remember she is not Alyssa

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Draven POV I rubbed my forehead for the umpteenth time trying to forget the woman that I saw in the interview room back in the human world. She was the same as Alyssa. I have heard about reincarnation a thousand times but I never expected that Alyssa would be reincarnated after five hundred years. It feels surreal to see her again. I had acted like a complete fool when I saw her and could barely control myself. ‘’remember she is not Alyssa,’’ Jaxton’s words resounded in my head when I told him about the human girl. ‘’she just looks like her.’’ ‘’ what a twist of fate!’’ I swerved my chair around and heaved a deep sigh. ‘’what a….’’ I stopped talking to myself when I heard someone barging into my office. I frowned as I turned my chair around to face my second in command. I knew he was the one who had the guts to barge into my office without knocking. ‘’your highness,’’ he bowed. I folded my arms and waited for what he had to say and then he began. ‘’I bring a bad report concerning Annalise, the human that was picked as your surrogate,’’ he paused waiting for my approval. ‘’go on,’’ I implored him and he nodded in response. ‘’your highness,’’ he cleared his throat and rubbed his forehead. ‘’miss Annalise and her family were found dead early this morning and it was a gruesome sight as they were bitten by vampires and her blood was completely drained,’’ he heaved a deep sigh. ‘’the rogue vampires are at work and they did all of that,’’ he added. I unfolded my arms and clenched my fists. ‘’how did this happen? I thought that I gave orders to protect her. Jaxton shook his head and rubbed his hands together. ‘’of course,’’ he frowned. ‘’I did all of that and the guards were found dead with their hearts ripped out and there is a message that was sent to you,’’ he announced and I awaited the message knowing that it would be from someone that I had expected never to hear from again. ‘’here it is,’’ he handed a piece of white clothing covered in blood and I felt skeptical to hold something like that ‘’I figured,’ he said and dropped the clothes on the table. ‘’I am coming for her,’’ I read out the writing on the clothes. The smell of the blood was pungent and belonged to several people but they were all humans. ‘’Draca,’’ I called my twin brother’s name and slammed my hand on the table. ‘’Annalise was killed because she believed that Draca was me,’’ I stood up from my chair. ‘’now he is targeting Alyssa.’’ At soon as I said it, I regretted I did. I had forgotten that the human girl was not Alyssa. Jaxton gave me a questioning look and I knew that it had to do with my mistake of calling the girl Alyssa. ‘’don’t give me that look,’’ I told him and tapped my fingers on the table. ‘’he is going to go after her so I have to make sure she is saved,’’ I said and walked towards him. ‘’I have to bring the human to the vampire realm.’’ ‘’And do what?’’ he inquired. ‘’I thought you said you were going to make her your maid so what is the plan now?’’ I placed a hand on Jaxton’s shoulder and tapped it. ‘’I am going to make her my surrogate!’’ Jaxton chuckled and rubbed his forehead. ‘’have you gone crazy Draven?’’ he dropped his honorifics and scoffed. ‘’have you gone crazy?’’ he asked. ‘’remember that she is not Alyssa and you can’t change that!’’ he said. ‘’I believe that I am not crazy Jaxton,’’ I told him and headed towards the door. ‘’the lords want me to have an heir right, and then, I found a surrogate and Draca went after her. What makes you think he wouldn’t go after the human?’’ I asked him hoping that he would give me the right answers to my enquires. ‘’what makes you think that he wouldn’t go crazy enough to go after the girl and kill her.’’ ‘’why do you care about what Draca does?’’ Jaxton asked the obvious question. He knew that I was willing to do anything for the human girl since she looked like Alyssa but he had no idea that I didn’t want anyone dying because of my foolish brother. Draca and I were identical twins and that was what made me hate him so much. He had my face and used it for bad things. No one could differentiate us except for me. I only knew that Draca was not me. although Jaxton could distinguish between us if we were different clothes but aside from that, no there was a difference. ‘’Draca could be planning something really bad and we have to avoid it so I need to go after the human girl and make her my human surrogate,’’ I told him and he nodded in response not arguing because he knew that I had won the argument. ‘’inform Ryan that I want the car ready and he should find out where the human is while I get married.’’ ‘’Alright your highness,’’ he bowed and walked behind me as we both headed out of my office. ‘’since you are making the human your surrogate, what about Cassandra who is to become your proposed bride?’’ he asked about the vampire who keeps my bed warm and had been proposed as my bride but I turned down the offer because, to me, Alyssa would always be my bride and queen forever. ‘’I am not making her bride and she I…...’’ ‘’But she had been by your side for a while now and she is engaging the politics affair so you need her to make sure that the vampire realm is balanced.’’ I shook my head disagreeing with his opinion. ‘’whatever you say is your idea. There is no way I am agreeing to make her my bride,’’ I told him and he nodded in response bowing his head. After that, he didn’t say a word and we both parted as I walked to my room to get dressed while Jaxton went to meet Ryan. ~~~~~~~~ When Ryan reached the front of the school gate, I ordered him to send a message to the human. When he did, I frowned because I could hear everything going on inside the school. I blocked all voices from my head and find the human’s voice. When I heard her speak, I felt the tingles again and that was not all. From the way she sounded, it was as if a guy was beside her. My assumptions were right when I heard the boy’s voice. Who the hell was the boy? I frowned and clenched my fist. ‘’text her again or call her!’’ I ordered him. ‘’yes, your highness,’’ Ryan replied and typed on his phone. ‘’she would be here soon your highness,’’ Ryan said and I responded with a nod. A few minutes later, I saw her rushing towards the car. When she neared it, Ryan stretched forth his hand from the driver’s seat and opened it. She entered and the smell of her blood made me go crazy. It smelled like the sweetest blood ever even though I haven’t tasted it. ‘’I am so sorry Ryan, I….’’ she paused when she realized that Ryan was not alone and instead, I was in the car. I could hear the thumping of their heart and the shakiness of her body. She was scared. Afraid that I eat her up which I probably would. I turned towards her with a stoic look. ‘’how dare you keep me waiting for over thirty minutes while talking to your boyfriend!’’ ‘’I ran here as soon as I saw the text and Connor isn’t…’’ ‘’none of my business,’’ I cut her off and gave her an order. ‘’I don’t want you around any man.’’ ‘’why?’’ she asked. ‘’Because you are going to be my surrogate! ’’I announced and I heard the slow faint of her heart as if she was going to black out. Why would she do that? I thought and just like I had thought, her head fell on my shoulder. ‘’Hey human!’’ I pushed her head forward but she didn’t move and her head fell on my shoulder again. ‘’Does she faint like this often?’’ I asked Ryan. ‘’no idea, your highness.’’ He replied and started the car while I stared at the human whose head was on my shoulder. ‘’Remember she is not Alyssa,’’ Jaxton’s voice resounded in my head. ‘’I know,’’ I whispered and heaved a deep sigh. ‘’she is not Alyssa,’’
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