
1727 Words
Draven's POV I checked my Rolex wristwatch for the umpteenth time and made a purple circle with my finger. I was waiting for the perfect time to teleport out of the room especially when Jaxton wasn't watching. He forced me to interview the humans that were supposed to carry my heir. Everything was his idea. I had not wanted to do it but he forced me and I had no option. The female vampires were not compatible to be my surrogate and the humans were the only option for me. After rounds of checkups from my trusted Royal Doctor, ten girls were eligible for the interview. "Is the interview starting anytime soon?" I asked Gideon, the human who Jaxton had assigned to me as my PA. He was nowhere to be found in my office and I wondered where he could be. Gideon appeared from the entrance of the room and behind him was the first female I would be interviewing. "Your....," he stopped and used another word. "Sir, she is here," he announced. Gideon and I had agreed that my identity won't be revealed until I had picked the girl that would become my surrogate and that was because we didn't want the other realms to know about my search for an heir. The one realm I never hoped would find out about it were the Angel Realm. Their king, Icarius was going to taunt me for life. I looked towards the woman that had walked in and adjusted myself on the chair. The girl bowed her head and sat opposite me. I found the girl attractive and she has a thick body that I wanted in a human. I believed she would be fit to carry my child. "Your name is Terra right?" I asked her as I stared at her profile on my table. "Yes, sir." she flashed a smile at me. I found her voice annoying as it was too high. "I will give you the best enjoyment sir and I'll make sure...." She chuckled and placed her hand on mine. The one thing that I hated was being touched especially by a female. Ever since Alyssa died, I refused to let any woman touch me, and even the women I slept with to ease my pain never get to touch or kiss me. "If you make me your surrogate, we will have cute babies together," she laughed and rubbed my hand. "Get your hands off me else I'll cut it off," I threatened her and pushed her hand away. "You are rejected!" I announced and threw her profile to the ground. "But sir," she refused to stand up and tried to touch me again but Gideon grabbed her hand. "I can make a great surrogate!" She yelled as she was dragged out of my office. "I am so sorry your highness," Gideon apologized after getting rid of the human. I heaved a sigh and nodded in response. "Next!" I heard him call for the next woman. The door opened and the woman entered clicking her heels on the ground. I hated the sound of her heels and especially how her face looked like. The woman was a red-haired woman but her hair was short and I didn't like it. I don't like women with short hair. No offense to women with short hair but I love seeing women with long hair so I could drag them especially when I f****d them from behind. "Rejected!" I announced even before she sat down. "But sir, you haven't interviewed me yet," she said but I closed my eyes and pretended that she wasn't there. "Please leave Ma'am," I heard Gideon say to her. "What kind of job is this!" I heard her mumble and she walked out of the office. "Why did you reject her?" Gideon asked me. "I don't like her hair, " I replied and opened my eyes. "Don't stare at me like that," I said to him as he glared at me. "I never wanted to do this. Please kindly call the next woman and let's get this over with. " "You are impossible!" Gideon said and opened the door then I heard him call for the next woman. The next woman who entered looked like someone who would be fit to carry my child. I stared at her profile and concluded that I was going to accept her. Her hair was dark and long hair, and her body was thick I loved how she swayed her hips as she approached my desk. I smiled at her thinking that I had found the mother of my child but when she spoke, I regretted ever picking her. "f**k! This place is amazing!" She squealed as she looked around my office. Fuck? How dare she swear around me? I exchanged looks with Gideon who mouthed that I should be calm but how the hell was I supposed to accept a woman who swear to be my surrogate? As if that was not enough, she looked around and said things that I didn't want to hear. "You are so cute, sir. I believe our child will be the cutest!" She laughed and slapped the table. How dare she called me cute? I clenched my fists and closed my eyes trying so hard to suppress the anger that surged through me. When I opened my eyes, I yelled at her. "Get out of my office!" "But...." She tried to argue. "If you don't get out of here then I'll make sure you regret ever coming here," I threatened her. "Don't you want me?" She burst into tears and tried to move closer to me but Gideon grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the office. "No! I want this job!" I heard her screams even outside the office. "Good riddance to bad rubbish!" I adjusted my blue tie and placed my head on the chair. When Gideon entered the room, I slammed my hand on the desk. "Where the hell did Jaxton and Selena get those girls huh?" I yelled at him. "They are the ones who are compatible with you your highness and....." "Enough! Bring the next girl in. If she doesn't catch my attention then I am not going to do another interview again!" I said to Gideon. The fourth lady to walk in at a head out to the ground. She walked like a classy lady as she headed toward my desk. "Sir," she smiled at me. "May I have my seat now?" I loved how she sounded so polite. Her obsidian eyes were attractive and around her face was beautiful without no blemish. she was the perfect woman that I could ask off and I knew she was the one to carry my heir. "Have a seat miss Annalise," I pointed to the sheer opposite me. " Thank you, sir," yet another polite response. " If you become a surrogate, there are a few things that you need to know," I told her and she nodded in response. "You will be thrown into a world of vampires and you will have to live amongst us until you have my child. Do you accept?" "Are you trying to say that you are a vampire ?" "And is that a problem?" I questioned her. she shook her head and smiled at me. "I have read that vampires exist but I never knew that I would meet one," she chuckled. "I am the vampire King," I said with so much pride. I wasn't surprised when I saw her eyes widen and how she stared at me like a god. " Oh my goodness!" She laughed. "If you are the vampire King then that means that you are like the supreme ruler?" She asked. I wasn't the supreme ruler but I didn't answer that question. " You will be asked to sign a contract in two days and I hope you bond with your families for those two days," I told her. "Yes sir ...I mean your Highness," she corrected herself. I like how quickly she was able to learn. She was exactly the woman that I wanted to carry my child. "Before you leave here, you must swear an oath that you will not tell anyone about this meeting and when that is done then you may leave. " "Really? " She clapped her hands. "I am going to be your surrogate?" she cleared her throat and adjusted herself on the chair." It will be a great pleasure, your Highness," she bowed her head. "Gideon!" I called for my human PA and he rushed toward my side. " yes your Highness," Gideon smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up but I frowned at him and pointed outside the doors. " Inform the rest of the girls that they should leave and make sure you compensate them, "I pointed outside the office. Gideon bowed his head and walked out of the office. "So, Miss Annalise, are you ready to swear the oaths?" I asked the lady who would become my surrogate and she nodded in response. " yes your Highness," she agreed. " Good," I remove her profile from the rest and placed it aside. I looked through the rest of the profiles of the remaining girls and they were not who I wanted exactly and even if they were interviewed I wouldn't have picked them. Annalise was the best choice. When I got the last picture, I had to look twice at the girl cause I thought that I'd seen wrong. " impossible!"The paper in my hand shook terribly and while I was trying to process what I had seen, I heard Gideon arguing with someone at the entrance. " you cannot enter ma'am!" Gideon blocked the woman's entrance but he was pushed aside by her. "I need to see him!" The woman shouted and when she walked in, I gasped and dropped the paper in my hand. "Sir, I need to speak with you!" I stood up from my chair and headed towards the woman. was fate playing with me? I asked myself. There in front of me was my dead wife Alyssa. She was supposed to be dead but she was standing in front of me alive and still looking beautiful. "Alyssa," I grabbed the woman's hand and hugged her.
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