Contract signing and Insemination (2)

1493 Words

Draven POV The kiss was unexpected, and when she drew away, I felt empty. "That shouldn't have occurred," she said as she bowed and averted her look from mine. ‘'Really?" I moved in closer till my lips touched hers. "But I haven't had enough," I said as I felt her lips. "What are you doing?" she said, finally turning to face me. Before she could say anything further, I grabbed her lips. At first, the kiss was slow and passionate, and she didn't reciprocate, but I probed her mouth and pressed my tongue through. When she eventually began to kiss me back, I kissed her harder and wrapped my hands around her cheek. It went well until she shoved me across the chest and shifted her gaze to the other side. "We shouldn't be doing this because it's not professional," she added, clearing her th

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