Maiden From Hell

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"Watch where you are going you useless cow!" Kaida was taken aback by the loud screech that escaped the maiden that clearly bumped into her yet was so furious and blamed her for the incident. She had just decided to take a little walk around castle Telarion against Britha's advice. In her defence, she was getting bored just laying around in the almost empty room that was to be her quarters. It was bigger than her room in Taedel and this was the very first time she owned a whole space for herself too. Back home, the little space that made their bed chambers still had to be shared between her and her sister Kaliyah. Britha had insisted that she take a much needed rest after her ordeal and long journey but no matter how tightly Kaida shut her tired eyes, sleep would not come to her. And soon, first light was upon her. In truth, she was haunted by all the gory memories of her journey to the palace and sitting by herself had her mind replaying those unfortunate images over and over again. And even though Britha asked her not to blame herself for the deaths, her mind seemed to believe otherwise. So the little trip around the castle was to be an escape from her own mind too. And maybe she hoped to bump into her saviour too. The only part of her journey that she could gladly dwell on. It was still dawn and the quiet empty halls made for a perfect escape as she marvelled at the exquisite architecture of the palace walls. That was until the unhappy maiden in front of her decided to bump into her. "Did you not hear me, you miserable peasant?" The figure before her was seething, their face contorted in a horrible manner that made them appear ugly even though Kaida could see they possessed an undeniable beauty. Dressed in what looked like a sleeping gown in Kaida's eyes, she seemed to be of a higher rank or nobility in the palace too. Kaida just hoped she wasn't a princess or something as she was not sure her word would be worth anything against a princess. No matter how right she was. "Well, you were too loud for my poor ears my lady." "My lady?" Kaida wondered if that was even the correct way to address the maiden. Being still uneducated in royal matters, she had no idea what was acceptable and what was not in the palace. But even if she were educated, the maiden's attitude did not make her deserve any form of respect in Kaida's opinion. "You dare insult and mock me?" Kaida blinked so many times at the maiden's accusation. She was unable to comprehend why the maiden was bent on finding fault in her when she was clearly the one at fault. "Of course not my lady." Kaida swallowed bitterly, hating to speak respectfully to someone who clearly didn't deserve an ounce of her respect. "Maybe you should watch where you are going." The words slipped out of Kaida's mouth without restraint. She just did not appreciate the look of disdain that the maiden sent her way and so she decided to speak her mind. "Why you!" "Lady Erith." Britha appeared from nowhere and came and stood between Kaida and the bitter maiden from hell. And while Britha bowed respectfully before her, the maiden simply ignored her and kept glaring at Kaida. "Apologise or I'll have you thrown out!" Lady Erith hissed, but Kaida just silently scoffed. "I'm sorry, it was my mistake. I should have--" "Not you, old hag. Her!" The witch's eyes blazed in Kaida's direction and Kaida literally bit down on her tongue to keep the venom that was itching to spew out of her lips. Somehow she knew it would be unwise if she said anymore. Britha also gave her a knowing look that sent her bowing against her will. "Forgive me, my lady." Kaida said through gritted teeth. "What do they call you?" Lady Erith sneered and Kaida hated that the witch did not even bother to acknowledge her apology. "She is no one, my lady." Britha hastily answered before her name could leave Kaida's mouth. "Just a newly acquired servant for his highness, yet to be trained in the ways of the palace, my lady." Britha bowed down, pulling Kaida with her. "Servant?" Kaida wondered why Britha was still keeping her identity a secret. Surely she was no servant or maybe she was and didn't know it. "Teach her to hold her stupid tongue." Erith hissed and it took Britha to keep Kaida from lashing out at the insufferable witch. "Of course my lady." Britha said calmly and that seemed to satisfy Erith. "She is not even a concubine yet, and yet she carries herself like a queen in Telarion." Britha scoffed the moment Erith left the two of them and Kaida let out a chuckle despite her now sour mood. Kaida was beginning to get a glimpse into what sent the usually calm woman behaving not so calm. "Who is she?" Kaida watched the space where Erith disappeared to thoughtfully. "Someone you shouldn't be bumping into." Britha replied, her eyebrows raised in Kaida's direction. "She walked into me." Kaida protested. "Whatever the case, child. She's someone whose path you do not want to cross or whose mouth you should never exchange words with if you want to live peacefully around here." "Peacefully?" Kaida scoffed at the idea. What peace was to be had in a place that was hell itself and filled with its own kind of demons. "And what in God's name are you doing here child?" Britha wore a very alarmed expression. "I could not sleep." Kaida shrugged her shoulders but the panicked look on Britha's face made her frown. "Is this like a forbidden part of the palace or what?" Kaida's frown grew deeper. "In a way, yes." Britha replied as she pushed her towards the way she came. "You can't be seen here." Britha said hastily as she picked up her pace. "I don't understand." Kaida came to a stop and regarded Britha with confusion. "There is no time to explain, child. Let's get you to your room." Britha took her by her arm though gently, forcing Kaida to follow her lead. "Can she really get me kicked out of the palace?" Kaida inquired after a couple of steps. She found herself entertaining the idea as her form of escape. "I know what you are thinking." Britha stopped in her tracks. "And trust me, it's not an option you should be considering." "And why not? I'm not exactly thrilled to be here." Kaida replied, her lips curled in a pout. "You just got here." Britha resumed their walk back to her quarters. "You'll soon fall in love with Nerea." "Somehow I highly doubt that." Kaida sighed but Britha only smiled and walked on quietly after. As they kept on walking back, Kaida began to realize how far she had wandered from her quarters. She didn't even know that she had wandered so far off. "Do you feel that?" Kaida suddenly stopped and looked back at the last part of the hallway that let to her quarters. "What do you mean?" Britha frowned. "I don't know." Kaida felt like walking back to the place where she just came from. She couldn't explain it, it was just there. This slight tug at her heart that left her wanting to go back. For what? She had no idea. "I have just what you need." Britha broke her curiosity before opening the door to her room. "And what is that?" "So many questions." The woman sighed loudly before pulling her into the room. "Just take a seat." Britha pointed her to her bed that she had barely used since the room was allocated to her. "When will I meet with the king? Kaida decided to ask as she propped herself up on her new bed. She just didn't see herself spending countless number of hours laying around in her room, no matter what Britha said. And the earlier she fulfilled her duty, the earlier she could return to Taedel. "Oh child, your lack of knowledge will be the death of you." Britha exclaimed, half amused and Kaida couldn't tell whether her amusement was because of the question she asked or her own statement that reminded Kaida of her little education. "He brought me here after all." Kaida curled an eyebrow at Britha. "Here you go." Britha handed her a funny looking cup that had a dark green liquid swirling inside. "Drink." Britha said when all Kaida did was stare at the liquid that she now held in her hands. "What is it?" Kaida asked. As much as Britha had done for her already, the woman still acted weirdly and Kaida didn't trust that part of her. "More of the potion I gave you for your wounds." Britha smiled. "But I feel fine. I don't need it." Kaida declined and handed the cup back but Britha refused to take it. "You said it yourself that you could not sleep. This will have you dreaming in no time." "Wait, is it not the same potion you used to wake me?" Kaida frowned. "Yes." Britha replied. "So how then will it send me to sleep?" "Just two or three ingredients that needed changing that's all." Britha replied excitedly. "If I wanted you dead, we wouldn't be standing here now would we?" The older woman scoffed when she obviously noticed Kaida's reluctance and her reasoning did make sense too. If she did really want Kaida dead she had a thousand opportunities before reaching the palace. Left with no doubts Kaida brought the cup to her lips and drank it quietly, hoping Britha was right. Sleep would do her good after all, as she was still feeling tired and it would definitely help in escaping the memories of her recent past. The potion was surprisingly sweet to the taste. It was more of a sweet drink than a potion and Kaida gulped it all down and handed the cup back to Britha. "Not bad." She stated and Britha just smiled. "You'll soon be feeling as good as new, I promise." The old woman chirped. "And as for when you will meet the king, just be glad that the old dragon is taking his time with you."
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