New Hope

1574 Words
Trisha POV I played with my fingers and bites my lower lips for the umpteenth time as I thought about the surrogate job I applied for a week ago. I did it out of desperation and also had to wait for a day before I got the call that I have been picked for an interview. I was skeptical about it, but I needed the money for my brother to be fine. And I also needed the money to pay all the bills that I owed other people, especially the loan shark who gave me five days to pay up my debt. I just needed the money to survive. Standing at the front of my college, I paced in front of the gate, waiting to be picked up by a car that'll take me to where I am supposed to be interviewed for the job. “What are you doing, Trisha?” I asked myself. I thought about what could happen during the interview. Would I be picked? As I thought about it, I saw a black limousine parked in front of me. A man dressed in a black suit with dark shades walked out of the Limousine and headed toward me. “Are you Miss Trisha?” He asked and I nodded in response. “Please, Come with me,” he pointed towards the Limousine. “And you are?” I asked him. Without replying to me, he handed over to me a blue card and when I read through the card, I realized that he was from the surrogacy company, and he had come to pick me up, but I was scared that he could be a kidnapper or worst still an assassin, so I asked him the question again. “Who are you?” “If you are missing Trisha then I am supposed to pick you up or should I call that you've rejected the interview?” I shook my head in response. “Alright, let's go,” I beckoned for him to lead the way while I followed him. I walked into the limo and sat down with my legs crossed. The man entered after the driver and I started the car and drove away. “So, where are you taking me to?” I was curious about the surrogate job because I never expected that I would be picked up by a limo. The man ignored me like I wasn't there, and I figured that he didn't want to speak to me. I placed my head on the car seat and heaved a sigh. I thought about what would happen once I got picked as a surrogate mother. A Hundred million dollars was a huge amount of money that'll change my life forever. I'll pay off my brother's hospital bills and would also clear all the loans my father and I owed. While thinking about this, I suddenly felt dizzy. As a medical student, I knew nothing was wrong with Me, but I couldn't figure out why I was dizzy. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep, unaware of the surrounding danger. I woke up to a blinding light above me. My eyes fluttered open, but I quickly shut them to adjust to the light. I felt light-headed and groaned out in pain. When my eyes finally adjusted to the bright light, I looked around me. I was in a white room and was wearing a white gown. Except for the bed that I was laying on, there was no one else in the room. My heart beat hard against my chest when I realized that I could have been kidnapped. I rose from the bed and quickly checked my body, but I didn't find anything out of the ordinary. I looked fine, but that wasn't enough proof. “Was I kidnapped?” I climbed out of the bed and thought about what happened when I was picked up in the limousine and how I had fallen asleep. “Oh my!” I rubbed my forehead. “Is anybody out there?” I asked. I walked towards the door and hit it. “Where did you bring me? Who are you?” I feared for my life. After screaming for a few minutes and getting no reply, I concluded that I had been kidnapped. I walked back to the bed and knelt beside it. “How could this have happened?” I questioned myself and just then I heard the door click and quickly jumped to my feet. A woman with silver hair wearing a white coat walked in and beside him was a man in a black suit. “What did you do to me?” I shouted at them. “Calm down, Miss Trisha. This is a normal process, and you have been picked as a potential candidate for the surrogate job,” The woman with the silver hair replied to me. “We did a thorough checkup on you to see if you were fit for the job." “You did that while I was sleeping?” I couldn't believe what I just heard. They did a checkup while I was sleeping without my consent. “That is against the law. You can't do something like that without letting me know about it!” I yelled at her. The woman walked closer to me and when she was only five feet apart from me, she stopped. “If you read the form that you signed on, then you realized that we can do the checkup on you if you are unaware. Did you read the terms and conditions well?” She asked. I scratched the back of my head and realized that I didn't read it before agreeing to the terms and conditions. I was tempted by the amount of money to be received, so I omitted the reading part. “I am such a fool,” I groaned out and ruffled my hair. “With your reply, I should assume that you didn't read through it,” The woman heaved a sigh. “Be sure to read your contract next time then,” she smiled at me. “The good news is that among Two hundred girls who applied, you were lucky to be picked, and you are among the top ten,” she announced. Two hundred girls? That was a lot of application and somehow, I was able to be among those girls. How did I get so lucky? I questioned myself and heaved a sigh. “What is the next process?” “He is here to take you for the interview,” The woman informed me. “I am Selena, and I'll oversee the surrogacy and if you are lucky to be picked, then we will be seeing again. “ “You are not going to interview me?” I asked her because I thought she was in charge. “No,” she responded and placed a hand on my shoulder. “The Ki…” She cleared her throat. “The one in need of a surrogate would be the one to interview, so I wish you good luck,” she tapped my shoulder. “Please take her to where the interview will hold, Ryan,” she said to the man in a black suit and dark shades. “Right,” Ryan beckoned to me. “This way, please,” he pointed outside the room. “Where are my clothes?” I asked Selena. “Your belongings are outside,” she replied. “How long have I been here?” I asked her. “You've been here for two days.” “Two days!” I shouted, remembering my brother who was in the hospital. “What about my brother? He would be waiting for me,” I placed my hand on my forehead. Selena smiled at Me. “You don't have to worry about your brother. We have people watching over him and since you are selected as one of the top candidates for the surrogate job, your brother's bill has been taken care of.” “What?” I squealed and hugged Selena. When I realized what I had done, I quickly let go of Selena and bowed my head in apology. “I am sorry, ma'am,” I said. Selena smiled at me. “It's okay. You may go now because the interview will start soon,” Selena informed me and I nodded in response as I walked out of the room with Ryan trailing behind me. After changing into my clothes, I grabbed my bag and headed out of the building, which turned out to be a hospital. “New hope,” I read the signpost of the Hospital. Once I was inside the limousine, I expected to feel lightheaded, but nothing happened after a few minutes. “This is my new hope,” I whispered as I turned towards the window. I was glad that my brother's bills were settled, and it was all thanks to the unknown man who wanted a surrogate. He made all of it possible, and I wondered the type of man he was and why he would waste that amount of money on surrogacy. I was hoping to find that out and if possible, I could become the surrogate mother. “You got this, Trisha," I whispered to myself and closed my eyes. “This is my new hope.”
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