A Heartless Prince

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"My lady or my lord would be your safest greeting if you do not know what rank or nobility a particular person in the palace holds." Britha ran through what was supposed to be Kaida's first etiquette lesson and she nodded at the older woman. Britha was right. Kaida was feeling more than fresh after hours of blissful sleep brought on by an ugly looking but yet sweet tasting potion. But with with her newly found energy, sitting around her room all day waiting to be summoned by the king of Govalon wasn't just going to do. So Britha suggested acquainting her with life around the palace which she agreed to without a second thought. Anything to get her mind off thinking too much. Britha dressed her up in a grey floor length dress whose pattern was simple to the eyes except for an almost invisible line of red print of dragon scales that ran from the dress's neckline all the way down to the hem. According to Britha the pattern of dragon scales were specific to castle Telarion and so was the colour of the dress. It was specifically reserved for the servants of the main royal castle. And just as Kaida suspected, she hated the dress and the idea of being branded. It was typical of a slaves life and she didn't want to be reminded of her position every so often, which was already happening with each time she looked at her dress. Or each time she saw another one of the king's servants clad in a similar grey dress. But thankfully, for now Britha had given her a new cloak that even though grey in colour gave her a bit of distinction from the rest. Even though it was solely for the purpose of hiding her true identity while she posed as a royal maid. "Your highness, your majesty, my king or queen are all reserved for those of the royal family." Britha continued as they strolled down one of the hallways of castle Telarion and for Kaida it beat spending time alone in her room by far. And time and time again, something interesting about the castle caught her eye and totally distracted her. "And the use of any other word not fitting for the royal family will be considered an insult and may result in punishment but rarely in death." Britha poked her again and she knew her eyes had fallen to the temptation of distraction. But who could blame her, castle Telarion was like a treasure trove that drew in her adventurous side with its intricate designs, statues and surprisingly the sight of the many palace guards that could easily pass off as statues too. "It does?" Kaida was shocked. She knew the royal family was one barbaric bunch but she never thought getting a greeting wrong could end in punishment or worse in death. Britha nodded a yes to her question and Kaida just scoffed at the idea. "Unfortunately for you, it can't be avoided as the royal family is quite large and it's close to impossible to know everyone. But that is where the dress code comes in." Britha paused and eyed Kaida thoughtfully. "Wait, how big is the royal family again?" Kaida frowned. She thought Govalon's royal family consisted of just the king, queen and their beloved son the crown prince. "They are in hundreds actually." "Hundreds? That many?" The numbers were a shock to Kaida. "Blame that on the many concubines and mistresses acquired by the men of the royal family." Britha whispered that fact causing Kaida to let out a chuckle. "So while not every one is recognised as an heir or queen, they are still royal regardless. Which leaves Govalon with quite a number of princes and princesses." "And me with a huge task to know who is royal if I'm to keep my head on my shoulders." Kaida sighed. "You!" Kaida craned her neck up ahead to the sound of a very panicked voice. A royal guard was stood at a distance from where Kaida and Britha had stopped. A tray in hand and looking their way. "Come over here." The soldier nodded in Kaida's direction and she in turn faced Britha. "That guard is from Skarlax and we can't say no to any request he makes of us." Britha held Kaida's hand and scurried in the soldier's direction. "Skarlax?" Kaida asked as she struggled to keep up with Britha. "I'm sorry, Skarlax is the old dragon's throne room." "You mean the king?" "Yes child, now quit talking and focus on your walk before you trip is both." Britha scolded but in Kaida's defence it was the older woman's fault for dressing her in such a long dress that made walking this quick almost impossible. "My lord, how may we help?" Britha bowed in front of the soldier while Kaida just stood there awkwardly unsure of what to do. "I only need one of you." The soldier replied all too quickly. "You." He turned to Kaida and held out the tray that was in his hands. "Skarlax is in need of refreshments. The servant assigned to this duty just collapsed, so you are her replacement." "W...What?! You want me to take this to the old dragon's throne?" Kaida looked at the soldier incredulously. "Watch your tongue slave and if I didn't need you right this minute you would have lost your pretty little head for calling his highness by that name. Now shut that smart mouth of yours and take this to Skarlax." The soldier demanded and Kaida almost let him have it but Britha butted in. "My lord, forgive my child. She is still untrained. I will do you this service." Britha held out her hands but soldier shook his head. "No, she'll have to do." The soldier shoved the tray in Kaida's hands forcing her to straighten up to balance it. "But my lord--" "I'm not risking my head by sending in an old hag into Skarlax." The soldier sneered and Britha just looked at Kaida defeated. "Do not gaze into their eyes." "What?!" Kaida looked back at Britha wondering what that meant. "Whatever you do, keep your head down and your mouth shut unless you are expected to give an answer. But even then do it while bowing respectfully." Britha's look made Kaida panic deep within and she could only pray not make a mess of things. "Be quick about it servant." The soldier bellowed while he took kind strides that Kaida couldn't keep up with. "I happen to have a name and incase you haven't noticed, I can't very well run in this stupid dress." Kaida mumbled and the soldier came to an abrupt stop right in front of her and only her quick reflexes kept the heavy tray from toppling over. "What did you say?!" The soldier thundered. "N...Nothing my lord." Kaida kept her head down hoping that was enough to fake her submission and to calm this royal sentry. "You better heed the woman's advice." The soldier hissed before resuming his walk and Kaida let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. "Remember, you are only to deliver the refreshments and that is all." The soldier shot Kaida a glare and she merely just nodded. They had stopped in front of two huge doors that like the gates to Nerea were guarded by two huge dragon statues. And if it wasn't for the impatient soldier she would have lingered a bit more at the doors admiring those golden figurines. She however was pushed through the doors a little roughly too and it was a wonder that the tray stayed intact in her hands. "What took you so long?" An annoyed voice said the moment she stepped inside and she found herself being dragged hastily deep into the room. "I'm just a replacement my lord." Kaida answered the soldier that was leading her deep into Skarlax. "Forgive me my lord, is more appropriate." The soldier sounded even more annoyed. "Excuses will get you killed around these parts." "What's with people here and shedding of blood?" Kaida frowned from under her cloak. "Hey are you deaf or just plain stupid and trying to get yourself killed?" "What?" Kaida replied while her eyes stared in open wonder at the most beautiful room that she had ever seen. Skarlax was simply heaven. A massive piece of dragon heaven that was definitely suited for a mighty dragon king. Just with one quick sweep of the place she could actually see from under her cloak, she could see that Skarlax was lavishly styled in everything dragon. But maybe the best of all was the actual throne that was standing proud right in front of Kaida. Its magnificence left her so overwhelmed she forgot the one simple rule that Britha gave her. She had found her eyes even though hidden under her cloak, slowly trailing up a flight of stairs that led to the magnificent throne. And on it sat a huge man, seated, but still huge. His long shiny silver hair falling gracefully at his sides. "The old dragon." Kaida gasped and bowed further down. The king was an intimidating figure and beside him sat a very beautiful woman that had amazing poise and grace. "Govalon's queen. Athel the first." "Shall I die of thirst while you keep staring into nothingness?" Kaida dared not to look up at the sound of that voice and her feet stayed rooted to the throne room's floor. Their voice was smooth, deep, domineering and her heart was now hammering in her chest for an odd reason. The voice left her wanting to obey it's every demand and yet she couldn't will her feet to move either. "His highness is waiting." The soldier nudged her, forcing her to stumble towards the waiting royal. "Forgive me your highness." Kaida croaked out when she stopped in front of the person that had her sweating and shivering at the same time. With shaky hands and keeping to Britha's advice this time, she placed the tray on a table that was already laden with different types of delicious food that almost got her stomach rumbling. Her head still bowed, she took a step back hoping that was all she needed to do. "Am I meant to pour my own drink?" "Is he being serious?" Kaida almost said an outright yes but she held her tongue and instead reached out for his golden cup and filled it up with the wine she came in with. And before he complained that he couldn't reach the cup she lifted the piece of metal and held it out to him. She waited to be rid of the cup but instead very warm and strong hands wrapped themselves around her tiny ones sending everything within her into chaos. "Your high--" "Drink." He commanded before bringing the cup to her lips and instead of protesting her lips parted willingly and the sweet liquid poured into her mouth freely. And once she swallowed she asked a soft 'why'. Even though she liked it immeasurably, what he just did didn't make any sense, he was a prince after all. "I had to make sure the drink was not poisoned." Kaida's insides melted at his answer that revealed how heartless he was while a fit of rage brewed in her heart. She couldn't believe that he just used her so cruelly and if it wasn't for all the rules, she would have run out of there or better yet unleashed her bitter tongue in him. "Will that be all your highness?" Kaida asked bitterly. She couldn't wait to get out of there even though a part of her surprisingly wanted to stay desperately too. "Actually…" "No…" Kaida sighed inwardly wondering what he wanted now. "Give me this one father." Kaida's heart almost jumped out of her chest at the request and she ended up looking up against her better judgement. She found herself staring into the most captivating eyes. And they looked familiar too but it couldn't be. The eyes she remembered could never belong to such a heartless person, let alone a prince. "Oh brother, is Erith no longer enough for you?" Kaida almost cried out but not for that comment but because of the tight grip with which the person in front of her exerted on her tiny hands. She looked up at him and found his eyes blazing and it was the most mesmerising thing Kaida had seen. "Your highness, your eyes." Kaida watched in fascination as the two orbs flashed a fiery red colour. So red she could have sworn a fire was raging deep in his skull. They were more than blazing and they were giving her a weird tingling sensation. And as much as she wanted to look away, she couldn't. "If you desire to have her, she's yours son." The king spoke nonchalantly. "Give me your word father." The son simply replied while he kept holding Kaida's gaze and she couldn't tell what he was playing at. "Oh son, I know that you don't fancy this type of thing." The king sounded almost amused and his son was not pleased at that apparently. Going by the glare that he shot his father. "But it's not so complicated that you need me to swear on the great dragon, now is it? It's just a maiden to do with as you please." The king let out a chuckle while Kaida flinched, hating to be called just a maiden made to please some prince. "Swear it." The prince growled, surprising Kaida. "What has gotten into you? Or does she fascinate you that much you wouldn't want to share?" Another voice spoke sounding amused but Kaida couldn't even look their way. She was being held captive by a simple look. "Yeah brother, are we getting greedy all of a sudden?" Another voice taunted and Kaida realized these were the prince's siblings. "Brothers?" Kaida struggled with the urge to look around. Suddenly she was very interested to see some of the princes of Govalon. And she would have if it was not for the blazing eyes that kept her captive with no way of escape. "I swear it." The king's words had the prince grinning and Kaida knew her life was over.
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