Chapter Sixteen

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Mitchel went to meet Detective Sánchez at the police station to talk about his conversation with Dr. Evelyn West, as well as what he had discovered. And it looks like he had news too. _ She's lying! She said that Colonel Vivar came to São Paulo to thank the veterinarian for the help in the treatment, but Nico told me that he came to complain about what happened to the mare and until today he has not returned to the farm. _ He disappeared, as well as her assistant. His car was found abandoned in a parking lot near the Research Facility. _ Do you think she could have disappeared with him? _ The two quarreled with her... one of the employees confirmed that there was someone there with the same descriptions as he, asking where the Research Center was and the region is not very busy. It's a perfect place to be with someone. A shiver ran down his spine. Would that doll-like girl be able to disappear with someone? _ What else did you discover? _ The detective's question made him come out of the trance. _ She said she is adopted. Her real parents died and she was left in a foster home. The adoptive parents are gone too...but that's a minus. Guess who she learned the resuscitation procedure from? _ I have no idea ... but I believe it is someone with a tremendous lack of awareness. After giving his opinion on who the mad scientist's mentor would be, he waited for an answer. And Mitchel responded with another question: _Have you ever heard of Dr. Herbert West? The detective shook his head and asked who it was. _ I Googled about it and came across that name. According to the website, he was a chemist who was arrested and convicted in the United States for stealing and raising the dead, but managed to escape and came to Brazil. It was he who invented the chemical reagent, the "Re-Animator". And that's not all I found. _ What, is there still more? _ Yes. What I just said is just the beginning. It seems that there is a certain “cookbook”, so to speak, that teaches how to make the reagent serum. It is a book of spells known as the Necrocomicom, also called "The Book of the Dead". _ Where did you get all this information? _ In the veterinarian's office. The book itself wasn't there, but there was some information, along with reports about the scientist and her reagent. It appears this Dr. West used ancient black magic rituals to create the serum... _ What? And can he really do this? How did he do it? Mitchel had already expected this reaction from the detective. It was the same thing he had. _ Well, I can't tell you that, he must have his methods. And I don't know how he met Dr. Evelyn either... _ You said she was adopted... _ Yes. At least that's what she said... why? _ Come with me! The detective took Mitchel to a room at the back of the police station. It was a room full of files. After a few minutes of searching, he found a folder with the name on the tag: Evelyn Monteiro. It was her file! Mitchel opened the folder and read that Evelyn, when younger, was taken to a shelter for stabbing her uncle. She did not know her real father, was abandoned by her mother and moved in with her maternal grandmother. Her grandmother was killed by a car when she was running after her. She returned home, where she was r***d by her uncle. _ I remember that case. He was even taken to the hospital and tricked into telling him what happened. He said it was a knife accident, but of course it wasn't. When we went to investigate, we found that he was abusing his niece, who confessed to the crime and reported him. In addition to the a***e, he had several crimes on his back. He was arrested and she was sent to the foundation, which months later was destroyed... and this Dr. West must be the same doctor who worked there. When the fire started, she fled with it. _ Said the detective. _ He adopted her, she started to use her last name and studied medicine to continue her work! _ concluded Mitchel: _ Does she know how it works? _ If she knows, she must be doing experiments out there! We just have to find out where she does... or they do. We have to talk to her one more time. _ Better yet, we have to stop her! Immediately, they received news that a school was closed. According to students, professors and employees, a sinister creature haunted the premises of the place. What was just another urban legend has come true. They called her "the blonde in the bathroom". _ Oh no! Will this girl resurrect all the folklore legends? Suspecting it was Dr. West's work, they decided to go to the school to investigate. **** When they got there, they found real pandemonium in front of the main entrance to the school building. They had to go around and get in the back. As they thought of a way to get in without being seen by security, they wondered who this blonde was from the bathroom and how she managed to get in there... They didn't have to walk far. Once they had scaled the school wall, they were able to enter the building. They passed through a room and heard someone crying. She was a student who had been unable to get out during the turmoil. _ Calm down, everything will be all right. _ Mitchel said in an attempt to calm her down, or maybe calm down. Detective Sánchez asked the poor girl if she knew if anyone else was trapped in the school building, but she couldn't answer. The way was to look. Along the way, they saw traces of blood mixed with the reagent serum on the floor. Mitchel analyzed to see if the tracks were recent. Yes, they were. He concluded that the thing was still in the building. They just needed to know where she was. They passed the ladies' room and noticed that someone was inside. Carefully, Mitchel entered. He saw a girl trapped in one of the bathroom stalls. Thinking she was just another student at the school who was afraid of the turmoil, he decided to help. _ Girl, don't worry... _ However, as soon as she approached and touched his shoulder, she saw that she was not a student... She was Doctor Reanimator's creature, her mouth and nostrils clogged with cotton wool and drenched in blood. As horrible as it was to look at, Detective Sánchez recognized the creature's oriental features. It was Anne Morita, Dr. West's missing assistant. _ Cruzes, how did she get like this? _ Either she died or Dr. Evelyn killed her and brought her back to life, making her her slave! Mitchel was already sick from the whole freak show. In just two days, he had already seen the headless mule and was now seeing the blonde in the bathroom. It was too much legend coming true in such a short time. And how did this creature get there? Just asking your breeder! Just like the monster of New Andalusia, the most popular monster in schools in Brazil gave it all to them. This time, they didn't have a car to help them escape, they needed their own legs. They ran aimlessly through the corridors of the school. For an undead, that corpse was quite agile. Looks like the reagent serum did a lot more than just resuscitate. It looked like the dead gained meta-skills such as agility and strength beyond normal. There came a time when they could no longer escape. They tried to hide in the school's warehouse, which on the one hand didn't work. The creature discovered them inside and tried to break down the door. To defend herself, Mitchel used a mop handle and stabbed her with the object. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to stop her. _ Run, I'll hold her!!! _ I told the detective and the student at the school. They obeyed and left. Even with the cable running through the body, the creature was still trying to catch it. The smell she gave off was unbearable, like that of the headless mule. It was the smell of blood mixed with the "Re-Animator". If death had that stench, it would never want to be revived... From so much struggle, the cable snapped in half inside her, piercing some internal organs. But she was still alive. And seeing that he really couldn't beat her, he decided to flee as quickly as possible. Finally Mitchel arrived at the school's main entrance. There were dozens of police officers preparing to enter when they saw him leave and the creature right behind him. They fired several times until that thing fell to the ground. Even so, he was still struggling. Hours later, he died for the second time!
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