Chapter Nine

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Nico decided to leave Mitchel at the door of his parents' house, since it was already getting dark and if their reasoning is right, they didn't want to risk their lives. But when they passed the big square in the center of town, they saw that the crowd from this afternoon was still there and it was much bigger than before. In the middle of the people, they saw their friend, policeman Felipe. _ Friends, I'm glad you came! _ Said with a desperation that left them both terrified: _ Credo Felipe, what happened?! _ The whole city went crazy, that crazy pastor Silas managed to convince everyone that the fault of New Andalusia to have been cursed is all of the priest and they want to invade the police station to catch him! _ WHAT? _ both asked at the same time. _ Please would they like to disappear with him, take him out of the city, I don't know, at least for the time being? _ And Detective Sánchez, where is he? _ asked Mitchel. _ He is not at the moment and we are trying to contain the turmoil! Please help me! "What a beautiful delegate..." Mitchel just looked at Nico and then back to Felipe. _ What do you want us to do? _ Take the priest by the back of the police station! Get out of town and go as far as you can from here! Even at the risk, Mitchel and Nico fulfilled their friend's request. They passed through the back of the police station, caught the priest, and fled along the first road they found. When they looked back, they saw an angry mob behind them and narrowly missed them. _ I hope they are well! _ Mitchel said worried about his family. He hoped that no one saw him, because if anyone saw him helping the priest escape, they might want to take it out on his parents and sister. ***** They continued running aimlessly along one of New Andaluzia's dirt roads. There were many of them, spread throughout the region, used by the population to access between the farms and the village. It resembled a gigantic labyrinth, with various entrances and exits on all sides, so it was very easy to get lost, even for those who know the region. The problem was that not all roads were lit and some were considered very dangerous. To travel through them, only by car and preferably accompanied. Walking and walking right after dark was avoided at all costs. And security precautions were quadrupled right after the incident at the Andaluz Farm. And although there were some signposts put up by the townspeople themselves, they had no idea where they were or where they were going. To ward off the nervousness, the three fugitives introduced themselves and Mitchel told the priest what was behind all this mess. _ I don't know if I knew, but at the same time when you were transferred to the parish here in the city, the mare of one of the farmers in the region became ill and underwent a certain treatment... _ I think I heard something about it... but what does that have to do with me? _ In fact, it has nothing to do with you... but with the visit of a certain medical scientist, a friend of the veterinarian at the Andaluz Farm, who came to help him with this treatment. _ Oh yes, it helped a lot, that crazy one! _ Nico said with mockery. _ I still do not understand... _ Unfortunately the mare died. And this scientist brought a chemical, created by her and applied it to the animal. _ This information I didn't understand even less. If the animal was already dead, why did they apply the medicine to it? _ Asked the priest, even more confused. Now comes the worst part. Mitchel didn't know how to explain it, especially to a priest, so he decided to speak at once. _ This remedy is actually a reanimating serum with the power to bring the dead back to life. Of course as he is a man of God, he was shocked by what he heard. In fact, anyone would be. _ Father in Heaven! _ Father Angelo exclaimed: _ In the name of God, who does this doctor think she is to equal or be greater than Him? Is this blasphemy, which goes against all divine laws? How could she do this? _ Good question... Mitchel even wanted to talk about the relationship between religion and science, but held back. Even because he agreed with the priest's reasoning in relation to the scientist's procedure. It was not wrong for science to seek to find cures and treatments for certain diseases to overcome death or at least postpone it for a while longer. But then wanting to raise the dead... was something you only saw in horror movies. And speaking of horror movies... ******* Along the way, they noticed that another car was coming in the opposite direction to theirs. In fact, they almost hit him. They were in such a hurry to get out of town that they didn't even remember to turn on the truck's headlight. And it was right in whose car? On Detective Sánchez! _ What the hell are you doing here? _ Well, we were... _ Nico was going to explain about the confusion in the city, when he was interrupted by Mitchel, who was already very angry. _ I ask you where you were while you let that lunatic of Pastor Silas dominate the population? _ What are you still doing here? Didn't I tell you to go away? _ And why do you want me to leave so much, huh you big i***t? Are you owing by any chance? If I hadn't figured out what happened around here yet, I could have sworn you have something to do with this mess! _ Oh yes? And what are you going to do now? Are you going to do what you always do, throw s**t in the fan? _ Yes, I'll tell everyone what an i***t detective you are... after you finish with that face of yours! Mitchel and Detective Sánchez were about to fight when they were stopped by Nico and Father Angelo. In the midst of the discussion, Nico felt that there was something very strange in the air. _ Hmm... Mitchel... _ What is it? Suddenly, a strong smell of carrion filled the air... and along with the stench, there was the sound of horse hooves hitting the dirt floor, coming from behind the detective's car. _ Mercy, what is this stench? The four went to check behind the car to see what it was, using a flashlight. Detective Sánchez illuminated the floor and saw that they were horse legs... _ Calm everyone. Must be some lost horse. He told Nico to calm everyone down and also himself. Sometimes it happened that a horse from one of the farms would run away and get lost in the region. But when he held up the flashlight, everyone saw what it really was. "Oh no!"
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