Who are you?

1316 Words
Trisha POV "We are here!" Ryan announced and opened the car door for me. My eyes fluttered open and that was when I realized that I had fallen asleep on the passenger's seat. After facing a lot of things for the past few days, I had to sleep hoping that I'll forget that I am owing some people money. About the money, I was owed the loan sharks, now that I thought about it because Selena never mentioned it. Did they ignore my debts? I pondered as I walked out of the car. "Mr. Ryan sir," I said to the driver but he ignored me completely and move towards a skyscraper. It was the biggest building I have ever seen and I never thought that I'll ever be in a place like that. It made me wonder how rich the man was. He must be filthy rich, I believe. "Mr. Ryan sir," I called for the man in front of me. He had been ignoring me ever since we left the hospital and I couldn't put my finger around why he was treating me like that. He treated me as if he didn't want me there. "Keep quiet," he cautioned me as we walked past the lobby and headed into an Elevator. Just as he had ordered me to, I didn't speak for a few seconds but the thoughts about my debts didn't leave my head and so, I asked him about it again. "I just want to ask about my debts. I am owing a few people and...." I stopped talking as soon as the elevator doors opened. I expected him to walk out of the elevator but he didn't make a move. "What is going on?" I asked him. He turned to face me with his glaring green eyes and pointed outside the Elevator. "Miss Trisha, we are here," he announced. "You may get off the elevator now. Follow the right side and you'll find the interview room." "You are not coming with me?" He nodded in response and continued pointing out. "Your bills have been settled by our boss," he informed me and I smiled brightly. "He has settled my bills but I haven't met him yet and...." I couldn't contain the excitement that I felt at that moment. I was finally freed from long-life debts. Who was this man? I wondered. "Miss Trisha," Ryan cleared his throat and I smiled at him. "Right," I walked out of the elevator grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you for..." I didn't get to finish my sentence as the door closed and I couldn't see him again. "Yay!" I shouted and jumped up. When I realized what I had done, I cleared my throat and frowned. "The right side," my tone changed to a serious one as I looked for the way to the interview room. When I found it, I met other girls who had been called for the role seated on a long bench. My pace quickened and I suddenly felt like an outsider. I felt like I shouldn't be there like I wasn't good enough. It was not low self-esteem but that was how I felt at that moment. The rest of the girls looked better off than me with their appearances. I felt like an outcast but that didn't stop me from greeting the rest of the girls as if I knew them. "My name is Trisha and it's a pleasure to be here," I bowed my head. None of them replied and I expected that because we all had come for that role and it was meant for just one person. I sat down beside one of the girls and folded my arms together. I lowered my head because I knew I wouldn't be called anytime soon as I was the last girl. I closed my eyes for a few seconds deep in thought but it wasn't for long. "This is insane!" A woman came out of the interview room and stomped her foot on the ground. "What did I do so wrong hug!" She yelled as she was dragged away by the guards. "I love him!" Her voice echoed down the hallway and I felt a tight knot in my stomach. What if I wasn't picked? Would they ask me to pay back their money? While thinking about that, the next person was called but she didn't stay for long as she was sent out of the room. "He didn't even give me the chance to prove myself!" She yelled and walked away. "Next!" I heard them call. When the third girl entered, she stayed for a while and I thought that she had been picked until I saw two guards dragging her out of the room. "You can't do this to me. I am the one who is fit enough to carry your baby!" The woman's loud cries echoed down the hallway. Just like the first woman, she sounded obsessed with the man. "Next!" I heard them call. The girl sitting beside me stood up and entered the room. I heaved a sigh and shakes my legs anticipating what could happen. A few minutes passed and the lady had not come out. I feared the worst because I believed that she was picked already. Just like I have predicted, the man who had been calling the girls in made the announcement. "I am sorry to announce to you that the boss had found the woman he wanted. You may all leave," he said. "The boss has offered you all a reward for coming too. I'll send your rewards to your homes." "At least I got something," I heard one of the girls say. The rest also agreed with her. I expected them to throw tantrums but they all acted as if the job didn't bother them. I watched them all leave while I remained seated on the chair. I couldn't just go like that without seeing the man who was my benefactor. "Hey ma'am," I heard the man's voice sounded. "The interview is over. You have to leave. " "I have to see him," I stood up from the chair and headed toward the entrance of the room. "I need to see him," I repeated. "you cannot enter ma'am!" The man blocked my way in but I pushed him aside and walked into the room. "I need to see him!" I shouted and heaved a sigh of relief when my eyes landed on the man's face. He had beautiful blonde hair that was perfectly trimmed and styled backward. I felt a rush of deja vu and moved towards him. When he stood up, I noticed how tall and muscular he was. As he headed towards me with calculated steps, my heart raced but I rubbed my hands together to get rid of Feelings. How could I like a man I just met? That was so cliche and I never believed it would ever happen to me. "Alyssa," he said and grabbed my hand then he pulled me into his arms. I gasped in shock. My eyes widened as he wrapped his strong arms tightly around my waist. Who is Alyssa and why did he call that? "I am so happy to see you again," he said. I should be happy that this man was hugging me but I couldn't understand why he had called me Alyssa. "Sir," I said. "You have the wrong person," I told him and he quickly let go of me. I almost fell to the ground as he pushed me away from him. Luckily for me, my face didn't meet the ground and I was able to stand without staggering. "Who the hell are you?" He asked me and unlike when his voice sounded deep yet beautiful when he hugged me, his voice sounded as if he had seen a ghost. He sounded shocked.
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