A second Chance to prove Myself

1370 Words
Trisha POV "I am here for the job sir. My name is Trisha and I am....." I tried to explained myself to him but he waved me off trying all he could to avoid meeting my gaze. I had no idea why he was acting like that because my face was not stained with shits or looks ugly so I couldn't figured out why he was avoiding looking at me. "Sir, if you can give me a chance to prove myself then I can show you that I can...." "Get out of this office right away!" He shouted at me and I was startled not expecting him to react in such manner. Why was he angry at me? I thought as I watched him turned his back on me and clenched his fists. I couldn't go home like that knowing that I'll be back to my life of debts. Even though he had paid off my debts and helped Caleb, I felt that I still needed something else from him. I couldn't understand why I was feeling like that. "I can't just live that Mr..." "Go!" He yelled at me turning to face me and i noticed the change in his eyes Color. He looked pretty mad and if look could kill then I would be buried six feet under. The unfamiliar man who was yet familiar to me seemed like he doesn't want me to be around him. "I already picked the woman I want to carry my child," he pointed to the woman in his office. "You are not needed here miss..." He caused trying to remember my name. "My name is Trisha sir," I introduced myself to him. "I heard you now you may leave," he pointed outside the office. "Right," My feet betrayed me as they moved forward instead of going backwards. I had no idea why I felt the need of moving closer to the man. "What is happening to me?" It was as if I was under a compulsion. I couldn't stopped walking and as I headed towards the man, heat spread through my body and I suddenly felt hot. "What the f**k is wrong with me?" I shouted and tried to touch him but he saw me coming and quickly dodged my hand. I lost my step and headed towards the window. My life flashed in front of me as the window glass shattered and I fell out. I screamed and stretched forth my hand to him hoping that he'll take it but instead, I saw him watching me as I fall to my death. Tears streamed down my face as I thought about my brother who will be lonely without me. Because I wanted more from this strange man, I was now on the verge of my death and he didn't do anything about it. Oh you are a fool Trisha, I thought and closed my eyes as I waited for the impact of the hard ground but instead I fell into something hard but it wasn't the ground. Whatever I fell into had a strong scent and it smelled nice. "I'm I in heaven?" I muttered and fluttered my eyes opened. I was in his arms and he was staring down at me with his beautiful eyes that changed color at that instant to obsidian. I have never seen such transformation in my entire life and I was shocked. "How I'm I in your arms right now?" I asked him and looked around us. I noticed a purple wall around us and soon the wall disappeared and we were back into the office. "What the heck?" "How dare you do that?" He asked in a low gruff voice. "What the hell do you think you were doing!" He shouted at me and I shook terribly in his arms. I tried to freed my hand from his but he held onto me. "Are you trying to kill yourself so i'll chose you?" Kill myself? I almost scoffed out loud but instead I flashed my lashes at him. Who does he think he was for me to kill myself? As much as I wanted his strong arms around me, I hated that he had to sound like a complete jerk. He might have done something great for me and my brother, I didn't like the sound of his tone. "You could have let me fallen to my death," I muttered. His eyes widened and he frowned at me. He never expected that I'll say that. For a few seconds, he stared at me as if he knew me from somewhere. The room became smaller and I felt my heart racing forgetting that there were people in the room with us. It felt as if time had stopped and I raised my hand to touch his face. There was a little bit of familiarity when I did that and a memory flashed in my head. It was a memory of me and the man and I knew the memories didn't belonged to me except I hit my head against my wall and lost my memories. Growing up, I never had any head surgery but the man standing in front of me felt so familiar and I couldn't stopped touching his face. "Do I know you?" I asked him. He blinked and let's go of me. I fell to the ground and groaned in pain. He could have at least gave me a warning that he was about to dropped me but he just lets go of me. "Ouch!" "If you are going to kill yourself, then do it where I won't find you," he said and turned to leave. "Are you leaving?" I asked him. He didn't turned back to face me but he stopped. "You gave a problem with me?" I stood up from the ground and looked towards the woman he hired to become his surrogate. She had eyes on me as if she wanted me gone but I couldn't go like that without finding a job to take care of my brother and myself. "Is there anything you'll like me to do for you Miss Trisha?" "I..." I bite my lower lips and tried to move closer to him but he took a step forward as if he knew that I was moving closer to him. "Talk from there because I can hear you," he said. "How did you save me? How were you able to bring me here?" That was not the question I wanted to ask him but in order to gain his attention, I had to ask that question. "I was supposed to be dead but..." "You ask a lot of questions Miss Trisha," he turned to face me. "Why don't you be grateful that I saved your life?". " I..." There was no point asking because I'll be wasting my time and to how he saved my life, I didn't care about that. If not for him, my brains would probably be scattered on the streets. "I should probably go now sir since I have wasted enough of your time," I cleared my throat and picked my handbag from the ground. I lowered my head as I walked past him and when I was nearing the door, he shouted my name. "Miss Trisha!" I turned back to face him smiling brightly and expecting a good news from him. "Yes sir," I said. "I may give you a second chance if you really want a job. " "But sir, you've already picked Miss Analisse," his assistant reminded him. My new soon to be boss pretend he didn't heard him and walked towards me with a smile on his face. I returned the smile anticipating what he had to say. When he lowered his head to where my ears were, I felt shivers all over my body. I clung tightly to the hem of my dress and closed my eyes. "I'll give you a second chance to work in my home as my maid." I gasped and fluttered my eyes when I heard him say that. A maid? Out of all the jobs he could probably offered me, he decided to make me his maid. "A maid!" I shouted.
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