Chapter Fifteen

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According to the information Mitchel found on the website, this Dr. Herbert West was a very respectable scientist in the field of medicinal chemistry... But he was also the inventor of a special solution that, once injected into the main artery of a recently deceased person or animal, brings the body's vital functions back to life. However, many of those who went through the process of "resuscitation" became violent and, after several failed attempts to return to their graves, terrorized the cities in which they were revived. _ Caraca, he is the true creator of the Re-Animator! And not only do they have the same last name, they also have the same purpose! So he was the one who taught you this technique of resuscitating corpses...or not? Mitchel still had doubts about this information. According to what she found there at the vet's office, Dr. Evelyn West said she learned how to make the reagent from another scientist, but as Detective Sánchez said, she may as well have stolen his formula. But what about the last name? Is that beyond the formula until she stole it from him? Or maybe not, as they might be related. Is she adopted by him or are they married? He looked further to see if he could find more information. "After the chaos caused by his experiments, he was convicted and his reagent confiscated and destroyed. But he managed to flee the country and was never seen again." _ He came to Brazil and found an assistant... a substitute... a successor... but what is the purpose of all this? What the hell prompted this guy to create this serum? Worse, is this guy still alive? And if he's alive, where is he? I need to know more...but where to start? He remembered that weird information he'd gotten at the vet's office. Maybe they could help. And to his surprise, he found much more than he expected... According to what he found on Google, the Necronomicon is a kind of spell book where the most diverse rituals are described to resurrect the dead, invoke supernatural entities, travel through the dimensions where these beings inhabit, bring back to Earth ancient banished deities and imprisoned, etc. It is also mentioned that its simple reading is enough to provoke madness and death. The original book was said to have been written in Damascus around 730 CE by Abdul Alhazred, an Arab originally from Sanaa, Yemen, fascinated by the ancient occult sciences. _ In other words, he was just another madman wandering around who ended up consumed by his own madness. That's because he wrote it himself. I huh, it's every freak that appears... _ he spoke to himself. Mitchel was in the habit of talking to himself when he was very nervous. And that pile of information about this crazy scientist and his crazy apprentice was making him nervous. According to his researches, the original title of the book is Al Azif, a name used by the Arabs to describe the noise produced by nocturnal insects, which was very similar to the howling of demons. In early AD 1100, Al Azif's book was translated into Greek, Necronomicon. Its meaning does not have an exact translation, the most common and used is "The Book of the Dead". _ It must be the famous Book of the Dead, that we've heard so much about, or at least one of them... The book was censored, banned and excommunicated for its contents and all known copies were destroyed... for example, shortly after its translation into Latin, it was banned by Pope Gregory IX in 1232, where some copies that priests, monks, bishops and other members of the Catholic Church managed to capture almost all of Europe, to be incinerated. The ashes were locked in a burial urn and buried somewhere lost in the Vatican, it was so damned. Currently, it is not known where this urn was buried, as over time, the city underwent numerous reforms and this made its location practically impossible. _ Looks like a copy has been saved. It must be what is in the possession of Doctor Reimador. There was some more information about the book on the internet. As he was born curious, he stayed all afternoon, accessing all available websites, even in another language... one of them said that the spell book had several magic formulas linked to black magic, never used before for fear of the consequences that could . to bring. . Some of them, of course, were about bringing the dead back to life. _ They must be those who talk about the technique of resuscitation of corpses of Dr. Herbert West. Mitchel even Googled a PDF version of the spellbook, even if it's in another language. He found some files with information, but nothing he had ever found. He mocked himself for thinking the book available on the internet would be so easy. _ As if it were possible for a book full of spells to be available on the internet for anyone to read..., but on second thought, it's even better if it isn't. The world is already full of bad people by itself... with this Necronomicon, the tendency is to get worse. A doubt began to probe his mind. What does a scientist, no matter how crazy, want with a book of witchcraft, which has been cursed by mankind for centuries? To him, that didn't make sense. Even because it's something that doesn't combine, witchcraft and science, because according to the stereotype of the mad scientist, much dictated by the geek culture, they only believed in his scientific knowledge and not everyone didn't believe in God. Some even considered themselves superior to him. _ Magic is an unknown science... could it be that Dr. Hebert West managed to convert some spell, mix some of them or all of them, in what is his reagent today? And how did he do it? Thought of him was suddenly interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. It was Detective Sanchez. At the time, he really wanted to talk to him: _ Hi, good night, I know it's late, but I found out some things about Dr. Evelyn, can you come to the police station? _ Oh yes, no problem, I can! I was about to call you. I also found out a few more things about her. I'm on my way.
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