Off Balance

1687 Words
"That is enough." "Awww... when is pleasuring you my king, ever enough?" Uther's maiden chuckled seductively but that just put him in a worse mood. "I'm not king yet." Uther said with an irritated sigh. "Not yet. But you and I know that it's just a matter of time and the great throne of Govalon will be yours to take. And you will be the best king the great dragon kingdom will ever see." "Flattery." Erith, his maiden, was good at that. Her words dripped like honey to his innermost parts. But today, as sweet as her words sounded, he was not in the mood for them either. But she was right on one matter though. He couldn't wait to take the dragon throne. It's what he lived for. The dawn of each day was a step closer to his dream of taking his realm's ultimate throne. And as crown prince, it already placed him at an advantage. But it was merely an advantage, an intention nothing more. Taking the throne of the great dragon empire was a whole other matter entirely. It was always a bloody affair. Blood would be shed, which had already been happening for years on end. Sacrifices were already forced on him from the moment he took his first breath in Govalon. "I said that is enough." Uther grabbed hold of his maiden's hand that was exploring his body seeking to please him the best way Erith knew how. He glared at her, but his maiden merely purred and brought her warm body so close it was hard for Uther to ignore her. "Rough? I can do that too." She straddled him, bringing that body that he had worshipped a countless number of times before, right in front of his eyes. He took in a strained breath as he fought to remain calm while his maiden taunted him with a very tempting display of herself. She knew how to play her cards perfectly and he had to agree that she was extremely beautiful. Erith knew it too and she knew just how to tempt him with it. Voluptuous curves in the right places that drove him insane each time he laid his eyes on her. She guided his hands to her very tiny waist while his eyes couldn't very well stay away from her perfectly sculpted bust that hosted perfectly sculpted jewels. In no time, he could feel his usual rugged breathing and his rising need to take his maiden shamelessly. But when his eyes beheld Erith's, that spell was broken and he pushed her off of him like she had the plague. "My king?" Erith looked up at him with surprise in her eyes but he merely stared back unwilling to give her any form of explanation. She was just his maiden after all, good for warming his bed. And right now, his bed didn't need any warming nor did he. "Out." He bellowed, his back turned to her. "Are you sure that is what my king desires?" Erith came from behind him, her seductive tone back and heavier than when he just woke up. "I said I am not in the mood, so get the hell out!" His growl surprised even him. He was already ticked off today, strangely earlier than usual. He didn't get it. It seemed his soul was rejecting Erith all of a sudden. Her touch that would erupt like fire on his skin suddenly irritated him beyond anything. "Maybe I should get myself a new maiden." He thought to himself as he put some much needed space between him and his maiden. But Erith was not one to lose so easily. He watched as she simply got up and put her flimsy gown back on while she still kept the seductive air about her. "She's still just as beautiful, so what is wrong with me?" Uther still liked what he saw but that was all. "Take all the time you need my prince." Erith bowed before looking up at him with her beautiful doe eyes. Naturally that look would have him scoop her up and carry her back to his bed but he just stood there stiff, his hands at his sides. "As you wish." Erith eyed the hands at his sides and right then Uther knew that she finally got it. "Your highness." She bowed and left but Uther didn't miss the bitterness in her voice. But neither was he in the mood to entertain her oncoming tantrums that he had clearly caused. "What is wrong with me?" Uther sighed as he walked to one of his chamber's large windows that overlooked Uthlon. A cold breeze was blowing through the large opening sending part of his chamber's lighter curtains flying and his bare torso freezing, a feeling he welcomed. It was still too early and except for his guards, the rest of the castle seemed to be still sleeping, leaving it feeling even more peaceful. And with Erith gone, he finally felt a sense of peace too. No amount of words could explain what was happening to him except that it was happening. His heart has been all weird since that night. Whatever possessed him to attend that wretched ball. Now his usually orderly life was off balance and more weird stuff kept on happening. All because of one mysterious maiden or better yet, make that two mysterious maidens. The only two wretched beings that were threatening to get him feeling again. "Since when do I run into battle without a battle plan in place?" He ran his fingers through his hair feeling frustrated all over again. It felt like he had become a totally different person every time he thought through his latest decision patterns. And as weird as all that was, it felt right deep down in his heart. And his heart, well, it wasn't allowed to function as long as he lived. A shuffling from behind him caught his attention. "Symund" Uther reached for his dagger and threw it swiftly at the entrance to his chambers before turning around. "That was on purpose." His right hand man did not even flinch. The dagger had missed Symund by mere inches. "Of course." Uther walked back into his chambers lazily. "I don't think the gods still make this version of humans. So I wouldn't risk getting rid of you." Uther smirked at the only person that he could trust with his life. "Like you can." Symund scoffed before stepping inside his dimly lit chambers. "Your highness." Symund bowed in greeting. "How is Uthlon?" Uther walked up to his bed and retrieved his gown. "Safe, as usual. As mighty as it's prince." Symund bowed as he gave a report of Uther's castle. "But since when are you not in the 'mood' for Erith? She appeared ready to burn the whole of Uthlon down." "I'm not in the mood, and that includes talking about her." Uther dismissed that topic in favour of more serious matters. "Wregon?" Uther felt a bitter taste flood his mouth at the mention of the dark kingdom. The only kingdom that was stupid enough to count itself Govalon's rival. "A lesson to teach them never to step foot in Govalon is already in place, your highness." Symund replied to which Uther nodded in satisfaction. "But all investigations into accomplices came up with nothing." Again Uther just nodded. He expected that too. He knew that if anyone was in cahoots with the dark kingdom they would ensure nothing would be tied back to them. "Keep searching." He instructed to which Symund nodded. "And father?" He asked as he discarded his gown for his armour. "He denies your request." Symund looked at him apologetically. "His reasons?" Uther raised an eyebrow at Symund. "Your brothers." Uther clenched his fists at that answer. He expected it too, but hearing it left him feeling extremely frustrated. "And Britha?" "She hasn't left the maiden's side. And king Altes finally allowed it too, your highness." "He did?" Uther could not hide his surprise at hearing the king's decision. "It had everything to do with the woman's amazing healing abilities. She saved her life, his highness was bound to agree." Symund stated but whatever the reason, Uther was just happy that one thing went right. "One more thing." Symund bowed even further, looking hesitant. "Well, don't keep me waiting." Uther snapped. "You have been summoned to castle Telarion." Symund said and Uther furrowed his eyebrows at his friend. "Is that all? I could've sworn I saw hesitancy in you." Uther noted. He didn't get why Symund would hesitate, knowing it was just his father. "The same word was sent to Gylon and Thenlon castles." Symund replied, his face glued to his chamber's floor. "I am to speak to father in the presence of my brothers?" Uther asked through gritted teeth. His father knew not to have his three dragon heirs in one place let alone in one enclosed room. It didn't matter that it was the throne room of the great dragon kingdom, the place would not be remotely enough to house him and his brothers. "I'm sure his highness has his reasons." Symund tried to reason with him. "Besides, you can not turn this invitation down. You risk burning Uthlon to ashes if you do." "Well, his reasons better be good enough to risk one of his future heir's heads." Uther stated as the noise from his two deadly weapons echoed in his chambers while he slipped them into his armour. "What else?" "That is all my lord." Symund stood up tall, waiting. "Then let's see what has got the old man feeling risky." Uther headed out of his chambers. "Your highness." Symund quickly held him back and Uther knew why. "Will you let them know?" Symund's voice was laced with worry and for good reason. "A raven brought word. That is all." Uther replied before walking forward. "And that is what everyone should know." He stopped and raised an eyebrow at his right hand. "Of course your highness." Symund bowed respectfully and Uther knew to trust his word.
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