You have to become my Surrogate

1440 Words
Before you read, you need to know that I have changed this story twice but due to the readers who wanted the previous version, I have decided that this would be my final version. thank you all for your support. ....................... Trisha POV ‘’All bills have been paid and the surgery was successful,’’ when the doctor announced that to me, I couldn’t help but smiled brightly. ‘’you did well in taking care of your brother Trisha,’’ The doctor gave me a thumbs up and I hugged him because I was too overwhelmed. ‘’Thank you so much doctor,’’ I told him and quickly let go of him. ‘’I am sorry,’’ I chuckled. ‘’I was just happy,’’ I said and he nodded in response. ‘’can I see my brother now?’’ I requested and he nodded in response walking down the hallways to where my brother was. He opened the door leading into the room and I was surprised that it was different from the room he was previously in. ‘’The room was upgraded by an anonymous man,’’ he informed me and I stared at him confused about what he had said. ‘’who was the anonymous man?’’ I asked but I got no response. ‘’I am sure the anonymous man doesn’t want his name to be known,’’ I said and the doctor agreed with a nod. He pointed toward my brother and I rushed to his side. ‘’I will leave you to talk to him,’’ he said and walked out of the room. ‘’Caleb,’’ I sniffled and grabbed his hand. ‘’I am so glad that you could make it,’’ I sobbed and placed his hand on my head. ‘’I am thankful to that man who decided to make it possible for you to be alive and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that you survive even if it means that I have to be a maid!’’ I rubbed his hand on my hand expecting a reaction from him. Maybe he will open his eyes and tell me everything was going to be fine or maybe he would rise from the bed and tell me how much he misses me. I hoped that any of that could happen but it was impossible because the doctor had made it clear that it might take a while before Caleb woke up. I wasn’t in a rush as long as he was fine. I just wanted my baby brother to wake up again and give me the tightest hug. ‘’when you wake up Caleb, just know that I would be right here for you,’’ I kissed his hand and laid my head on the bed. Evening came and I left for my house because I had a test the next morning and I also had to give my benefactor, the strange man who offered me a maid job but yet paid all of my bills including the money that I owed the loan sharks. Who was he exactly? Why does he feel so familiar? Those questions ran through my mind as I thought about why I was so drawn to him. That night, I slept peacefully having no worries about my bills or my brother who was out of the danger zone. When I woke up the next morning, it was half past eight. ‘’oh shits!’’ I cussed as I stood up from my couch and rushed to the bathroom. ‘’how could I have slept for so long?’’ I frowned at my stupidity and washed my face. The test I had that morning was going to start by nine and there was no time to have my long hour of the shower. Once I entered the bathroom, I didn’t use up to five minutes as I rushed out, clean myself up with a towel, and found a comfortable outfit to wear. I texted my best friend Connor about my lateness and asked that he reserved a seat for me. ‘’I am going to be late,’’ that was what I sent to him and I believed that he would understand since we were both used to sending each other messages like that. After spending another ten minutes wearing my clothes, a brown sweatshirt and ripped jeans, I rushed out of the house and ran to the bus top. Luckily for me, the bus was just about leaving meaning that I didn’t have to spend thirty minutes waiting for another bus to arrive. ‘’stop!’’ I shouted and ran into the bus. ‘’thank goodness,’’ I panted for breath as I sat down beside a middle-aged woman whose eyes were closed. She must have fallen asleep, I thought. The ride to my school took about twenty minutes and when the bus finally stopped at the nearest station to my school, it was 8:56. I ran like a mad woman until I reached my classroom. As soon as I entered, the professor entered and I heaved a deep sigh knowing that I was saved. ‘’settle down for your test,’’ The professor shouted as she stood in front of the class. I looked around for Connor and saw him looking back at me. he waved and pointed to the seat beside him. I rushed towards him and sat on the empty seat. ‘’you are going to tell me why you came late after the class,’’ he frowned at me with his green eyes and I nodded in response. After we finished the test and class, Connor and I headed out of the classroom since all of our classes were over for the rest of the day. ‘’why were you late?’’ he asked. I was about to reply to him when I heard my phone beep. I removed my phone from my bag and saw the message. The boss wants to see you now. A black tesla is parked out of your school gate. Come out now. Ryan I reread the message five times before I could understand what he had said. ‘’hey,’’ Connor snapped his fingers on my face. ‘’what is going on with you?’’ he asked. I bite my lower lips and looked up at him. I contemplated telling him about my new boss since he was my best friend but that strange man had such a powerful appearance that it made it difficult to go against him. Those texts Ryan sent to me sounded like commands that I shouldn’t go against and telling Connor about it could land him in trouble. ‘’I am fine,’’ I forced a smile on my face when I know that I wasn’t. my phone beeped again and I didn’t have to look for me to realize that it was Ryan who had texted me again. ‘’let’s catch up tomorrow,’’ I said and started running. I didn’t even look back when Connor called me because I had to answer the strange man. He was my benefactor Afterall. Once I made it out of the school gate, I looked around for a supposed tesla car and saw that it was parked opposite the school gate. I rubbed my chest as I crossed over to the other side. When I reached the car and stretched my hand to knock on the door of the car, the back door opened by itself. My heart raced so fast that I thought it would burst any moment but I took a deep breath and walked into the car hoping that I wouldn’t faint from a heart attack. ‘’I am so sorry Ryan, I….’’ I paused when I realized that the person seated at the back seat was not Ryan but the boss himself. ‘’you,’’ I pointed towards and quickly brought down my finger. The strange man was in the car instead and his presence screams authority. When he turned towards me, I grabbed the hem of my clothes and visibly gulped. He turned towards me with a glare and pointed towards me. ‘’how dare you to keep me waiting for over thirty minutes while talking to your boyfriend!’’ ‘’I ran here as soon as I saw the text and Connor isn’t…’’ ‘’none of my business,’’ he cut me off. ‘’I don’t want you around any man,’’ he stated as if he had control over my life. ‘’why?’’ I asked him. "Because you are going to be my surrogate!’’ he answered and I gasped and closed my eyes blacking out from the excitement or the shock. After all, I had a good run today.
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