Chapter Fourteen

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Finally, after a long journey from his city to the capital of São Paulo, Mitchel went to the Scientific Research Center of São Paulo. At the front desk, he asked if Dr. Evelyn West was there and if he could speak with her. When the receptionist was going to say this by appointment only, someone appeared behind him. He just turned around to see who owned that velvety voice. And he was very surprised when he saw who it was. Herself. As her friends in New Andalusia said, Dr. Evelyn West was truly beautiful. She is of medium height and had very delicate features, which matched her reddish-brown hair. She should have nice curves under her lab coat. Mitchel dared to look that girl up and down and noticed that just below the apron, she was wearing a pair of black 7/8 socks with lace and garter belt. It was like she didn't wear anything under her lab coat... She was a mad scientist, but in a very sensual way. She didn't want to be sexist, but he had to admit to himself that this pin-up-looking girl was too pretty to be a scientist, let alone recreate a reagent capable of raising the dead. At the same time, he remembered his friend Nico's comment. And as he said, she has the most beautiful green eyes. Fluorescent greens... same color as reagent. _ How can i help you? _ Asked, causing Mitchel to stop thinking less like a man and behave more like a journalist. _ What? Ah yes, nice to meet you, I'm Mitchel Junqueira, journalist. I've heard about her work and I don't know if you know, but I have a blog and a YouTube channel where I do interviews and I would like to interview her if you agree, of course! _ Of course, I'm off, would you like to have coffee with me in the cafeteria? _ Yes please! _ Thanks. _ Suddenly, Mitchel only saw her approaching his face, standing on tiptoe. He felt her breath. She wanted to get a closer look at his red eye. _ Cobalt! Her eye got hit by a fair amount of cobalt. Mitchel was impressed by Dr. West's analysis. Just looking at his eye, she already knew what was going on and what radioactive material was used. This shows how much she understands about chemicals... And that makes her a very dangerous person. During the break, Dr. Evelyn told how her reagent serum works, of course she didn't tell the details for ethical reasons, but explained it in a clear and relaxed way so that he could understand. She turned out to be very friendly, the conversation between them was very lively, without ceasing to be productive. And speaking of animation... or rather, reanimation... _ I heard that the lady's serum was requested by a farmer in the city of New Andaluzia... _ How did you know? _ Well... I'm from there. I went to visit my family and friends and the topic at the time was that your reagent was used in the treatment of one of the horses at Fazenda Andaluz. And it worked, so much so that Colonel Vivar, owner of the farm, insisted on coming to São Paulo to thank him personally. _ Oh yes, he came. It was very kind of him. "Lie!" He thought. According to Nico, the colonel was furious with what had happened to the mare and came to explain... that in fact he never returned to the farm, there was even more to that detail. _ Resuscitation technique... sounds a little scary, doesn't it? This is very reminiscent of the concept of horror movies... _ I know, for those who don't know the true intention of my work. But we've already had excellent results with certain parts of damaged tissue that can no longer regenerate on their own and in some organs such as the kidneys, which for some reason stop working or in cases of Alzheimer's and strokes. And we are working on cases of more serious injuries, such as paraplegia and quadriplegia. _ "We"? _ Yes, we... here at the Research Center. Of course she won't name the other doctor or anyone else. Even she thought about asking if she created the product herself, but she sure as hell won't talk either. That's why Mitchel had to change tactics with another question. _ How did the idea of ​​creating the reagent come about? Could you explain to me? _ Take a good look at the stem cell issue. Although therapeutic cloning is very effective, it involves a lot of bureaucracy as well as being an expensive process and may not work. Think of a medical solution that can help the body recover on its own, easier and cheaper? "Nice answer." _ Have you always wanted to be a doctor, miss? _ Oh yes, since I was a child. _ Could you tell me how this desire to work with science came about? Suddenly, her expression started to change. It was as if some sad memory, which she wanted to forget, had surfaced to haunt her. To gain her trust, Mitchel suggested that he say nothing if she felt uncomfortable. It worked! Always works. She said that since she was little death has always been part of her life. Many family members have left, leaving her alone in the world. At the time, she wanted to be a doctor to save their lives! _ It's very noble of her, miss. But as a doctor, you know better than anyone that, however much you do your best, when the time of death comes, unfortunately, nothing can be done. _ Yes I know... _ But... _ Mitchel concealed the direction of the conversation: _ If you had only one chance to save a life, even if it was necessary to defy all the laws of science and ethics... would you do it? _ If possible yes! By the way, the "Re-Animator" as my formula is called, was requested by foreign companies that work in the cryopreservation of bodies, to be reanimated in the future. And that's not all... "Oh no, is there still more?" _ We are also working on the recovery of environmental reserves that were devastated by deforestation and illegal burning. _ Doctor ... have you ever stopped to think about the possibility of the procedure “failing”? Like, doesn't work as expected? _ Ah yes, I don't expect it to work on the first try. That's why various tests are performed... _ And your family or your boyfriend? What do you think of your work? They should be proud of their achievement... _ I do not have family. Like I said, they're all gone. I was adopted, but they also passed away. And I don't have a boyfriend. My work here at the Center consumes a good part of my time... And by the way, I have to go back to work. Mitchel thanked the doctor for her attention and said goodbye. She went back to her apartment, opened her notebook, and Googled it, to see if she could find anything else about Dr. Evelyn... and unfortunately found nothing. He found many people with the same last name as hers. He decided to check one by one to see if anyone there had any relationship with her... which was very illogical, because if the person has the same last name, it doesn't mean they are related to her. And even if it does, that doesn't mean the person is involved in their experiences... When he thought about giving up, a certain name caught his attention because of the information it contained. Herbert West.
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