Shackled To The Crown

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"I swear it." Kaida kept replaying those words in her heart. Somehow she knew that what had been done could never be undone. It was a king's word after all. And she knew that whatever happened, all her hopes and dreams were shattered the moment those words left the king's mouth. She could now forget about seeing Taedel again. She could forget about seeing her dear parents again. She could forget about the quiet and beautiful life she dreamed of having once the crown granted her freedom. "Freedom…" More tears escaped her eyes when she realized that now she was not just owned by the crown but that with the king's word she was now shackled to the crown. Shackled to Govalon's prince in more ways than one. That thought brought bitterness to her soul, so much she felt like she was drowning in it. "I really I'm just a slave now." More tears streamed down her face as she cried her eyes out. The realization that that was all she would ever be made her hate her life even more. She hated that she was born with the gift. That wretched gift that has ruined her entire life. "My lady…" Someone spoke from beside her and she flinched. "My lady." She hated being called that. She was just Kaida. "I am just Kaida." She wanted to say but ended up drawing in a fistful of air as she struggled to control her laboured breathing. "I know it's not my place, but I really wish you didn't cry so much." The person's voice was laced with concern but Kaida hated them too. They were not here for her comfort but to carry out the wretched prince's orders after all. "You will love Uthlon." The soldier said and Kaida could swear the man was smiling and that angered her too. Whoever told him she was looking to love this 'Uthlon', whatever it was. Not wanting to hear more of what the soldier assigned to take her back to her quarters had to say, she hurried her steps hoping to have some distance between them. She took her time to wipe her tears too and she covered herself up more to keep prying eyes from seeing that she had been crying. "Damn this dress." She cursed at the piece of clothing that was keeping her from moving freely and quickly. "Symund." A voice that Kaida easily recognized sounded in the empty hallway they were in, making her pick up the pace of her steps. She had no intention of staying and exchanging a single word with the witch. "My lady wait." The soldier, who Kaida now knew as Symund called after her but Kaida just kept on walking, unwilling to stop for anything. "Lady Erith." Symund greeted the maiden with impatience. "How long will my prince be? I miss him." Erith whined and Kaida just scoffed as she walked away. "My prince." Kaida scoffed again as she turned a corner. She couldn't wrap her head around why anyone would be that delighted to belong to somebody in such a way. Thoughts about which prince Erith belonged to distracted her for a bit too. And with Symund left to chat behind her, Kaida relaxed her steps choosing to enjoy a bit of space before getting to Britha. "Is Erith no longer enough for you brother?" The brother's question turned out to be the answer Kaida was searching for. "He owns us both!" Kaida stopped, her head spinning and surprisingly a tightness invaded her chest. She hated being chosen by the prince, but she found her hating him more for having someone else. "What is wrong with me?" She leaned on the palace wall to hold herself up as she felt herself being pulled in all directions by her own mind. "My lady, are you alright?" Symund caught up to her and she merely looked at him. "Do you wish to lie down or something? Symund came round to her looking too concerned. "He already has her, so why pick me also?" Kaida asked Symund bitterly while her tears threatened to spill at the thought of how greedy the prince was. "Forgive me my lady but I cannot speak for his highness." "I do not wish to be called a lady, so stop addressing me as one." Kaida resumed her walk, leaving Symund to follow her. And right now she wished to be left alone especially that this sentry was not even good enough for answers to her questions. "Forgive me, my lady, but I cannot do that either. Not even if my prince asked that of me." "Then do not address me at all." Kaida spat and silence followed. The only sound between them being the heavy boots on Symund's feet hitting the palace's floors. And no matter how quickly Kaida walked trying to escape him, she still found Symund right at her heel. Only her quarters brought her the relief she needed as Symund stayed by the door once she went in. "What happened to you?" Britha flew to her side the moment Kaida walked into her room. Impatience was written on the woman's face but Kaida couldn't bring herself to explain except break down in Britha's embrace. "Hush now child." Britha patted her back tenderly. "Whatever it is, it's not the end of the world." "But it is." Kaida cried out as thoughts of a life spent in the palace brought more tears to her eyes. And Britha comforting her made her sadder as it reminded her of her mother that she'd never get to see again. "Oh dear child." Britha held her tighter only to let her go after the door to her room flew open. "The girl." The soldier from her house stood tall by the door, only this time an equally tall Symund was there to challenge his imposing figure. "You are in Telarion, so I suggest you don't get in my way." The soldier sneered. "Not if it involves the crown prince's maiden." Symund hissed and his words made Kaida shoot him a look of shock. "Crown prince?" Kaida felt light headed. Every piece of information only made her situation worse, she had to sit down or risk tumbling to the hard floor. "I belong to the crown prince?" Somehow that piece of news made her shackles heavier than before and she felt this invisible weight weighing heavily on her too. Meanwhile the soldier's eyes went from Symund to Britha and finally Kaida before sighing. "Look, I do not know what in God's name is going on here and neither do I wish to anger the third prince, but his majesty has summoned the girl from Taedel and I'm to take her to Skarlax right this minute." "She walks with me then." Symund demanded. "Very well." The soldier agreed hesitantly, but all Kaida wished for was to stay as far away from any royal member as possible. And even though she found Skarlax beautiful, she wished to stay away from it too. "Well, you did want the old dragon to call for you." Britha turned to Kaida, a look of regret spread on her face. "Will you come with me then?"
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