His rules

1332 Words
Draven POV The resemblance and the attitude were uncanny. When she fell off the bed, it made me remember Alyssa and her clumsy attitude. Such a nice memory that was starting to fade away. Once my purple portal opened. We stepped out and walked into the royal ward where her brother was admitted. We both walked in and met Selena standing beside the boy while examining the life support machine attached to the boy's body. ‘’your highness,’’ she greeted as she noticed me. ‘’How is his condition?’’ I asked about the human boy whose heartbeat was faint. His blood smelled like it was rotting from the inside. I closed my eyes and tried all I could to block the smell from my nose but I couldn’t. The smell of his blood made it impossible to know if he was getting better or not. It was why I hired Selena who was a dhampir. A half-vampire and half-human. She was perfect to be the royal physician as she had self-control, unlike most vampires. ‘’He is currently recuperating. Even though the surgery was successful, he is not out of the danger zone yet.’’ ‘’what!’’ Trisha shouted and rushed towards his brother. ‘’why? The doctor….’’ ‘’let her finish!’’ I scolded her. ‘’But,’’ she tried to argue but stopped when I appeared in front of her in the blink of an eye. ‘’never cut me off whenever I am speaking again,’’ I warned her and she lowered her head in submission. ‘’I detest disrespect and I would never tolerate it from you or anyone!’’ I closed my eyes as I inhaled her smell. The scent of her blood was intoxicating and my inner monster wanted to have a taste of it. That was the only difference she had with Alyssa. Their blood scents were different. While Alyssa’s blood scent was good, hers was intoxicating and tempting that it made me want to sink my fangs in her neck and have a taste. ‘’yes, your highness,’’ her voice broke me out of my thoughts and I fluttered my eyes open. ‘’I am so so sorry about what I did,’’ she apologized with a shaky voice making her sound childish. Someone like her was going to carry my child? The heir to the throne of the vampires. The thought of that made me cringe and it was at that moment that I knew that no woman could replace Alyssa in my heart. Not even a woman who had the same face as her. Selena cleared her throat and I left Trisha’s side to face her. ‘’what is going to keep him out of the danger zone?’’ I asked her. ‘’According to his medical report, he doesn’t have a great danger like that but he is facing the side effect of the heart surgery,’’ Selena announced and flipped the pages of the medical report. ‘’he is fine and there is nothing wrong with him.’’ ‘’Really?’’ Trisha heaved a deep sigh and placed her hand on her chest. Her heart beat so loudly that it made it crazy to be in the same room as she is. I rubbed my forehead and closed my eyes trying so hard to block the scents of her blood. It was enthralling. Her heartbeat went thump thump sounding so loud in my ear. ‘’Damn it!’’ I groaned and appeared in front of her. ‘’can you please stop making your heart beat like that!’’ he yelled at her. ‘’your heartbeat is so loud that it making me go crazy!’’ I leaned closer to her and inhaled her smell. My fangs elongated and I gently brushed them against her neck. She jumped in fright and moved backward until she landed on the ground. ‘’what the hell am I doing?’’ my senses came back as I placed my hand on my mouth. My fangs disappeared and the urge to have a taste of blood vanished instantly. ‘’bring her to the royal study,’’ I said to Selena and turned to leave. ‘’wait!’’ Trisha shouted and I stopped as if I was under her spell. How the hell was she able to stop me from moving? There was no way she could have hypnotized me, a pure-blood vampire and the king over all vampires. No way could have happened. How was I able to stop under her command? ‘’what do you want?’’ I demanded harshly without turning to face her. ‘’erm….’’ ‘’speak!’’ I yelled at her. How could she stop me and not have anything to say? It made me look pathetic because I had to stop for her. ‘’is my brother going to be fine?’’ she asked. Really? That was why she stopped me? it was all to ask about her brother? ‘’you human!’’ I shouted at her and finally turned to face her. ‘’do I look like I care about your brother?’’ I asked her and stretched forth my finger. The purple portal appeared in front of her but she took a step backward completely taken by surprise. ‘’listen to me,’’ I told her as I walked towards the portal. ‘’I don’t care about whatever happens to your brother or even you as I hired you to be my surrogate and not someone, I will have to take care of.’’ ‘’but….’’ she tried to argue. I noticed that she was fond of that and it was starting to piss me off. I walked past the portal and when I reached her front, she tried to move backward but I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the portal. ‘’what are you doing?’’ she struggled against my hold but I twirled her around and then pulled her into my arms. ‘’stay still,’’ I warned her and snap my fingers. The portal started closing and I watched as Selena bowed her head until the portal closes and disappeared. The portal opened again as soon as we appeared in my office. I let go of Trisha and walked out of the portal then I snapped my fingers until the portal disappeared. ‘’why are we here?’’ Trisha curiously asked as she looked around. ‘’ I thought you wanted me to spend quality time with my brother,’’ she said. I eyed her for a moment and didn’t say a word until she made the move toward me. ‘’I have a life back in my world and I don’t think that I cope in a world of the vampires,’’ she complained. ‘’Really?’’ I scoffed and pulled off my suit. I hung onto the hanger beside my bed and sat down on my chair. Heaving a deep sigh, I fixed my eyes on hers and snapped my fingers. The doors leading to my study opened and Jaxton walked in through the doors holding a blue folder. I had mind link Jaxton about bringing the file to my office. I had a few rules that I needed to follow before I could make her my surrogate. Even though she had the same face as Alyssa, I had to remind myself that they were different people but I was greedy as I wanted her to myself. She would become a reminder about Alyssa. ‘’here is the folder your highness,’’ he announced and dropped it on my table. ‘’have you informed her about what you want?’’ ‘’inform me about what?’’ Trisha asked and moved closer to my table. ‘’is there something that I should know?’’ I nodded in response. ‘’if you are going to be my surrogate then you need to abide by my rules and if you try to break them,’’ I tapped my fingers on the table. ‘’I will make sure your brother’s heart stop while you watch!’’I threatened her and grinned wickedly when I saw her jump in fear. Silly, I thought.
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