I love her

1898 Words

Draven POV The portal opened at the center of the meeting room, and my eyes caught the lords' attention, whose murmuring suddenly ceased. I frowned at them as I headed toward my seat. The last time, they had spoken to Trisha, who was in my body, but today, it was all me, and I was ready to show them that I was different. ‘’your highness,’’ they all stood up to greet me, and I waved at them to sit down. I looked around, expecting to see the vampire witch who had come last time, but she was nowhere to be found. I looked toward Jaxton, and he seemed to understand what I was trying to tell him. He shook his head at me, and I nodded in response. As I settled into my seat, a heavy silence lingered between us. ‘’what is your reason for calling this impromptu meeting?’’ I asked them. "Your

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