King Altes

1051 Words
"I could have sworn the heart of Telarion is not this way." Symund's voice brought Uther out of his blinding spell.  He frowned when he noticed that he was a couple of steps away from walking into a hall that led to the servant's and maid's quarters. Symund was right. This was no route to the dragon kingdom's throne room. "Then why in God's name do I want to go down this path so badly?" Uther eyed the almost unattractive hall thoughtfully. He never even had to deal with servants and yet he had this unexplainable feeling, a pull that was drawing him to something. The last time he felt something like this, he ended up striking down more than a hundred men and saved a maiden. The only difference was, now it didn't feel as urgent as it did when he had to rush out of Nerea trusting only his instincts and the invisible force that kept calling out to him. He took one more step towards the invisible chord that was pulling his whole being in but Symund held him back. "I hate to mention it, but you really don't want to keep his highness waiting." Again, Symund was right. His father would be more than furious if he was even a second late. And he intended to get there before any of his brothers too. "If it bothers you this much, I will come and take a look later." Symund bowed but Uther just waved him off. "We should get to father." Uther made a u-turn and headed in the direction he should have been heading all along. But even then he could not shake off this odd feeling that was deep within him, speaking a language he could only feel but didn't understand. Uther walked in haste down the familiar pathways that led to his father's throne room. Having wasted a considerable amount of time already, he wanted to make sure fury was not the first thing he saw on his father's countenance.  "Your highness…" His father's men straightened up whenever he came up to their posts as they stood guard inside the castle. And he merely nodded in their direction as all his focus was up ahead.  Soon he was greeted by a familiar sight of two golden dragon statues that stood proudly outside the throne room. And as usual something clawed at his heart and he felt a familiar sense of belonging as he beheld the statues of two of the fiercest dragons to ever have graced the land of Govalon. The feeling was always the same each time and when he was a little boy his mother always told him that was because he was a dragon prince. But looking at those huge beasts, he always felt it was something more than just being born in the line of dragon riders and tamers.  "Your highness." Symund whispered next to him. "You may approach." Uther switched his focus from the two statues and into the one room he loved and hated at the same time. Taking a deep breath he braced himself for another episode of family drama that he could really do away with if it were up to him.  Straightening up to his full height and feasting on his inner strength he walked into Skarlax, the glorious throne room of castle Telarion.  Right here is where he belonged. His strength instantly soared just a few steps in. And the moment his eyes beheld the most powerful figure in his realm, he went on bended knee. Symund was a step behind him following his lead. "Your highness." "King Altes." "Ruler of Govalon."  "The old dragon of the great dragon kingdom." "The fierce rider of Telarion, the great dragon of terror." "My father."  Uther looked up, his chest was heaving at the pride he felt to belong to such a great man. And he was met with a look of equal pride as his father stood to his full majestic height and nodded to him. With his presence accepted, Uther rose and approached the great king of Govalon in long quick strides. "King Altes. Queen Athel." He bowed again when he reached the foot of the king and queen's thrones. "Would it kill you to call me mother?" Govalon's beautiful queen descended from her seat, her arms open wide ready to give him her usual warm embrace. "Of course not mother." Uther embraced her and led her back up to her seat right after. "Welcome brother." "Thenry." Uther nodded towards his brother as he walked over to his seat. "The saviour of Govalon and it's dire future is finally here. Welcome little brother." "Gyleon." Uther nodded once more to another of his brothers before sitting down in his seat quietly.  He noticed that apart from his father, mother and brothers the throne room was almost empty and it left him thinking that whatever his father needed them for was a close affair. "Father?" Uther turned to the king of Govalon in expectancy. "You called?" "Indeed I did son." His father nodded in response, his eyes wore a far away look making him look centuries older than he actually was. Something was troubling him and Uther wondered what that was. "As you all know…" King Altes spoke and Uther paid his full attention not wanting to miss out on anything. "These are dire times and seeing as I'm almost near the end of my time, it's time my sons--" "Father, why do you speak of your end while you still yet live?" Uther frowned at his father. It was uncustomary to cut off a king while he spoke but of all people Uther knew he could get away with it and besides that was one of the reasons the throne room was almost empty. His father expected them to speak freely.  "Because we must all go the way we came. And you of all people should be glad that I speak of my end." His father gave him a weak smile.  Uther knew what his father meant but the king was mistaken at thinking he should be glad about it. "I don't understand." Uther shook his head and his father merely sighed before opening his mouth once more.  "I have been dreaming." 
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