The death of the vampire Queen

1271 Words
Draven's POV Five hundred years ago, “Everything will be fine, my dear,” I kissed my wife's forehead as she wailed in agony, clutching my arms as if her life depended on it. Alyssa was due to give birth to our child, and we were both overjoyed because it was something we had both wanted since we were married. Alyssa, on the other hand, was a human, and we had fallen in love under the full moon, unaware that we were from two different realms. “I can't do it any longer, Draven… I need the baby out, “Despite her trembling lips, Alyssa managed to speak. “I love you,” she grumbled. “I love you too,” When the Royal physician entered the room, I kissed Alyssa's sweaty brow and sighed. “What took you so long?” I yelled at the physician and almost let go of Alyssa's hand to attack her, but I restrained myself and beckoned for her to begin. “Your highness, I apologize for arriving late.” The female royal physician apologized and placed her box beside Alyssa on the bed. She rubbed Alyssa's stomach gently while frowning. “This isn't good,” the physician said, and Alyssa trembled in my arms. “What the hell are you even saying?” I shouted at her.” Go on and tell me what's going on with my wife!” “We can't save them both! You must choose, your Highness!” The announcement was made by the Royal Physician, which caused my hand to shake violently. “It has to be one of them! She is a human, so having a vampire heir will be difficult for her!” “Are you crazy?” I yelled at her. My heart would have burst by now if I had one. I couldn't stop the rage boiling inside of me, and Alyssa could sense it. She took my hand in hers and smiled at me. “Alyssa,” I muttered her name. “I will save you,” I promised as I kissed her hands. Alyssa shook her head in response. Just like me, she was stubborn, and I knew it would be hard to change her mind, but I couldn't choose either of them because Alyssa had always wanted a baby and I knew she'd end up hating me if I didn't give her what she wanted. “I can't lose you, Alyssa,” I muttered. “No,” Alyssa replied, shaking her head. “Draven, I will not let our child die. I adore you, but I am not willing to give up on our child!” She said, But I could read her pains, and there was a hint of sadness in her words.” I knew Alyssa was acting strong, but she wasn't, and I didn't want to lose her, so I devised a better way to save her. “Allow me to transform you, Alyssa. If you are a vampire, then you and the child will be fine. Please let me turn you,” I fell on my knees and begged her. “You have to make a choice now, your highness, or it'll be too late!” The Royal physician reminded me about the hard decision I had to make. It was the hardest decision of my life. Heaving a sigh, I placed my head on Alyssa's chest and burst into tears. “Alyssa, please," I hugged her body. “I love you and it's so hard for me to do this. “ Alyssa rubbed my hair and sniffled. “ I am not letting our child die and if anything happens to me, I need you to be strong, and please don't turn me into a vampire Draven. I…” she groaned out in pain. “ Decide, your highness!” The Royal physician shouted at me. “ She is bleeding out!” I burst into tears, forgetting that I was a king, and gave Alyssa a soft kiss on the lips. “I love you,” I told her and stood up from the ground. I let go of her and walked towards the Royal physician. “Whatever happens, you need to save Alyssa,” I whispered to her before walking out of the room. I couldn't afford to watch her in pain and instead stood outside the room. I leaned against the door and slid down while hoping that nothing would happen to her. Her screams paced around for a while, and after a moment, I didn't hear her voice any longer. Instead, I heard the wailing of a baby. I suddenly felt déjà vu as if something had happened, and I was right because my instinct had never failed me. Rushing into the room, I met the Royal physician holding my newborn baby, but Alyssa was laying on the bed with her eyes closed and when I listened to her heartbeat, I couldn't hear it any longer. She was gone. I rushed towards her and grabbed her hand, which had grown cold. “Alyssa!” I shouted her name. “Wake up Alyssa!” I shook her body vigorously, but she remained stiff on the bed. I hugged her body and burst into tears while screaming out loud. “Alyssa!” I didn't know how long I had been holding her body until the Royal physician made another bad announcement. “Your highness, the Royal prince has stopped breathing!” My eyes widened, and I let go of Alyssa's body. I turned to face the physician and grabbed the baby from her. “How the hell is the baby dead? The baby should be a vampire, not a human!” “ That was what I thought, your highness until he was born. He couldn't survive and I…” At that moment, I saw red. I grabbed her throat and flung her to the nearest wall. “How dare you kill my wife and child!” I shouted at her.” How dare you.” I hugged my child tighter and let the tears flow freely. I had lost the two most important people in my life, and it made me wonder why Fate was so cruel to me. “Alyssa,” I sat beside my dead wife and placed my dead son in her arms. “He is here, and I am going to respect your last wish of not turning you into a vampire, but I want you to know that I love you,” I confessed and kissed her forehead. “ And I am sorry that you had to die, my love,” I lay beside her, and that went on for three days until I was dragged out of the bed by my second in command Jaxton who forced me away from my wife, and son's the nearly decayed body. With his help, Alyssa and my son were given a proper burial and when I set the fire to their corpses, I fell on my knees and cried again. I blamed myself for everything that I had happened and to punish myself, I teleported to the sea and fell inside drowning deep into the waters hoping that the water would kill me after spending a few weeks inside the water, Jaxton bought me back to the Royal mansion and lectured me about a new life. There was no new life for me because my life ended when I lost Alyssa and my son, but I didn't know that it was the beginning of something new. If only I knew what was yet to come.
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