ‘’you have no idea?’’ he asked and I nodded in response. ‘’that is so sad,’’ he said and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of me. ‘’how….’’ I covered my mouth at his insane speed. Was he human? Did he have powers on his legs? I thought as I stared at him. ‘’what are you?’’ He didn’t reply and instead sat on the bed folding his legs while he continues to observe. I found his way creeping and I wondered why he was acting in such a manner. ‘’why are you staring at me like that?’’ I asked him and he smiled at me. ‘’Because you are my surrogate!’’ he replied and suddenly all the memories of when he picked me up from the front of my school appeared in my head and I gasped out loud knowing that I had made a fool of myself. ‘’How?’’ I asked him. ‘’you’ve been on that bed for a day and you are lucky to wake up now since it Is almost evening,’’ he said and I held my hair. ‘’I have slept for that long?’’ I asked him and he nodded in response. ‘’oh goodness,’’ I shouted and rushed towards the entrance but I stopped suddenly when I realized that I was acting like a fool. I had no idea where I was and how to leave but I was running to the entrance as if I knew my way around. The sleep had messed with my head, I thought and rubbed my forehead. ‘’I need to leave this place because I have a test tomorrow and I need to meet up with my brother,’’ I said to him. He stood up and walked towards me. ‘’There will be no need for that because your brother has been moved to our realm,’’ he informed me and I burst into laughter. ‘’what is funny?’’ his tone was sharp and I saw him exchange a quick look with the other man in the room. ‘’I know that you are influential and you have all the money in the world but,’’ I folded my arms and bite my lower lips. ‘’There Is no way you can move my brother without my presence because it is absurd and it can never happen.’’ The man chuckled and moved closer to me until there was no space between us. Our height difference was huge as he seemed to be around 6’3 and I was only 5’5. To me, he was a freaking giant and I was just a tiny ant beside him. ‘’I already gave you the one thing you wanted to become and that is my surrogate!’’ he announced. ‘’I never agreed to it as I remember fainting and I thought that you already got a surrogate so why are you choosing me to become your surrogate!’’ ‘’no replies to that,’’ he answered and turned his back on me. ‘’you promised to do whatever I asked of you and now, I am asking you to become my surrogate so you must do it.’’ The way he said it sounded as if I had no other option than to accept his demands and he was right about that. I had no option because I had forced myself him to accept me. I heaved a deep sigh. ‘’Even if I agree to become your surrogate, I have school and a brother to look after,’’ I told him and he turned to face me. I noticed the change in his eye color. When he was facing me a few seconds ago, they were purple and now that he had turned again, I noticed that they had turned amber-golden. What in the freaking hell? I thought as I stared at him. ‘’your eyes,’’ I pointed to them and he lowered his head. ‘’how and what are you?’’ ‘’your highness,’’ The other man who had not spoken a word ever since we arrived there said and I turned towards him. What does he mean when he said your highness or maybe I heard him wrong? ‘’can you repeat what you just said?’’ I asked the man. ‘’he is a king?’’ I pointed towards my supposed boss. ‘’what king are you?’’ ‘’remove your finger from my face, you human!’’ He just said human meaning that he was no human. If he was not then what was he? Before I could comprehend what was happening, he had appeared by my side. He grabbed my hand and I struggled against him trying so hard to free my hand from his. ‘’what are you doing?’’ I shouted but he tightened his grip on my tiny wrist making it hard to even struggle against him. ‘’shut up and watch this,’’ he shouted at me and raised his free hand and pointed it forward. He made a circle with one of his fingers and right in front of me, a purple portal appeared in front of us. ‘’what the hell?’’ I exclaimed and looked up to face my supposed boss and to my amusement, he was staring back at me. ‘’what are you?’’ He chuckled and pulled me into his arms. ‘’you still can’t figure that out darling?’’ he asked and burst into laughter. ‘’I am sure you must have heard of the king with the amazing powers of teleportation,’’ he boasted expecting to get a response from me but he had no idea that I know nothing about a king with amazing teleportation powers. ‘’you don’t know do you?’’ he asked and I nodded in response. ‘’sad,’’ he said and pulled my hand towards the portal. ‘’well, dear human, I am the vampire king and you are going to become my surrogate, ‘’he announced and shifted his hands to my tiny waist. ‘’And you are not going to faint again.’’ ‘’I…….’’ I was lost for words and couldn’t believe that I had acted like a crazy person in front of a vampire king who feeds on the blood of humans to survive. ‘’oh no!’’ I shouted as we entered the portal. I was going to become the vampire king’s surrogate.
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