The King's Table

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"Your Majesty…" Both Uther and his father turned to Skarlax's entrance. One of his father's soldiers was on bended knee by the doors leading to the throne room. "The maiden you wished to see is here." The soldier announced and Uther felt his uneasy heart settle instantly much to his surprise. Everything went to hell within him the moment Symund walked out with the maiden he had just claimed and he thought it was because of his rash and unusual decision but with the calmness he felt now he wondered if there was more to it. He took his cup of wine and looked at the red liquid thoughtfully. He hadn't even had that much to drink but he was behaving strangely regardless. "Get it together." He mentally scolded himself. Govalon's future was at stake and now was not the time to entertain these strange feelings and thoughts going on within him. "You may approach." His father beckoned the party to come in and Uther was surprised to see Symund walk in too. Knowing he expected an explanation for his being here, Symund just nodded telling him everything was alright and that he would explain later. But Uther wasn't exactly listening because all his focus shifted to the hooded figure that was by Symund's side. "The Dragon whisperer." Dressed in castle Telarion's colours, and walking in seemingly nervous, something about her drew him in much like the maiden he claimed before and he almost got up from his seat to meet her but his father's voice grabbed his attention when he spoke. "Bring her to the edge of the king's table." His father instructed, making Uther stand up in haste. "Father?" Uther shot his father a questioning look but the old man merely waved him off and instructed his men to reveal the king's table's surface. Risky did not even begin to describe his father's decisions lately. Something about the old dragon had changed and unfortunately Uther would never be able to know what that was unless his father willed it so. And so far the old man had only been speaking in riddles. Left with no choice, Uther stood back. His hands at his sides caressing his weapons. His father might be feeling risky by laying bare his kingdom to a total stranger but he wasn't. And for her sake, he hoped she didn't do anything stupid because he wouldn't think twice before striking her down. He watched intently as the small band of soldiers guided the hooded figure towards the table. The maiden was brought closer to the table and Uther wondered what his father wished to achieve by showing what he thought should remain a private and intimate matter. "Why does his highness wish me to study the map of Govalon?" Uther looked at the maiden stunned. Hidden under her cloak still, she traced her delicate fingers across the large oak table that to him looked to be filled with nonsense. "You can read that?" He spoke the question that he was sure was on everyone's lips while his father looked beyond stunned at the revelation and Uther understood why. It was his dream after all. "Is it a map child?" His father finally spoke, descending his throne in haste. "Of course it is." She replied and king Altes looked at Uther with relief. "What else can you tell me child, what else do you see?" Life seemed to drain back into his father's face and Uther was himself relieved too. The picture of a mad king had haunted him since the moment his father laid bare the huge table and called it his dream. It was filled with nothing but much scribbling that to him looked like that of a child and he was horrified when he learned that his father had spent nights in a trance scribbling away and that was the result. "How do we know that this is all true?" Gyleon, his brother, scoffed at his side. "She could be an impostor for all I care." Uther clenched his fists hard and glared at his brother. He knew that for Gyleon his father's health didn't matter one bit. His death would just mean one less opponent for the throne. But as much as Uther wanted the dragon throne he would never wish such a tragedy on his own father. "I am only saying what I see, your highness." The maiden replied, sounding fascinated. "Like this silver tree standing in the middle of these three castles." She traced the rugged table softly and Uther found himself entranced by that one simple action. For a moment he thought Gyleon might be right and the maiden might be no whisperer but a witch. The pull he felt earlier was beginning to get stronger and while those fingers trailed the oak table his heart felt like it's strings were being played with the same rhythm. "A silver tree you say?" King Altes asked, excitement filled his voice while Uther felt drawn to the maiden's voice. It was soothing to his ears and he found himself wanting to draw even closer. "What is wrong with me?" The closer he got, the closer he still wanted to be and claim this maiden too. "Yes your majesty. And it's glorious." The maiden seemed to smile under her cloak and Uther felt himself smile too. "That'll be all." His father announced in haste, breaking Uther's spell too. "Why now father." Gyleon protested and Uther could see the greed shining in his brother's eyes like the sun. "She was just about to convince us of her identity." "Now that she mentions what you've secretly desired to possess behind your king's back do you agree that she's true?" "Father?" Gyleon feigned innocence, but even Uther knew the depths his older brother had gone to in search for the silver tree. The famed tree known to cure all ailments. Some even believed it held the key to immortality. "Don't even deny it or I might be forced to strike down my own son." King Altes warned. "That will be all. You may all return to your castles." The King dismissed them without a second thought. Uther nodded, understanding his father's decision. With such a treasure within Telarion's walls even he would want to protect it, even if it was from his flesh and blood. But that was not to say he was not disappointed too. He expected more with the arrival of the long awaited dragon whisperer. And he is even more intrigued now, than when she was merely a part of a story told to him when he was younger. "Britha?" Uther searched for his maid. At his father's resolve, he knew nothing else could be done until the king willed it so. "Your highness?" Britha came and stood by his side. "Bring the maiden Symund left in your charge. We leave for Uthlon at once." Uther instructed but his most trusted maid stayed unmoving. "Forgive me your highness." She mumbled. "Will that be a problem?" Uther asks impatiently. "In a way, yes, your highness." "And why is that?" Uther could feel his temper rising at the thought of not getting his maiden. "Because she is already here, your highness." Britha turns to the maiden standing next to his father's oak table and he frowns. "But she is the whisperer." Uther frowned at his maid. "And the same girl that you used to taste your wine for you." Uther could sense the disapproval in Britha's voice but he was too stunned to care when he realized what Britha meant. And now he realized why he felt so drawn to her just like he was drawn to the one he claimed. "They are one and the same?" That realization left him with a big problem. If it wasn't for her hiding behind the cloaks she had chosen to wear, he would have realized it was her the moment she entered Skarlax. "Father--" "What treachery is this?" The king bellowed and even Uther was not spared by his father's aura but he still stood tall regardless expecting his father to honour his word. He didn't blame his father for thinking this was treachery on his part. After all he did ask to keep the whisperer at Uthlon after saving her. "Forgive me your majesty. It was purely by accident." Britha cried out. "Explain to me how I ended up giving this woman to my son!" The king thundered and Britha dropped to her knees in fear. "Father, let her explain." Uther spoke and the king glared at him and only his being crown prince kept his father glued to his throne. That and his beloved queen who would never forgive him for harming a hair on her beloved son's head. Britha ran through what had transpired. How the maiden had accidentally been assigned to bring the refreshments to Skarlax which explained why she was bold enough to open her mouth in his presence. She was untrained. "Lies! We all know he has wanted Skarlax to himself. That is why he magically saved her from Wregon too. Is it not brother?" Gyleon accused him of treachery openly and Uther did not like it one bit. The growing rage in his chest made him reach for his weapons. "Awww little brother, you can't wait to get rid of the rest of us. Is that it?" Even Thenry surprisingly joined his accusers. "Except, I don't need to hide behind any treachery to get that done." Uther held both his swords at his brothers' throats. "For all we know, he could have conspired with Wregon--" "Don't!" Uther pressed his sword deeper on Gyleon's throat, cutting him mid sentence. "That is enough." His father roared but Uther still kept his swords on his brothers' throats and dared them to move. "Father, you swore." Uther shifted his gaze to his father. He may have not planned it all but he was willing to play it out. If there was one thing he knew now, it was that the whisperer was not safe except by his side. Where he felt she truly belonged.
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