Contract signing and Insemination

1390 Words
Trisha POV When he threatened me, I had the option to flee, but for some reason, I felt a connection towards him. I could have run away from him, but I didn't, and I could not figure out why. There was a connection between us that I could not overlook or disregard. Aside from that, he was my benefactor and had previously saved my brother's life, paid off my debts, and protected me from being beaten up by loan sharks. My newest boss, the vampire king, sat before me and said, while looking down at the paper he was holding, "You need to adhere to the rules about the contract." Jaxton, who was in second place in command but was also a lawyer, was the one who drafted the document. Who would have thought that vampires would also be subject to rules and regulations? I had the impression that they were mindless creatures with no interest in other people other than to kill them to drink their blood and end their lives. My heart started racing as soon as I realized two vampires were in the room with me. "I am going to die," I had no idea I had said that aloud. The Vampire King turned his head to look at him, and I noticed that Jaxton, seated next to me, was staring directly into my eyes" is everything okay with you at the moment?" he asked. I smiled and nodded in response to Jaxton's question, but in my heart, I knew I was not. I was terrified for my life and what the vampires might do to me because of their power. I turned my attention from Jaxton to the Vampire King and audibly sucked in my breath when my eyes locked with the Vampire King. "Will you stop shaking!" My heart skipped a beat when he pounded his hand on the table in front of us. "if you are going to be my surrogate, then you need to be sharp," he said, pointing to the piece of paper in his hand. "I don't want a frail person to be in charge of carrying my child!" I took another choking breath, and my heart beat faster than usual. It felt like my heart was going to stop beating at any moment. "I...." As I continue to look into the eyes of a powerful man, the paper that I hold in my hand begins to shake. "your highness," Jaxton said before clearing his throat and cutting off our connection. "Since I have a feeling that she is confused, I suggest that you go easy on her." The vampire king scowled and huffed at Jaxton before looking away and lowering his gaze. I let out a long sigh before looking at Jaxton and murmuring my gratitude to him for preventing the tragedy that could have ended my life. "Now," The Vampire King resumed his previous line of conversation. "what do you have to say concerning the contract?" he asked. "what do you have to say about the contract?" "Right," After clearing my throat, readjusting my position in the chair, and looking down at the paper, I continued. "I..." I couldn't help but ponder the situation as I repeatedly flipped through the pages. At the very least, twenty pages could be found. As soon as I completed the turn, I raised my head and looked directly into his eyes. "Why is it that there are twenty pages?' He let go of the paper in his hand and folded his arms in front of his chest. With a smirk, he responded, "Because I have a lot of rules that you are required to follow." "I am supposed to read it now?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't reply, but when he did, I knew I was doomed. "but I have to go to school, and it's not possible for me... " "Human!" The tone in which he delivered those words gave the impression that he found us repulsive. "you have no choice but to read it now because I have other things to work on, and I want you to be pregnant before next week," she told him. That wasn't a question; that was a command to answer in the affirmative. "What?" As I continued to look at him, my eyeballs came dangerously close to being dislodged from their sockets. "How am I supposed to...?" "Hmm," he said as he shifted in his seat and turned his chair around. He gave the order to his second in command, saying, "Jaxton, you may leave" Jaxton stood up and walked over to me before tapping me on the back and saying, "right, your highness." he smiled at me."good luck. I tried to talk jaxton out of leaving, but by the time I faced the door, he had already left. I was frustrated because I wanted him to stay. I took a few deep breaths as soon as I heard him slam the door since I knew that from that point on, I would be alone with the devil. The vampire king cleared his throat and spoke to me in an authoritative tone, "start reading, and don't waste my time," However, he did not turn around to face me as he made this demand. "if you have any questions, then go ahead," he added. I made a pouting face and messed up my hair. By his order, I began reading the contract. I learned that his name was Draven through the contract. I was impressed by his unusual name for a man like him. When I finally learned his name, the first thing I did was look at his rules. Rule number one: you must not touch me. It appeared as though this was an impossible rule to follow because there was no way that we could ever avoid touching each other unless we didn't see each other. Rule 2- Don't you ever enter my room. That made me roll my eyes because there was no chance I would ever be able to enter his room. What could compel me to walk inside his room in the first place? Nothing. The third and fourth rules continued to be thoughtful and were limited to discussing the contract. The fifth rule was both hilarious and accurate at the same time. Rule 5 states that you should never complain to me. The remaining rules, from number six to number ten, were fundamental guidelines, such as showing respect and avoiding being in his sight. I yelled when I reached the eleventh and final rule that he had given me to follow. Rule 11 states that if you disobey my rules, you will be confined to the icy cell. "How is it that this is even possible? This is essentially the same as serving time in prison!" Although Draven did not look around, he did hum in response. "sir...i... your highness. I need you to clarify the fifth rule more thoroughly, "I informed him. "Clarification?" Even while he talked, he did not turn around to face me. "If you are not going to abide by my guidelines, then we will have a lot of arguments." I attempted to, but he cut me off. "There are no counterpoints, Trisha." I let out a heavy sigh, then, in a rage, I turned the page. His rules were no longer in effect, and it was time to review the contract. My eyes skimmed through the agreement until they reached a particular document section. I then proceeded to read the sentences aloud, which stated, "if you do not get pregnant by insemination, then we have sex." I read it aloud. "What in the world does this even mean?" The paper ended up on the table when I dropped it. Draven giggled and then turned so that he was facing me. He got to his feet and started approaching me. When he got to my side, he bent his head and spoke softly into my ears. "It indicates that we are going to engage in s****l activity." When I thought about it, my whole body began to shake violently. I didn't realize that his face was that near to mine when I turned to face him, and as a result, our lips collided when I turned to face him. Did I just kissed the vampire king?
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